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This is documentation for Caché & Ensemble. See the InterSystems IRIS version of this content.Opens in a new tab

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abstract class %BI.KnowledgeCSP

Method Inventory


classmethod AddCategory(parentID, catName, catCnsltant, catDscrption)
classmethod CheckExistence(currentUser, catID)
classmethod CheckRestrictions(currParentID, mode)
classmethod CountSubCat(parentID As %String) as %String
classmethod DelPost(postID, threadID, currID)
classmethod DeleteCategories(parentID)
classmethod DispChildCatListings(catID, start, offset)
classmethod DispThread(catID, scrollLvl, offSet)
classmethod EditPost(postID, currID, threadID, postTitle, postMessage)
classmethod GenBrdCrumbThread(catID, down, offSet)
classmethod InitializeKB()
classmethod LoadAddCatForm()
classmethod LoadBrdCrmbs(childID)
classmethod LoadEditCatForm(catID)
classmethod LoadPagesIndex(parentID, catPerPage, selectedPage, slots)
classmethod PassValKnowCat(id, chk, xxx)
classmethod RefreshThread(postID, threadID, currID)
classmethod RetrieveCategoryName(CategoryId)
classmethod SortThread(sortID As %String)
classmethod UpdateCategory(parentID, catName, catCnsltant, catDscrption)
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