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class %DeepSee.REST.v1.DataServer extends %DeepSee.REST.REST

This class is responsible for creating the JSON response to the DeepSee REST data services. For examples and a full list of available services see the documentation for %DeepSee.REST.v1<.class>.

Method Inventory


classmethod %ValidateRequest(pUrl As %String, pMethod As %String) as %Status
Perform specific validation for the service that will handle the request. This is used as a callback in each service that extends %DeepSee.REST
classmethod CancelMDXQuery(pQueryToken) as %Status
Cancel a running query using the cubeKey and queryKey provided in a previously returned resultset with ResultsComplete=0.
classmethod Test() as %Status
Test method to confirm connection in the service type
classmethod UpdateQueryResults(pQueryToken) as %Status
Try to obtain results from a previous query that returned incomplete results.
classmethod WriteDSTIMEForClass(pClassName) as %Status
Retrieve the most recently processed ^OBJ.DSTIME stamp(s) for one or more classes from the ^DeepSee.Update global.
classmethod WriteJSONfromDrillthrough()
Run a listing from either the source or the fact table. Specific listings or a list of fields may be POSTed to add to the query.
classmethod WriteJSONfromKPI() as %Status
Run any compiled KPI and return the associated JSON resultset.
classmethod WriteJSONfromMDX() as %Status
Run any valid MDX (SELECT,DRILLTHROUGH,DRILLFACTS) query and returns the JSON resultset.
classmethod WriteJSONfromPivot() as %Status
Run any stored pivot table and return the associated JSON resultset.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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