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Displaying Search Results

From the user's perspective, the SearchResults page is just like the TopPicks page, except that the heading text is different and the list of films is different.

To make the latter change, we are going to use a different query.

<html> <body>
<font color="#0000FF" size="+2"><b>Search Results</b></font>
<table border=0>
<!--Query goes here-->
<csp:while condition="FilmList.Next()">
    <b>Genre</b> #(FilmList.Get("CategoryName"))#
    <b>Length</b> #(FilmList.Get("Length"))#
    <b>Rating</b> #(FilmList.Get("Rating"))#<br>
    <a href='ShowTimes.csp?FilmID=#(FilmList.Get("ID"))#'>
        <img src="ShowTimes.gif" width="130" height="39" border="0">
</body> </html>
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