SQL Functions
- ABS – A numeric function that returns the absolute value of a numeric expression.
- ACOS – A scalar numeric function that returns the arc-cosine, in radians, of a given cosine.
- %ALPHAUP – Deprecated. A collation function that converts alphabetic characters to the ALPHAUP collation format.
- ASCII – A string function that returns the integer ASCII code value of the first (leftmost) character of a string expression.
- ASIN – A scalar numeric function that returns the arc-sine, in radians, of the sine of an angle.
- ATAN – A scalar numeric function that returns the arc-tangent, in radians, of the tangent of an angle.
- CAST – A function that converts a given expression to a specified data type.
- CEILING – A numeric function that returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a given numeric expression.
- CHAR – A string function that returns the character that has the ASCII code value specified in a string expression.
- CHARACTER_LENGTH – A function that returns the number of characters in an expression.
- CHARINDEX – A string function that returns the position of a substring within a string, with optional search start point.
- CHAR_LENGTH – A function that returns the number of characters in an expression.
- COALESCE – A function that returns the value of the first expression that is not NULL.
- CONCAT – A scalar string function that returns a character string as a result of concatenating two character expressions.
- CONVERT – A function that converts a given expression to a specified data type.
- COS – A scalar numeric function that returns the cosine, in radians, of an angle.
- COT – A scalar numeric function that returns the cotangent, in radians, of an angle.
- CURDATE – A scalar date/time function that returns the current local date.
- CURRENT_DATE – A date/time function that returns the current local date.
- CURRENT_TIME – A date/time function that returns the current local time.
- CURRENT_TIMESTAMP – A date/time function that returns the current local date and time.
- CURTIME – A scalar date/time function that returns the current local time.
- DATABASE – A scalar string function that returns the database name qualifier.
- DATALENGTH – A function that returns the number of characters in an expression.
- DATE – A function that takes a timestamp and returns a date.
- DATEADD – A date/time function that returns a timestamp calculated by adding or subtracting a number of date part units (such as hours or days) to a date or timestamp.
- DATEDIFF – A date/time function that returns an integer difference for a specified datepart between two dates.
- DATENAME – A date/time function that returns a string representing the value of the specified part of a date/time expression.
- DATEPART – A date/time function that returns an integer representing the value of the specified part of a date/time expression.
- DAY – A date function that returns the day of the month for a date expression.
- DAYNAME – A date function that returns the name of the day of the week for a date expression.
- DAYOFMONTH – A date function that returns the day of the month for a date expression.
- DAYOFWEEK – A date function that returns the day of the week as an integer for a date expression.
- DAYOFYEAR – A date function that returns the day of the year as an integer for a date expression.
- DECODE – A function that evaluates a given expression and returns a specified value.
- DEGREES – A numeric function that converts radians to degrees.
- %EXACT – A collation function that converts characters to the EXACT collation format.
- EXP – A scalar numeric function that returns the exponential (inverse of natural logarithm) of a number.
- %EXTERNAL – A format-transformation function that returns an expression in DISPLAY format.
- $EXTRACT – A string function that extracts characters from a string by position.
- $FIND – A string function that returns the end position of a substring within a string, with optional search start point.
- FLOOR – A numeric function that returns the largest integer less than or equal to a given numeric expression.
- GETDATE – A date/time function that returns the current local date and time.
- GETUTCDATE – A date/time function that returns the current UTC date and time.
- GREATEST – A function that returns the greatest value from a list of values.
- HOUR – A time function that returns the hour for a datetime expression.
- IFNULL – A function that tests for NULL and returns the appropriate expression.
- INSTR – A string function that returns the position of a substring within a string, with optional search start point and occurrence count.
- %INTERNAL – A format-transformation function that returns an expression in LOGICAL format.
- ISNULL – A function that tests for NULL and returns the appropriate expression.
- ISNUMERIC – A numeric function that tests for a valid number.
- JSON_ARRAY – A conversion function that returns data as a JSON array.
- JSON_OBJECT – A conversion function that returns data as a JSON object.
- $JUSTIFY – A function that right-aligns a value within a specified width, optionally rounding to a specified number of fractional digits.
- LAST_DAY – A date function that returns the date of the last day of the month for a date expression.
- LAST_IDENTITY – A scalar function that returns the identity of the last row inserted, updated, deleted, or fetched.
- LCASE – A case-transformation function that converts all uppercase letters in a string to lowercase letters.
- LEAST – A function that returns the least value from a list of values.
- LEFT – A scalar string function that returns a specified number of characters from the beginning (leftmost position) of a string expression.
- LEN – A string function that returns the number of characters in a string expression.
- LENGTH – A string function that returns the number of characters in a string expression.
- $LENGTH – A string function that returns the number of characters or the number of delimited substrings in a string.
- $LIST – A list function that returns elements in a list.
- $LISTBUILD – A list function that builds a list from strings.
- $LISTDATA – A list function that indicates whether the specified element exists and has a data value.
- $LISTFIND – A list function that searches a specified list for the requested value.
- $LISTFROMSTRING – A list function that creates a list from a string.
- $LISTGET – A list function that returns an element in a list or a specified default value.
- $LISTLENGTH – A list function that returns the number of elements in a specified list.
- $LISTSAME – A list function that compares two lists and returns a boolean value.
- $LISTTOSTRING – A list function that creates a string from a list.
- LOG – A scalar numeric function that returns the natural logarithm of a given numeric expression.
- LOG10 – A scalar numeric function that returns the base-10 logarithm of a given numeric expression.
- LOWER – A case-transformation function that converts all uppercase letters in a string expression to lowercase letters.
- LPAD – A string function that returns a string left-padded to a specified length.
- LTRIM – A string function that returns a string with the leading blanks removed.
- %MINUS – A collation function that converts numbers to canonical collation format, then inverts the sign.
- MINUTE – A time function that returns the minute for a datetime expression.
- MOD – A scalar numeric function that returns the modulus (remainder) of a number divided by another.
- MONTH – A date function that returns the month as an integer for a date expression.
- MONTHNAME – A date function that returns the name of the month for a date expression.
- NOW – A date/time function that returns the current local date and time.
- NULLIF – A function that returns NULL if an expression is true.
- NVL – A function that tests for NULL and returns the appropriate expression.
- %OBJECT – A scalar function that opens a stream object and returns the corresponding oref.
- %ODBCIN – A format-transformation function that returns an expression in Logical format.
- %ODBCOUT – A format-transformation function that returns an expression in ODBC format.
- %OID – A scalar function that returns OID of an ID field.
- PI – A scalar numeric function that returns the constant value of pi.
- $PIECE – A string function that returns a substring identified by a delimiter.
- %PLUS – A collation function that converts numbers to canonical collation format.
- POSITION – A string function that returns the position of a substring within a string.
- POWER – A numeric function that returns the value of a given expression raised to the specified power.
- QUARTER – A date function that returns the quarter of the year as an integer for a date expression.
- RADIANS – A numeric function that converts degrees to radians.
- REPEAT – A string function that repeats a string a specified number of times.
- REPLACE – A string function that replaces a substring within a string.
- REPLICATE – A string function that repeats a string a specified number of times.
- REVERSE – A scalar string function that returns a character string in reverse character order.
- RIGHT – A scalar string function that returns a specified number of characters from the end (rightmost position) of a string expression.
- ROUND – A numeric function that rounds or truncates a number at a specified number of digits.
- RPAD – A string function that returns a string right-padded to a specified length.
- RTRIM – A string function that returns a string with the trailing blanks removed.
- SEARCH_INDEX – A function that returns a set of values from the index’s Find() method.
- SECOND – A time function that returns the second for a datetime expression.
- SIGN – A numeric function that returns the sign of a given numeric expression.
- %SIMILARITY – Returns a number indicating the similarity of a field value to a text.
- SIN – A scalar numeric function that returns the sine, in radians, of an angle.
- SPACE – A string function that returns a string of spaces.
- %SQLSTRING – A collation function that sorts values as strings.
- %SQLUPPER – A collation function that sorts values as uppercase strings.
- SQRT – A numeric function that returns the square root of a given numeric expression.
- SQUARE – A scalar numeric function that returns the square of a number.
- STR – A function that converts a numeric to a string.
- STRING – A function that converts and concatenates expressions into a string.
- %STRING – Deprecated. A collation function that converts characters to the STRING collation format.
- STUFF – A string function that replaces a substring within a string.
- SUBSTR – A string function that returns a substring that is derived from a specified string expression.
- SUBSTRING – A string function that returns a substring from data of any data type, including stream data.
- SYSDATE – A date/time function that returns the current local date and time.
- TAN – A scalar numeric function that returns the tangent, in radians, of an angle.
- TIMESTAMPADD – A scalar date/time function that returns a new timestamp calculated by adding a number of intervals of a specified date part to a timestamp.
- TIMESTAMPDIFF – A scalar date/time function that returns an integer count of the difference between two timestamps for a specified date part.
- TO_CHAR – A string function that converts a date, timestamp, or number to a formatted character string.
- TO_DATE – A date function that converts a formatted string to a date.
- TO_NUMBER – A string function that converts a string expression to a value of NUMERIC data type.
- TO_TIMESTAMP – A date function that converts a formatted string to a timestamp.
- $TRANSLATE – A string function that performs character-for-character replacement.
- TRIM – A string function that returns a character string with specified leading and/or trailing characters removed.
- TRUNCATE – A scalar numeric function that truncates a number at a specified number of digits.
- %TRUNCATE – A collation function that truncates a string to the specified length and applies EXACT collation.
- $TSQL_NEWID – A function that returns a globally unique ID.
- UCASE – A case-transformation function that converts all lowercase letters in a string to uppercase letters.
- UNIX_TIMESTAMP – A date/time function that converts a date expression to a UNIX timestamp.
- UPPER – A case-transformation function that converts all lowercase letters in a string expression to uppercase letters.
- %UPPER – Deprecated. A collation function that converts alphabetic characters to the UPPER collation format.
- USER – A function that returns the user name of the current user.
- WEEK – A date function that returns the week of the year as an integer for a date expression.
- XMLCONCAT – A function that concatenates XML elements.
- XMLELEMENT – A function that formats an XML markup tag to enclose one or more expression values.
- XMLFOREST – A function that formats multiple XML markup tags to enclose expression values.
- YEAR – A date function that returns the year for a date expression.