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abstract class %BI.VanDiagSetup

Method Inventory


classmethod DChgTest(VID, dCls, col, TWidth, THeight, DivId)
classmethod DSav(Nam, Qry)
classmethod DSaveVenn(Stat, CurrVenn, VennName, VennSchemaId, VennFoldId, DaQry, VennMeasure, ColorID)
classmethod DeleteVenn(CurrVenn)
classmethod DisplayRes(DaQry)
classmethod FirstLoad()
classmethod GetClsName(clsId)
classmethod LoadMeasure(clsId)
classmethod LoadThisFIle(VennId)
classmethod LoadWizSchema()
classmethod SetAnalBaseSes(CurrClass, clsId)
classmethod SetListingSession(Cls, Qry, St)
classmethod SetTheCtxMenu(St, qrynum)
classmethod SetVennTable(VID)
classmethod WhatIs(st)
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