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class DeepSee.Model.PatientsCube extends %DeepSee.CubeDefinition

This class contains a cube based on DeepSee.Study.Patients.

This class also contains utility methods used by this cube.

Method Inventory




classmethod GetAgeBucket(age As %Numeric) as %String
Given a number, returns one of the strings "0 to 9", "10 to 19", "20 to 29", etc. Used by the cube as an alternative to rangeExpression
classmethod GetAgeGroup(age As %Numeric) as %String
Given a number, returns one of the strings "0 to 29", "30 to 59",or "60+". Not used by the cube, but included as an example of a utility method.
classmethod GetAllergies(ID As %Numeric) as %List
Returns a $LIST of the allergies of the patient; used by the [AllerD].[H1].[Allergies] level."
classmethod GetAllergyCount(ID As %Numeric) as %Numeric
Returns the number of allergies the patient has or null if there are no recorded allergies; used by the Allergy Count measure.
classmethod GetAllergySeverities(ID As %Numeric) as %List
Returns a $LIST of the allergy severities of the patient; used by the [AllerSevD].[H1].[Allergy Severities] level.

Not currently used.

classmethod GetAllergySeverities2(ID As %Numeric) as %List
Returns a $LIST of the allergy severities of the patient; used by the [AllerSevD].[H1].[Allergy Severities] level.

In this version, prepend each severity with the corresponding numeric code (or an invented code), in order to force the members to sort as wanted.

classmethod GetDiagnoses(ID As %Numeric) as %List
Returns a $LIST of the diagnoses of the patient; used by the [DiagD].[H1].[Diagnoses] level.
classmethod GetDocName(ID As %Numeric) as %String
Returns the name of the patient's primary care physician. Not used by the cube but included as an example of a utility method.
classmethod GetEncounterCount(ID As %Numeric) as %Numeric
Returns the number of encounters recorded for the patient; used by the Encounter Count measure.
classmethod GetFavoriteColor(patientID As %String) as %String
Returns the favorite color of the patient; used by the [ColorD].[H1].[Favorite Color] level.
classmethod GetIndustry(patientID As %String) as %String
Returns the industry of the patient; used by the [ProfD].[H1].[Industry] level.
classmethod GetLastDoctor(pat As %Numeric) as %String
Given a patient, returns the name of the doctor at the patient's last encounter, if any. Not used by the cube but included as an example of a utility method.
classmethod GetProfession(patientID As %String) as %String
Returns the profession of the patient; used by the [ProfD].[H1].[Profession] level.
classmethod GetSeveritySort(severity As %String) as %Integer
used to control sort order of Allergy Severity level

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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