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class %DeepSee.Query.axis extends

This class defines an axis within a DeepSee query.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property nonEmpty as %Boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, then empty tuples (e.g. complete rows or columns) are removed from the results of the query.
This is equivalent to the MDX "NON EMPTY" key word.
Property methods: nonEmptyDisplayToLogical(), nonEmptyGet(), nonEmptyIsValid(), nonEmptyLogicalToDisplay(), nonEmptyLogicalToXSD(), nonEmptyNormalize(), nonEmptySet(), nonEmptyXSDToLogical()
relationship query as %DeepSee.Query.query (XMLPROJECTION = "none") [ Inverse = axes , Cardinality = one ];
Query that this axis belongs to.
Property methods: queryGet(), queryGetObject(), queryGetObjectId(), queryGetSwizzled(), queryIsValid(), queryNewObject(), queryRClose(), queryRExec(), queryRFetch(), queryRelate(), querySQLCompute(), querySet(), queryUnRelate()
property subqueries as list of %DeepSee.ResultSet (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
Collection of subqueries associated with this axis.
Property methods: subqueriesBuildValueArray(), subqueriesCollectionToDisplay(), subqueriesCollectionToOdbc(), subqueriesDisplayToCollection(), subqueriesGet(), subqueriesGetObject(), subqueriesGetObjectId(), subqueriesGetSwizzled(), subqueriesIsValid(), subqueriesOdbcToCollection(), subqueriesSet(), subqueriesSetObject(), subqueriesSetObjectId()


method %ToString(Output pSC As %Status) as %String
Convert this node to its text representation.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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