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abstract class EnsLib.TCP.FramedCommon extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Helper class for Framed TCP inbound/outbound

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property DiscardDataNotwithinFraming as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Discard any data not within expected frame
Property methods: DiscardDataNotwithinFramingDisplayToLogical(), DiscardDataNotwithinFramingGet(), DiscardDataNotwithinFramingIsValid(), DiscardDataNotwithinFramingLogicalToDisplay(), DiscardDataNotwithinFramingNormalize(), DiscardDataNotwithinFramingSet()
property MessageFrameEnd as %String [ InitialExpression = "28,13" ];
Comma separated list of control characters that indicate terminators to a message.
Can be Decimal or Hex if have preceding 'x' For example 28,13 or x1C,x0D
Property methods: MessageFrameEndDisplayToLogical(), MessageFrameEndGet(), MessageFrameEndIsValid(), MessageFrameEndLogicalToDisplay(), MessageFrameEndLogicalToOdbc(), MessageFrameEndNormalize(), MessageFrameEndSet()
property MessageFrameEndAsChars as %String [ Transient ];
Used to store actual Frame end characters
Property methods: MessageFrameEndAsCharsDisplayToLogical(), MessageFrameEndAsCharsGet(), MessageFrameEndAsCharsIsValid(), MessageFrameEndAsCharsLogicalToDisplay(), MessageFrameEndAsCharsLogicalToOdbc(), MessageFrameEndAsCharsNormalize(), MessageFrameEndAsCharsSet()
property MessageFrameStart as %String [ InitialExpression = "11" ];
Comma separated list of control characters that indicate start of a message.
Can be Decimal or Hex if have preceding 'x' For example 11 or x0B
Property methods: MessageFrameStartDisplayToLogical(), MessageFrameStartGet(), MessageFrameStartIsValid(), MessageFrameStartLogicalToDisplay(), MessageFrameStartLogicalToOdbc(), MessageFrameStartNormalize(), MessageFrameStartSet()
property MessageFrameStartAsChars as %String [ Transient ];
Used to store actual Frame start characters
Property methods: MessageFrameStartAsCharsDisplayToLogical(), MessageFrameStartAsCharsGet(), MessageFrameStartAsCharsIsValid(), MessageFrameStartAsCharsLogicalToDisplay(), MessageFrameStartAsCharsLogicalToOdbc(), MessageFrameStartAsCharsNormalize(), MessageFrameStartAsCharsSet()
property RemoveFraming as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Remove Framing characters from data received
Property methods: RemoveFramingDisplayToLogical(), RemoveFramingGet(), RemoveFramingIsValid(), RemoveFramingLogicalToDisplay(), RemoveFramingNormalize(), RemoveFramingSet()
property UseFileStream as %Boolean;
Should the adapter construct a FileStream or a GlobalStream for data received?
Property methods: UseFileStreamDisplayToLogical(), UseFileStreamGet(), UseFileStreamIsValid(), UseFileStreamLogicalToDisplay(), UseFileStreamNormalize(), UseFileStreamSet()


method AsciiOrHexAsChars(pAsciiOrHex As %String = "") as %String
Method to convert comma delimited numbers to characters
method ReadFixedLengthStream(ByRef pStream As %CharacterStream = "", pCharset As %String = "", pStartTimeout As %Numeric = -1, pChunkTimeout As %Numeric = 60, pInbound As %Boolean = 0, pLen As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Read a fixed length block from the TCP socket into the Stream using a Charset for translation. (logs errors except for errors after the initial blocksize read.)
method ReadFramedStream(ByRef pStream As %Stream.Object = "", pCharset As %String = "", pStartTimeout As %Numeric = -1, pChunkTimeout As %Numeric = 60, pInbound As %Boolean = 0, Output pProcessMessage As %Integer = 0, Output pDiscardedMessage As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Read a framed block from the TCP socket into the Stream using a Charset for translation. (logs errors except for errors after the initial blocksize read.)
method ReadFramedString(ByRef pString As %String, pCharset As %String = "", pStartTimeout As %Numeric = -1, pChunkTimeout As %Numeric = 60, pInbound As %Boolean = 0, Output pProcessMessage As %Integer = 0, Output pDiscardedMessage As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Read a framed block from the TCP socket into the String using a Charset for translation. (logs errors except for errors after the initial blocksize read.)
method WriteFramedStream(pStream As %Stream.Object, pCharset As %String = "", pInbound As %Boolean = 0, pUseFrameProperties As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
Write the stream contents as a framed block on the TCP socket (logs errors except for error.)
method WriteFramedString(pString As %String, pCharset As %String = "", pInbound As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Write the stream contents as a framed block on the TCP socket (logs errors except for error.)

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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