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deprecated persistent class %iKnow.Objects.Dictionary extends %Library.Persistent

SQL Table Name: %iKnow_Objects.Dictionary

Note: the use of this class is no longer recommended for accessing elements of a specific domain. For those scenarios, %iKnow.Tables.Utils offers a more flexible and customizable way of projecting iKnow domain data to SQL

This is a read-only object representation wrapping the internal iKnow data structures for Dictionaries.

This class can be used from ObjectScript or SQL to access a single or small number of entries, but the storage mappings are not meant to support elaborate or complex queries targeting this SQL table.

Please use the predefined queries in %iKnow.Matching.DictionaryAPI and other query classes to consult Dictionary data as the internal global structures are designed to optimize performance for these queries rather than general-purpose access.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter READONLY = 1;
Inherited description: READONLY = 1 means that objects can be created, opened but not saved or deleted. Tables are projected to SQL as READONLY.


property DefaultLanguage as %String [ Calculated ];
Property methods: DefaultLanguageCompute(), DefaultLanguageDisplayToLogical(), DefaultLanguageGet(), DefaultLanguageIsValid(), DefaultLanguageLogicalToDisplay(), DefaultLanguageLogicalToOdbc(), DefaultLanguageNormalize(), DefaultLanguageSQLCompute()
property DefaultLanguageId as %Integer;
Property methods: DefaultLanguageIdDisplayToLogical(), DefaultLanguageIdGet(), DefaultLanguageIdIsValid(), DefaultLanguageIdLogicalToDisplay(), DefaultLanguageIdNormalize(), DefaultLanguageIdSet()
property DefaultProfileId as %Integer;
Property methods: DefaultProfileIdDisplayToLogical(), DefaultProfileIdGet(), DefaultProfileIdIsValid(), DefaultProfileIdLogicalToDisplay(), DefaultProfileIdNormalize(), DefaultProfileIdSet()
property Description as %String (MAXLEN = 2000);
Property methods: DescriptionDisplayToLogical(), DescriptionGet(), DescriptionIsValid(), DescriptionLogicalToDisplay(), DescriptionLogicalToOdbc(), DescriptionNormalize(), DescriptionSet()
property DictionaryId as %Integer [ Required ];
Property methods: DictionaryIdDisplayToLogical(), DictionaryIdGet(), DictionaryIdIsValid(), DictionaryIdLogicalToDisplay(), DictionaryIdNormalize(), DictionaryIdSet()
property DomainId as %Integer [ Required ];
Property methods: DomainIdDisplayToLogical(), DomainIdGet(), DomainIdIsValid(), DomainIdLogicalToDisplay(), DomainIdNormalize(), DomainIdSet()
property Name as %String (MAXLEN = 1000);
Property methods: NameDisplayToLogical(), NameGet(), NameIsValid(), NameLogicalToDisplay(), NameLogicalToOdbc(), NameNormalize(), NameSet()


classmethod Open(pDomainId As %Integer, pDictionaryId As %Integer) as %iKnow.Objects.Dictionary
Returns a %iKnow.Objects.Dictionary object using the supplied identifiers, resolving negative dictionary IDs to the appropriate coordinates for a cross-domain dictionary.


index (DictNameIndex on DomainId,Name) [Unique];
Index methods: DictNameIndexCheck(), DictNameIndexCheckUnique(), DictNameIndexDelete(), DictNameIndexExists(), DictNameIndexOpen(), DictNameIndexSQLCheckUnique(), DictNameIndexSQLExists(), DictNameIndexSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), DictNameIndexSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()
index (PKINDEX on DomainId,DictionaryId) [IdKey, PrimaryKey, Type = key, Unique];
Index methods: PKINDEXCheck(), PKINDEXDelete(), PKINDEXExists(), PKINDEXOpen(), PKINDEXSQLCheckUnique(), PKINDEXSQLExists(), PKINDEXSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), PKINDEXSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: SQLStorage

Maps: 2

  • Map number 1 is named DictNameIndex

    thismap.Global: ^IRIS.IK.Mat.Dict

  • Map number 2 is named MainMap

    thismap.Global: ^IRIS.IK.Mat.DictId

  • ^IRIS.IK.Mat.Dict({DomainId},$s('{DomainId}||($lg($g(^IRIS.IK.Sys.DomainD({DomainId})),3)>=3):$$$UPPER({Name}), 1:{Name}))
    Node Delimiter Piece Name
    Node Delimiter Piece Name
    1 Name
    2 Description
    3 DefaultLanguageId
    4 DefaultProfileId
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