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class EnsLib.SAP.Utils extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = EnsSAP;
Domain for $$$Text()


property JavaGatewayAddress as %String (TRUNCATE = 1);
Dervied from JavaGateway
Property methods: JavaGatewayAddressDisplayToLogical(), JavaGatewayAddressGet(), JavaGatewayAddressIsValid(), JavaGatewayAddressLogicalToDisplay(), JavaGatewayAddressLogicalToOdbc(), JavaGatewayAddressNormalize(), JavaGatewayAddressSet()
property JavaGatewayPort as %String (TRUNCATE = 1);
Dervied from JavaGateway
Property methods: JavaGatewayPortDisplayToLogical(), JavaGatewayPortGet(), JavaGatewayPortIsValid(), JavaGatewayPortLogicalToDisplay(), JavaGatewayPortLogicalToOdbc(), JavaGatewayPortNormalize(), JavaGatewayPortSet()
property SAPClient as %String (TRUNCATE = 1);
SAP Client e.g 000
Property methods: SAPClientDisplayToLogical(), SAPClientGet(), SAPClientIsValid(), SAPClientLogicalToDisplay(), SAPClientLogicalToOdbc(), SAPClientNormalize(), SAPClientSet()
property SAPGWHost as %String);
MM 20130917 Used for loadbalanced Type "B" connect. Gateway Host (jco.client.gwhost).
Property methods: SAPGWHostDisplayToLogical(), SAPGWHostGet(), SAPGWHostIsValid(), SAPGWHostLogicalToDisplay(), SAPGWHostLogicalToOdbc(), SAPGWHostNormalize(), SAPGWHostSet()
property SAPGWServ as %String);
MM 20130917 Used for loadbalanced Type "B" connect. Gateway Service (jco.client.gwserv).
Property methods: SAPGWServDisplayToLogical(), SAPGWServGet(), SAPGWServIsValid(), SAPGWServLogicalToDisplay(), SAPGWServLogicalToOdbc(), SAPGWServNormalize(), SAPGWServSet()
property SAPGroup as %String);
MM 20130917 Used for loadbalanced Type "B" connect. SAP Group (
Property methods: SAPGroupDisplayToLogical(), SAPGroupGet(), SAPGroupIsValid(), SAPGroupLogicalToDisplay(), SAPGroupLogicalToOdbc(), SAPGroupNormalize(), SAPGroupSet()
property SAPHost as %String (TRUNCATE = 1);
IP Address of the SAP Host
Property methods: SAPHostDisplayToLogical(), SAPHostGet(), SAPHostIsValid(), SAPHostLogicalToDisplay(), SAPHostLogicalToOdbc(), SAPHostNormalize(), SAPHostSet()
property SAPLanguage as %String (TRUNCATE = 1);
Derived from Credentials
Property methods: SAPLanguageDisplayToLogical(), SAPLanguageGet(), SAPLanguageIsValid(), SAPLanguageLogicalToDisplay(), SAPLanguageLogicalToOdbc(), SAPLanguageNormalize(), SAPLanguageSet()
property SAPMSHost as %String);
MM 20130917 Used for loadbalanced Type "B" connect. Message Server Host (jco.client.mshost).
Property methods: SAPMSHostDisplayToLogical(), SAPMSHostGet(), SAPMSHostIsValid(), SAPMSHostLogicalToDisplay(), SAPMSHostLogicalToOdbc(), SAPMSHostNormalize(), SAPMSHostSet()
property SAPPassword as %String (TRUNCATE = 1);
Derived from Credentials
Property methods: SAPPasswordDisplayToLogical(), SAPPasswordGet(), SAPPasswordIsValid(), SAPPasswordLogicalToDisplay(), SAPPasswordLogicalToOdbc(), SAPPasswordNormalize(), SAPPasswordSet()
property SAPR3Name as %String);
MM 20130917 Used for loadbalanced Type "B" connect. SAP Group (jco.client.r3name).
Property methods: SAPR3NameDisplayToLogical(), SAPR3NameGet(), SAPR3NameIsValid(), SAPR3NameLogicalToDisplay(), SAPR3NameLogicalToOdbc(), SAPR3NameNormalize(), SAPR3NameSet()
property SAPSystemNumber as %String (TRUNCATE = 1);
SAP System Number 00
Property methods: SAPSystemNumberDisplayToLogical(), SAPSystemNumberGet(), SAPSystemNumberIsValid(), SAPSystemNumberLogicalToDisplay(), SAPSystemNumberLogicalToOdbc(), SAPSystemNumberNormalize(), SAPSystemNumberSet()
property SAPTransactionAutoCommit as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Should perform Auto Commit
Property methods: SAPTransactionAutoCommitDisplayToLogical(), SAPTransactionAutoCommitGet(), SAPTransactionAutoCommitIsValid(), SAPTransactionAutoCommitLogicalToDisplay(), SAPTransactionAutoCommitNormalize(), SAPTransactionAutoCommitSet()
property SAPType as %String (VALUELIST = ",A,B") [ InitialExpression = "A" , Required ];
MM 20130917 SAP Type for connect: "A" means direct application server connect, "B" means load balanced connect
Property methods: SAPTypeDisplayToLogical(), SAPTypeGet(), SAPTypeIsValid(), SAPTypeLogicalToDisplay(), SAPTypeLogicalToOdbc(), SAPTypeNormalize(), SAPTypeSet()
property SAPUser as %String (TRUNCATE = 1);
Name of InterSystems IRIS Credentials to use for the connection
Property methods: SAPUserDisplayToLogical(), SAPUserGet(), SAPUserIsValid(), SAPUserLogicalToDisplay(), SAPUserLogicalToOdbc(), SAPUserNormalize(), SAPUserSet()


method Connect(Output pGateway As EnsLib.JavaGateway.JavaGateway, Output pJCoDestination As %ObjectHandle, Output pJCoRespository As %ObjectHandle) as %Status
Connect to SAP, returns an instance of the JavaGateway, SAP Destination and SAP Respository
method CreateClasses(pSAPName As %String, pPackage As %String) as %Status
This method creates the classes which represent the structure of the specified SAP call. Classes ISCuRequest and ISCuResponse and supporting structural classes are generated within the named package. To avoid conflict with external names, the names of InterSystems specific structures are prefixed with the 'ISCu' prefix. In addition the SAP names containing underscores will be converted to equivalent ObjectScript compatible names with an alternate character replacing the underscore
method GetBAPIList(Output pList As %ListOfDataTypes, pFilterString As %String = "") as %Status
Retrieve a list of Know BPIs from the SAP repository Note: This method relies on pre-knowlege of the structure of the SWO_QUERY_API_METHODS function which should not vary between SAP JCO versions.
method GetRFCList(Output pList As %ListOfDataTypes, pFilterString As %String = "") as %Status
Retrieve a list of Known RFCs from the SAP repository Note: This method relies on pre-knowlege of the structure of the SWO_QUERY_API_METHODS function which should not vary between SAP JCO versions.
method PingSAP(Output pOK As %Boolean) as %Status
Connect to SAP and perform a dynamic invocation of the STFC_CONNECTION function to test connectivity. Note: This method relies on pre-knowlege of the structure of the STFC_CONNECTION function which should not vary between SAP JCO versions.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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