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class %DeepSee.extensions.utils.SimpleRegression extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Intercept as %Double;
Property methods: InterceptDisplayToLogical(), InterceptGet(), InterceptIsValid(), InterceptLogicalToDisplay(), InterceptNormalize(), InterceptOdbcToLogical(), InterceptSet()
property N as %Integer;
Property methods: NDisplayToLogical(), NGet(), NIsValid(), NLogicalToDisplay(), NNormalize(), NSet()
property R as %Double;
Property methods: RDisplayToLogical(), RGet(), RIsValid(), RLogicalToDisplay(), RNormalize(), ROdbcToLogical(), RSet()
property Slope as %Double;
Property methods: SlopeDisplayToLogical(), SlopeGet(), SlopeIsValid(), SlopeLogicalToDisplay(), SlopeNormalize(), SlopeOdbcToLogical(), SlopeSet()
property Sx as %Double;
Property methods: SxDisplayToLogical(), SxGet(), SxIsValid(), SxLogicalToDisplay(), SxNormalize(), SxOdbcToLogical(), SxSet()
property Sx2 as %Double;
Property methods: Sx2DisplayToLogical(), Sx2Get(), Sx2IsValid(), Sx2LogicalToDisplay(), Sx2Normalize(), Sx2OdbcToLogical(), Sx2Set()
property Sxy as %Double;
Property methods: SxyDisplayToLogical(), SxyGet(), SxyIsValid(), SxyLogicalToDisplay(), SxyNormalize(), SxyOdbcToLogical(), SxySet()
property Sy as %Double;
Property methods: SyDisplayToLogical(), SyGet(), SyIsValid(), SyLogicalToDisplay(), SyNormalize(), SyOdbcToLogical(), SySet()
property Sy2 as %Double;
Property methods: Sy2DisplayToLogical(), Sy2Get(), Sy2IsValid(), Sy2LogicalToDisplay(), Sy2Normalize(), Sy2OdbcToLogical(), Sy2Set()


method add(x As %Double, y As %Double) as %Status
method result(Output b As %Double, Output y0 As %Double, Output r As %Double) as %Status
classmethod test(b As %Double = 1, a As %Double = 3, e As %Double = 0.1, n As %Integer = 100) as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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