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persistent class SYS.DataCheck.Destination extends SYS.DataCheck.System

SQL Table Name: SYS_DataCheck.Destination

The destination system directs the datacheck protocol. This class provides control methods for starting and stopping the system. See System for overview.

To create a new DataCheck system:

  • Create a new DataCheck Destination object on the destination system, passing the appropriate parameters to the %New constructor (see %OnNew()). Its related objects will be created automatically.
  • Set up information about the source system in the Configuration object, referenced by the Configuration property.
  • Modify the RunParameters object, referenced by the RunParameters property. It defines performance characteristics and what globals should be checked, with conservative but usable defaults.
  • If needed, modify the Workflow object, referenced by the Workflow property. It defines the strategy for performing the check and has defaults that are often suitable.
  • Call %Save on the destination object to save it and, implicitly, its referenced objects.
  • Ensure that the source system has %Service_DataCheck enabled
  • Use Start() to start the check.
  • Important: Once created, the destination object is modified by the DataCheck daemons on a running system only, and should be treated as read-only for all other purposes. Users should call %Save on this object only once as part of creating the DataCheck destination system.

    To modify an existing DataCheck system, modify the Configuration, RunParameters, or Workflow objects as needed, adhering to the following guidelines:

  • All of the referenced objects (as well as the Destination object itself) have, as their ID, the name of the Destination object. Each object can be opened with %OpenId(name) directly or referenced through the namesake property of the destination object.
  • Call the %Save method of the referenced object that has been modified only. Do not call %Save on the destination object.
  • The RunParameters and Workflow objects can be saved while the system is running to change it's behavior dynamically. The system must be stopped to save changes to the Configuration object.
  • The referenced objects should not be deleted or recreated, only modified.

    To delete a Datacheck system, call %DeleteId(name). All related objects and DataCheck results are deleted automatically.

    Property Inventory

    Method Inventory


    property Configuration as Configuration;
    Configuration object for this system
    Property methods: ConfigurationGet(), ConfigurationGetObject(), ConfigurationGetObjectId(), ConfigurationGetStored(), ConfigurationGetSwizzled(), ConfigurationIsValid(), ConfigurationNewObject(), ConfigurationSet(), ConfigurationSetObject(), ConfigurationSetObjectId(), ConfigurationUnSwizzle()
    property GUID as %String;
    Used on the Source to compute a unique name for this connection
    Property methods: GUIDDisplayToLogical(), GUIDGet(), GUIDGetStored(), GUIDIsValid(), GUIDLogicalToDisplay(), GUIDLogicalToOdbc(), GUIDNormalize(), GUIDSet()
    property Phase as Phase (CLASSNAME = 1);
    Current phase of workflow. This property is modified by the DataCheck daemons on a running system only, and should be treated as read-only for all other purposes.
    Property methods: PhaseGet(), PhaseGetObject(), PhaseGetObjectId(), PhaseGetStored(), PhaseGetSwizzled(), PhaseIsEmpty(), PhaseIsValid(), PhaseNewObject(), PhaseSet(), PhaseSetObject(), PhaseSetObjectId(), PhaseUnSwizzle()
    property PhaseNumber as %Integer;
    Current phase number. This property is modified by the DataCheck daemons on a running system only, and should be treated as read-only for all other purposes.
    Property methods: PhaseNumberDisplayToLogical(), PhaseNumberGet(), PhaseNumberGetStored(), PhaseNumberIsValid(), PhaseNumberLogicalToDisplay(), PhaseNumberNormalize(), PhaseNumberSet()
    property RunParameters as RunParameters;
    Running Parameters object for this system
    Property methods: RunParametersGet(), RunParametersGetObject(), RunParametersGetObjectId(), RunParametersGetStored(), RunParametersGetSwizzled(), RunParametersIsValid(), RunParametersNewObject(), RunParametersSet(), RunParametersSetObject(), RunParametersSetObjectId(), RunParametersUnSwizzle()
    property Workflow as Workflow;
    Workflow object for this system
    Property methods: WorkflowGet(), WorkflowGetObject(), WorkflowGetObjectId(), WorkflowGetStored(), WorkflowGetSwizzled(), WorkflowIsValid(), WorkflowNewObject(), WorkflowSet(), WorkflowSetObject(), WorkflowSetObjectId(), WorkflowUnSwizzle()


    method %OnNew(name As %String, mirrorname="") as %Status
    Constructor for creating a new DataCheck destination system. Specify a unique name for this DataCheck system as the first parameter. If this DataCheck system is to be based on a mirror configuration, pass the mirror name as the second parameter.
    method Start(restartworkflow As %Boolean) as %Status
    Starts the system if not already started. Returns %Status. If the 'restartworkflow' parameter is set to true, the workflow will be set to restart at phase #1 rather than resume where it left off.

    Any changes to the destination object or related objects must be saved before calling this method.

    Note: A return of $$$OK return here does not indicate the system started successfully See the GetState() method to check the running state

    method Stop() as %Status
    Requests the system to stop if running. Upon restart, the system will resume processing the queries that it was last running.

    Note: The system is not necessarily stopped upon returning from this method See the GetState() method to check the running state

    Inherited Members

    Inherited Properties

    Inherited Methods


    Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.

    Storage Model: Storage (SYS.DataCheck.System)


    Storage Model: Storage (SYS.DataCheck.Destination)

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