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class SYS.WSMon.Client extends %SOAP.WebClient

Web Client class to call the SYS.WSMon.Service Web Services.

Method Inventory


parameter LOCATION = http://localhost:57772/csp/sys/SYS.WSMon.Service.cls;
This is the URL used to access the web service.
parameter NAMESPACE =;
This is the namespace used by the Service
Use xsi:type attribute for literal types.
parameter SERVICENAME = CacheMonitorService;
This is the name of the Service
parameter SOAPVERSION = 1.1;
This is the SOAP version supported by the service.


final method CacheEventSink(event As SYS.WSMon.wsEvent) as %Integer [ WebMethod ]
final method EnumBuffer() as %XML.DataSet [ WebMethod ]
final method EnumDatabase() as %XML.DataSet [ WebMethod ]
final method EnumProcess(sort As %String, number As %Integer) as %XML.DataSet [ WebMethod ]
final method EnumResource() as %XML.DataSet [ WebMethod ]
final method EnumWriteDaemon() as %XML.DataSet [ WebMethod ]
final method EventCancel(id) as %Integer [ WebMethod ]
final method EventSubscribe(location) as %String [ WebMethod ]
final method GetDashboard() as SYS.Stats.Dashboard [ WebMethod ]
final method GetDisk() as SYS.Stats.Disk [ WebMethod ]
final method GetECPAppSvr() as SYS.Stats.ECPAppSvr [ WebMethod ]
final method GetECPDataSvr() as SYS.Stats.ECPDataSvr [ WebMethod ]
final method GetGlobal() as SYS.Stats.Global [ WebMethod ]
final method GetRoutine() as SYS.Stats.Routine [ WebMethod ]
final method GetSystem() as SYS.WSMon.wsSystem [ WebMethod ]

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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