abstract class EnsPortal.Template.viewerPage extends EnsPortal.Template.standardPage
Base class for viewer-style pages.These are pages that let the user view a list (such as messages or contents of queues) and select search criteria. Subclasses must override and provide items as follows. See the EnsPortal.EventLog class for an example; there are also others.
Subclasses must provide a searchPane, resultsPane, and detailsPane.
The resultsPane should contain a
Note the parameters that identify the id values for the results table, page size counter,
and page number counter field. These string values must match the corresponding actual id values
for these components in the searchPane and resultsPane. You can set new values for the ids in your subclass if you like.
Be sure to set a detailsWidth value, which will interplay with the width of the HTML contents of the detailsPane.
It is a good idea to put static widths on the HTML contents of the detailsPane and have them scroll in x and y.
See the EnsPortal.EventLog class for an example; there are also others.
The detailsWidth and the width of the HTML contents of the detailsPane will interact with
what width you give to the menuPane style which affects the searchPane width.
In the resultsPane, there must be a
The subclass must provide an onSelectItem() method. onSelectItem() gets called automatically by
the superclass method selectItem().
Subclasses should use getResultsTable() to get the handle of the results table object with no row selection made.
The main