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persistent class EnsLib.ebXML.Message extends %Library.Persistent, Ens.VDoc.Interface, Ens.Util.MessageBodyMethods, %XML.Adaptor

SQL Table Name: EnsLib_ebXML.Message

ebXML Message instance for signalling etc. Use MessageWithPayload to include payload/Manifest

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter SCHEMAPACKAGE = EnsLib.ebXML.schema;
Parameter allows the base package for the ebXML schema classes to be overriden


property DocType as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
Inherited description: Reference to associated Schema Id
Property methods: DocTypeDisplayToLogical(), DocTypeGet(), DocTypeGetStored(), DocTypeIsValid(), DocTypeLogicalToDisplay(), DocTypeLogicalToOdbc(), DocTypeNormalize(), DocTypeSet()
property DocTypeCategory as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
Inherited description: the category portion of the DocType
Property methods: DocTypeCategoryDisplayToLogical(), DocTypeCategoryGet(), DocTypeCategoryGetStored(), DocTypeCategoryIsValid(), DocTypeCategoryLogicalToDisplay(), DocTypeCategoryLogicalToOdbc(), DocTypeCategoryNormalize(), DocTypeCategorySet()
property DocTypeName as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
Inherited description: Stored raw document type name ; the secondary type name portion of the DocType
Property methods: DocTypeNameDisplayToLogical(), DocTypeNameGet(), DocTypeNameGetStored(), DocTypeNameIsValid(), DocTypeNameLogicalToDisplay(), DocTypeNameLogicalToOdbc(), DocTypeNameNormalize(), DocTypeNameSet()
property Headers as array of EnsLib.ebXML.SOAPHeader (CLASSNAME = 1);
SOAP Headers associated with this ebXML message
Property methods: HeadersBuildValueArray(), HeadersCollectionToDisplay(), HeadersCollectionToOdbc(), HeadersDisplayToCollection(), HeadersGet(), HeadersGetObject(), HeadersGetObjectId(), HeadersGetStored(), HeadersGetSwizzled(), HeadersIsValid(), HeadersOdbcToCollection(), HeadersSet(), HeadersSetObject(), HeadersSetObjectId()
property Identifier as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
Inherited description: Unique document identification string found in document content
Property methods: IdentifierCompute(), IdentifierDisplayToLogical(), IdentifierGet(), IdentifierGetStored(), IdentifierIsValid(), IdentifierLogicalToDisplay(), IdentifierLogicalToOdbc(), IdentifierNormalize(), IdentifierSQLCompute(), IdentifierSet()
property Name as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
Inherited description: Raw type name of document as declared in document content
Property methods: NameCompute(), NameDisplayToLogical(), NameGet(), NameGetStored(), NameIsValid(), NameLogicalToDisplay(), NameLogicalToOdbc(), NameNormalize(), NameSQLCompute(), NameSet()
property RawContent as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
Property methods: RawContentDisplayToLogical(), RawContentGet(), RawContentGetStored(), RawContentIsValid(), RawContentLogicalToDisplay(), RawContentLogicalToOdbc(), RawContentNormalize(), RawContentSet()
property TypeVersion as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
Inherited description: Raw type version of document if declared in document content
Property methods: TypeVersionCompute(), TypeVersionDisplayToLogical(), TypeVersionGet(), TypeVersionGetStored(), TypeVersionIsValid(), TypeVersionLogicalToDisplay(), TypeVersionLogicalToOdbc(), TypeVersionNormalize(), TypeVersionSQLCompute(), TypeVersionSet()


method %GetContentType() as %String
This method is called by the Management Portal to determine the content type that will be returned by the %ShowContents() method.
method %ShowContents(pZenOutput As %Boolean = 0)
This method is called by the Management Portal to display a message-specific content viewer.
This method displays its content by writing out to the current device.
method %ShowContentsHead(pZenOutput As %Boolean = 0)
Write out style information for the HTML display produced by the %ShowContents() method.
method BuildAckHeader(pInAckTo As EnsLib.ebXML.Message, pMessageId As %String, pAction As %String = $$$EnsebXMLMessageServiceAcknowledgmentAction, pService As %String = $$$EnsebXMLMessageService) as %Status
Construct an acknowledgment message to this message
method BuildErrorList(pInRefTo As EnsLib.ebXML.Message, pMessageId As %String, pAction As %String = $$$EnsebXMLMessageServiceMessageErrorAction, pService As %String = $$$EnsebXMLMessageService, pStatus As %Status, pSeverity As %String = $$$EnsebXMLErrorSeverityError) as %Status
Construct an error response message to this message
method BuildReplyHeader(pInReplyTo As EnsLib.ebXML.Message, pMessageId As %String, pAction As %String, pService As %String, pAckRequested As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Construct reply message headers
method ConstructSchemaClassInstance(pClassName As %String) as %RegisteredObject
Method to construct instances of ebXML schema classes. Can be overriden for custom schema classes/packages.
classmethod GetContentArray(Output pContents, pMode As %String = "source", pDocType As %String = "", pLevel As %Integer = 0, pIncludeBase As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Returns array of properties that make up the contents of this object.
This method in implemented within the document class.
The content array is in the form:
pContents(n,"alias")=alias code
If pContents(n) is non-zero then the property is a composite type with
sub-properties. The sub-properties are indexed with a similar structure under
pContents(n,m) where m is the index of the subtype property.
classmethod GetContentArrayForProperty(Output pContents, pClass As %String, pProperty As %String, pRecurse As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
Generate a content array entry for the specified class/property
method GetValueAt(pPath As %Library.String, pFormat As %Library.String, ByRef pStatus As %Library.Status, pTreatEmptyFieldAsNull As %Library.Boolean = 0) as %String
VDoc style accessor
method IsAckRequested() as %Boolean
Returns true if the message is requesting an Acknowledgement
method IsAcknowledgment(pRefToMessageId As %String = "") as %Boolean
Returns true if the message is an Acknowledgement If pRefToMessageId is supplied, then there is an additional constraint of matching the RefToMessageId.
method IsAcknowledgmentTo(pMessage As EnsLib.ebXML.Message) as %Boolean
Returns true if the message is an Acknowledgement If pRefToMessageId is supplied, then there is an additional constraint of matching the RefToMessageId.
method IsResponse(pRefToMessageId As %String = "") as %Boolean
Returns true if the message appears to be in reply to another message If pRefToMessageId is supplied, then there is an additional constraint of matching the RefToMessageId.
method IsResponseTo(pMessage As EnsLib.ebXML.Message) as %Boolean
Returns true if this message is a reply to the specified message.
method IsStatusRequest() as %Boolean
Returns true if this is a status request
method IsSyncReply() as %Boolean
Returns true if the message has a SyncReply header. Note that in a valid ebXML message, the presence of SyncReply must be consistent with the CPA's syncReplyMode setting.
method MapEnsembleErrorToebXMLError(pStatusCode As %String) as %String
Convert InterSystems IRIS status codes into ebXML Error codes
method MapebXMLErrorToEnsembleError(pebXMLCode As %String) as %String
Convert an ebXML Error code into an appropriate InterSystems IRIS status code
method MessageErrorStatus() as %Status
Check the ebXML message for an error list, and if present, convert into a %Status value
method SetValueAt(pValue As %String, pPath As %String, pKey As %String = "", pAction As %String = "set") as %Status
This method sets the value of the given property.
This is implemented by the document class.
pPath contains the property name.
pAction contains an action code: "set", etc..
pKey contains an optional key value.
method showContents()
HTML display helper to simplify output of message properties.
HTML display helper to simplify output of links.


index (IDKEY on ) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: Storage (EnsLib.ebXML.Message)


Storage Model: Storage (EnsLib.ebXML.Message)


Storage Model: Storage (EnsLib.ebXML.Message)



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