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abstract class %BI.WebDashboard

Method Inventory


classmethod AddTrace(dID, type, ref)
classmethod ClearParam(dbId, frmId) as %String
classmethod LoadDashSaveRecent(dID, valTxt, w1, w2)
classmethod LoadParam(dbId, frmId) as %String
classmethod ResizeWin(width, height, frmCnt, left, top)
classmethod SaveParam(dbId, frmId)
classmethod SpeedoGetDelList(sRtn)
classmethod chkDash(P0, P1)
classmethod firstLoad(dKey, frmID, xtraVal)
classmethod genDetList(oW, oH, cID, dTP, mxS, boID, vF, cF, dbObj)
classmethod genSearchMenu(P0)
classmethod iMod()
classmethod lateCallToPivot()
classmethod loadADetList(frmID, objID, P0, P1)
classmethod loadDB(P0)
classmethod loadDash(dID, valTxt, w1, w2, n)
classmethod loadShortCuts()
classmethod nxtCondition4Search(P0, P1, P2)
classmethod refBS(P0, P1)
classmethod refObj(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4)
classmethod reloadCondition4Search(P0, P1)
classmethod rmOpenDash()
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