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class EnsLib.LDAP.Client.Session extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Ensemble wrapper class for %SYS.LDAP methods to allow creating a single session instance and used by EnsLib.LDAP.Adapter.Common

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property %Attribute as %Integer [ Transient ];
This holds handle to the current attribute of %Result
Property methods: %AttributeDisplayToLogical(), %AttributeGet(), %AttributeIsValid(), %AttributeLogicalToDisplay(), %AttributeNormalize(), %AttributeSet()
property %AttributesAtEnd as %Boolean [ Transient ];
Indicates if have come to end of the Attributes
Property methods: %AttributesAtEndDisplayToLogical(), %AttributesAtEndGet(), %AttributesAtEndIsValid(), %AttributesAtEndLogicalToDisplay(), %AttributesAtEndNormalize(), %AttributesAtEndSet()
property %CurrentDN as %String) [ Transient ];
Property methods: %CurrentDNDisplayToLogical(), %CurrentDNGet(), %CurrentDNIsValid(), %CurrentDNLogicalToDisplay(), %CurrentDNLogicalToOdbc(), %CurrentDNNormalize(), %CurrentDNSet()
property %CurrentUser as %String) [ Transient ];
Current user bound as. Either as DN or 'domain\username'
Property methods: %CurrentUserDisplayToLogical(), %CurrentUserGet(), %CurrentUserIsValid(), %CurrentUserLogicalToDisplay(), %CurrentUserLogicalToOdbc(), %CurrentUserNormalize(), %CurrentUserSet()
property %Page as %Integer [ Transient ];
This holds the handle to Page searches - only applies to Windows
Property methods: %PageDisplayToLogical(), %PageGet(), %PageIsValid(), %PageLogicalToDisplay(), %PageNormalize(), %PageSet()
property %PageSearchTimeout as %Numeric (MINVAL = 0) [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Number of seconds to wait on each Page Search attempt - only applies to Windows
Property methods: %PageSearchTimeoutDisplayToLogical(), %PageSearchTimeoutGet(), %PageSearchTimeoutIsValid(), %PageSearchTimeoutLogicalToDisplay(), %PageSearchTimeoutNormalize(), %PageSearchTimeoutSet()
property %PageSize as %Integer [ Transient ];
This holds the current PageSize requested - only applies to Windows
Property methods: %PageSizeDisplayToLogical(), %PageSizeGet(), %PageSizeIsValid(), %PageSizeLogicalToDisplay(), %PageSizeNormalize(), %PageSizeSet()
property %PagesAtEnd as %Boolean [ Transient ];
Indicates if have come to end of the Paged search
Property methods: %PagesAtEndDisplayToLogical(), %PagesAtEndGet(), %PagesAtEndIsValid(), %PagesAtEndLogicalToDisplay(), %PagesAtEndNormalize(), %PagesAtEndSet()
property %Result as %Integer [ Transient ];
This holds handle to the current result of %Results
Property methods: %ResultDisplayToLogical(), %ResultGet(), %ResultIsValid(), %ResultLogicalToDisplay(), %ResultNormalize(), %ResultSet()
property %Results as %Integer [ Transient ];
This holds handle to the current results of the latest invocation of Search()
Property methods: %ResultsDisplayToLogical(), %ResultsGet(), %ResultsIsValid(), %ResultsLogicalToDisplay(), %ResultsNormalize(), %ResultsSet()
property %ResultsAtEnd as %Boolean;
Indicates if have come to end of the results
Property methods: %ResultsAtEndDisplayToLogical(), %ResultsAtEndGet(), %ResultsAtEndIsValid(), %ResultsAtEndLogicalToDisplay(), %ResultsAtEndNormalize(), %ResultsAtEndSet()
property %Session as %Integer [ Transient ];
This holds handle to the current LDAP Session
Property methods: %SessionDisplayToLogical(), %SessionGet(), %SessionIsValid(), %SessionLogicalToDisplay(), %SessionNormalize(), %SessionSet()
property %startedSSL as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 , Transient ];
Has TLS/SSL started
Property methods: %startedSSLDisplayToLogical(), %startedSSLGet(), %startedSSLIsValid(), %startedSSLLogicalToDisplay(), %startedSSLNormalize(), %startedSSLSet()
property LastCall as %String;
%SYS.LDAP Method
Property methods: LastCallDisplayToLogical(), LastCallGet(), LastCallIsValid(), LastCallLogicalToDisplay(), LastCallLogicalToOdbc(), LastCallNormalize(), LastCallSet()
property LastGeneratedStatus as %Status;
Used to record the generated status
Property methods: LastGeneratedStatusGet(), LastGeneratedStatusIsValid(), LastGeneratedStatusLogicalToOdbc(), LastGeneratedStatusSet()
property LastStatusCategory as %Integer;
Categorization of non success LastStatusCode
Property methods: LastStatusCategoryDisplayToLogical(), LastStatusCategoryGet(), LastStatusCategoryIsValid(), LastStatusCategoryLogicalToDisplay(), LastStatusCategoryNormalize(), LastStatusCategorySet()
property LastStatusCode as %Integer;
LDAP Status return code.
Property methods: LastStatusCodeDisplayToLogical(), LastStatusCodeGet(), LastStatusCodeIsValid(), LastStatusCodeLogicalToDisplay(), LastStatusCodeNormalize(), LastStatusCodeSet()
property LastStatusText as %String;
LDAP Status return code as Text
Property methods: LastStatusTextDisplayToLogical(), LastStatusTextGet(), LastStatusTextIsValid(), LastStatusTextLogicalToDisplay(), LastStatusTextLogicalToOdbc(), LastStatusTextNormalize(), LastStatusTextSet()


method ClearHandles()
method ClearPages()
method ClearResults()
method GetLDAPError(pLastCall As %String = "", pExtraText As %String = "", ByRef pLDAPStatus As %Integer) as %Status
Get the LDAP Error if pLDAPStatus is not defined
Uses pLDAPStatus and pLastCall string to create an error status
method ldapAddExts(pDN As %String, pAttributeChanges As %List) as %Status
Add an entry to the LDAP directory tree.
method ldapBinds(pDomainUsername As %String, pDomain As %String, pPassword As %String) as %Status
Authenticate a Windows client to a Windows Active Directory LDAP Server.
method ldapCompareExts(pDN As %String, pAttribute As %String, pData As %String, Output pComparison As %Boolean) as %Status
Determine if an attribute, for a given entry, holds a known value.
method ldapConnect(pTimeout As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Establish a connection to an LDAP server.

Used to force connection from a Windows Client.
method ldapCountEntries(Output pTotal As %Integer) as %Status
Count the number of entries in current results
method ldapDeleteExts(pDNtoDelete As %String) as %Status
Delete an entry in the directory tree.
method ldapErr2String(pErrorStatus As %Integer) as %String
Converts a numeric LDAP error code into a string that describes the error.
method ldapFirstAttribute(Output pAttributeName As %String) as %Status
Return the first attribute of the current Entry.
method ldapFirstEntry() as %Status
Return a pointer to the first entry of current results.
method ldapGetDN(Output pDN As %String) as %Status
Retrieve the distinguished name for current entry.
method ldapGetError() as %Integer
Retrieve the last error code returned by an LDAP call for a specific session.
method ldapGetNextPages(pSearchTimeout=..%PageSearchTimeout, pPageSize=..%PageSize) as %Status
Search the LDAP directory using a pages search and return a requested set of attributes for each entry.
The page search timeout and page size specified when issuing SearchInitPage are used if none passed in.
method ldapGetOption(pOption As %String, Output pOutValue As %String) as %Status
Get options for an LDAP session.
method ldapGetValues(pAttributeName As %String, Output pValue As %List) as %Status
Return string values for current attribute.
method ldapGetValuesLen(pAttributeName As %String, Output pValue As %List) as %Status
Return binary value for current attribute.
method ldapInit(pLDAPServer As %String, pLDAPPort As %String, pLDAPSSLPort As %String, pUseSSL As %Boolean = 0, pServerIsWindowsAD As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Initialize a connection to a LDAP server.
method ldapModifyExts(pDN As %String, pAttributeChanges As %List) as %Status
Modify an entry in the directory tree.
method ldapMsgFree() as %Status
Free the results of the last LDAP SearchExts method call.
method ldapNextAttribute(Output pAttributeName As %String) as %Status
Return the next attribute of the current Entry.
method ldapNextEntry() as %Status
Return the next entry of current results.
method ldapRenameExts(pDNtoRename As %String, pNewRDN As %String, pNewParent As %String = "", pDeleteOldDN As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
Rename the distinguished name of an entry in the directory.
method ldapSASLBinds(ByRef pServerCredentials As %String = "") as %Status
Authenticate a client to a server, using a SASL EXTERNAL mechanism.
method ldapSearchAbandonPage() as %Status
Free the page pointer returned by the ldapSearchInitPage
method ldapSearchExts(pBase, pScope, pFilter, pAttrs, pAttributesOnly=0, pSearchTimeout As %Integer = 0, pSizeLimit As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Search the LDAP directory and return a requested set of attributes for each entry.
Use the same default of 0 for SearchTimeout and SizeLimit
method ldapSearchInitPage(pBase, pScope, pFilter, pAttrs, pAttributesOnly=0, pSearchTimeout=0, pPageSize=0) as %Status
Search the LDAP directory using a paged search and return a requested set of attributes for each entry.
method ldapSetOption(pOption As %String, pInValue As %String) as %Status
Set options for an LDAP session.
method ldapSimpleBinds(pDN As %String, pPassword As %String) as %Status
Authenticate a client to a server, using a plaintext password.
method ldapStartTLSs() as %Status
Start using TLS encryption on an active LDAP session.
method ldapStopTLSs() as %Status
Stop using TLS encryption on an active LDAP session.
method ldapUnBinds() as %Status
End an LDAP session and frees its resources.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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