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class %iKnow.Classification.Definition.TermDictionary extends %iKnow.Classification.Definition.node

Property Inventory


property Terms as list of Term (XMLPROJECTION = "WRAPPED", XMLTYPECONSTRAINT = "choice");
The list of terms this classifier will consider for picking a category.
Property methods: TermsBuildValueArray(), TermsCollectionToDisplay(), TermsCollectionToOdbc(), TermsDisplayToCollection(), TermsGet(), TermsGetObject(), TermsGetObjectId(), TermsGetSwizzled(), TermsIsValid(), TermsOdbcToCollection(), TermsSet(), TermsSetObject(), TermsSetObjectId()
property defaultLanguage as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
If the list of terms contains non-english entries for which the count policy is not "exactCount", set this attribute to the appropriate two-letter language identifier.
Property methods: defaultLanguageDisplayToLogical(), defaultLanguageGet(), defaultLanguageIsValid(), defaultLanguageLogicalToDisplay(), defaultLanguageLogicalToOdbc(), defaultLanguageNormalize(), defaultLanguageSet()
property termSelectionMethod as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
The method used to compile the list of terms used by this classifier. (optional, for information purposes only)
Property methods: termSelectionMethodDisplayToLogical(), termSelectionMethodGet(), termSelectionMethodIsValid(), termSelectionMethodLogicalToDisplay(), termSelectionMethodLogicalToOdbc(), termSelectionMethodNormalize(), termSelectionMethodSet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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