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class %iKnow.Classification.Definition.ClassificationRules extends %iKnow.Classification.Definition.node

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Rules as list of Rule (XMLNAME = "Rule", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT");
Property methods: RulesBuildValueArray(), RulesCollectionToDisplay(), RulesCollectionToOdbc(), RulesDisplayToCollection(), RulesGet(), RulesGetObject(), RulesGetObjectId(), RulesGetSwizzled(), RulesIsValid(), RulesOdbcToCollection(), RulesSet(), RulesSetObject(), RulesSetObjectId()
property ruleSelectionMethod as %String (VALUELIST = ",firstHit,allHits", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ InitialExpression = "allHits" ];
Property methods: ruleSelectionMethodDisplayToLogical(), ruleSelectionMethodGet(), ruleSelectionMethodIsValid(), ruleSelectionMethodLogicalToDisplay(), ruleSelectionMethodLogicalToOdbc(), ruleSelectionMethodNormalize(), ruleSelectionMethodSet()


method %Validate(ByRef pInfo) as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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