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persistent class EnsLib.Workflow.TaskRequest extends Ens.Request

SQL Table Name: EnsLib_Workflow.TaskRequest

A task is a specialized request for a user action (it is used as part of a Workflow application).

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = Ensemble;
Use our own domain for localization
parameter RESPONSECLASSNAME = EnsLib.Workflow.TaskResponse;
Default response class for TaskRequest is TaskResponse.


property %Actions as %String (MAXLEN = 255);
(Optional) Comma-delimited list of Actions defined for this response. This list defines what Action buttons are displayed when a User reviews a Task.
Property methods: %ActionsDisplayToLogical(), %ActionsGet(), %ActionsGetStored(), %ActionsIsValid(), %ActionsLogicalToDisplay(), %ActionsLogicalToOdbc(), %ActionsNormalize(), %ActionsSet()
property %Command as %String (MAXLEN = 255);
(Optional) Command string to be passed to the Task Handler. Interpretation of this is up to the TaskHandler class used.
Property methods: %CommandDisplayToLogical(), %CommandGet(), %CommandGetStored(), %CommandIsValid(), %CommandLogicalToDisplay(), %CommandLogicalToOdbc(), %CommandNormalize(), %CommandSet()
property %FormFields as %String (MAXLEN = 2000);
(Optional) Comma-separated list of fields that should appear in the form associated with this Task.
Property methods: %FormFieldsDisplayToLogical(), %FormFieldsGet(), %FormFieldsGetStored(), %FormFieldsIsValid(), %FormFieldsLogicalToDisplay(), %FormFieldsLogicalToOdbc(), %FormFieldsNormalize(), %FormFieldsSet()
property %FormTemplate as %String (MAXLEN = 255);
(Optional) Name of csp page that provides the form template for this task;
Property methods: %FormTemplateDisplayToLogical(), %FormTemplateGet(), %FormTemplateGetStored(), %FormTemplateIsValid(), %FormTemplateLogicalToDisplay(), %FormTemplateLogicalToOdbc(), %FormTemplateNormalize(), %FormTemplateSet()
property %FormValues as array of %String) [ SqlFieldName = FormValues ];
(Optional) Collection of values to display within the form displayed for this task.
Property methods: %FormValuesBuildValueArray(), %FormValuesCollectionToDisplay(), %FormValuesCollectionToOdbc(), %FormValuesDisplayToCollection(), %FormValuesDisplayToLogical(), %FormValuesGet(), %FormValuesGetObject(), %FormValuesGetObjectId(), %FormValuesGetStored(), %FormValuesGetSwizzled(), %FormValuesIsValid(), %FormValuesLogicalToDisplay(), %FormValuesLogicalToOdbc(), %FormValuesNormalize(), %FormValuesOdbcToCollection(), %FormValuesSet(), %FormValuesSetObject(), %FormValuesSetObjectId()
property %Message as %String (MAXLEN = 2000);
(Optional) Detailed message body for this task.
This is displayed when a User views details for a Task.
Property methods: %MessageDisplayToLogical(), %MessageGet(), %MessageGetStored(), %MessageIsValid(), %MessageLogicalToDisplay(), %MessageLogicalToOdbc(), %MessageNormalize(), %MessageSet()
property %Priority as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 3 ];
Priority of the requested Task: 1 is highest. This is used to sort items within a User's Worklist.
Property methods: %PriorityDisplayToLogical(), %PriorityGet(), %PriorityGetStored(), %PriorityIsValid(), %PriorityLogicalToDisplay(), %PriorityNormalize(), %PrioritySet(), %PriorityXSDToLogical()
property %Subject as %String (MAXLEN = 255);
(Optional) Short summary of this task.
This is displayed in a User's Worklist.
Property methods: %SubjectDisplayToLogical(), %SubjectGet(), %SubjectGetStored(), %SubjectIsValid(), %SubjectLogicalToDisplay(), %SubjectLogicalToOdbc(), %SubjectNormalize(), %SubjectSet()
property %TaskHandler as %String (MAXLEN = 128);
(Optional) Name of response class (must be a subclass of EnsLib.Workflow.TaskResponse) that is used to manage the distribution of this task. It is also used as the response type for this request.
Property methods: %TaskHandlerDisplayToLogical(), %TaskHandlerGet(), %TaskHandlerGetStored(), %TaskHandlerIsValid(), %TaskHandlerLogicalToDisplay(), %TaskHandlerLogicalToOdbc(), %TaskHandlerNormalize(), %TaskHandlerSet()
property %Title as %String (MAXLEN = 128);
(Optional) The name of the title within the given that is preferred for handling this task. Whether or not this user actually is assigned to the task depends on how the distribution strategy used for this task.
Property methods: %TitleDisplayToLogical(), %TitleGet(), %TitleGetStored(), %TitleIsValid(), %TitleLogicalToDisplay(), %TitleLogicalToOdbc(), %TitleNormalize(), %TitleSet()
property %UserName as %String (MAXLEN = 128);
(Optional) The name of the user that is preferred for handling this task. Whether or not this user actually is assigned to the task depends on how the distribution strategy used for this task.
Property methods: %UserNameDisplayToLogical(), %UserNameGet(), %UserNameGetStored(), %UserNameIsValid(), %UserNameLogicalToDisplay(), %UserNameLogicalToOdbc(), %UserNameNormalize(), %UserNameSet()


method %OnTimeout() as %Status
This method is called when this message has timed out.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.

Storage Model: Storage (Ens.MessageBody)


Storage Model: Storage (EnsLib.Workflow.TaskRequest)


Storage Model: Storage (EnsLib.Workflow.TaskRequest)



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