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class %DeepSee.Report.UI.editIconBar extends %DeepSee.Report.UI.abstractIconBar

Edit Icon Bar

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property hintCopy as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = "Copy Selection" ];
Property methods: hintCopyDisplayToLogical(), hintCopyGet(), hintCopyIsValid(), hintCopyLogicalToDisplay(), hintCopyLogicalToOdbc(), hintCopyNormalize(), hintCopySet()
property hintCut as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = "Cut Selection" ];
Property methods: hintCutDisplayToLogical(), hintCutGet(), hintCutIsValid(), hintCutLogicalToDisplay(), hintCutLogicalToOdbc(), hintCutNormalize(), hintCutSet()
property hintDelete as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = "Delete Selection" ];
Property methods: hintDeleteDisplayToLogical(), hintDeleteGet(), hintDeleteIsValid(), hintDeleteLogicalToDisplay(), hintDeleteLogicalToOdbc(), hintDeleteNormalize(), hintDeleteSet()
property hintDuplicate as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = "Duplicate Selection" ];
Property methods: hintDuplicateDisplayToLogical(), hintDuplicateGet(), hintDuplicateIsValid(), hintDuplicateLogicalToDisplay(), hintDuplicateLogicalToOdbc(), hintDuplicateNormalize(), hintDuplicateSet()
property hintPaste as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = "Paste Selection" ];
Property methods: hintPasteDisplayToLogical(), hintPasteGet(), hintPasteIsValid(), hintPasteLogicalToDisplay(), hintPasteLogicalToOdbc(), hintPasteNormalize(), hintPasteSet()


clientmethod onloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: Overload this method to dynamically create custom tool bars

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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