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datatype class %Library.FilemanTimeStampUTC


Custom TimeStamp datatype designed to handle internal FileMan UNIVERSAL TIME datatype (CYYMMDD.HHMMSSZZZ). This data type projects proper VARCHAR/STRING meta data to DISPLAY and ODBC Client software. The conversion methods of this datatype assume a ful FIleMan 22.2 run-time environment is installed, and that the DUZ(2) variable is defined and DUZ(2) references an INSTITUTION that includes defined COUNTRY and LOCATION TIMEZONE values.

Method Inventory


parameter JSONTYPE = string;
parameter XSDTYPE = string;


classmethod DisplayToLogical(Arg1 As %Library.String) as %Library.FilemanTimeStampUTC
Converts FileMan external datetime to FileMan UNIVERSAL TIME internal format (CYYMMDD.HHMMSSZZZ) Input can be standard internal or external VA FileMan DateTime (e.g., NOW, T@12A). The Time portion of the input is required.
classmethod IsValid(%val As %RawString) as %Status
Checks for Invalid Format, expects FileMan UNIVERSAL TIME format (CYYMMDD.HHMMSSZZZ).
classmethod LogicalToDisplay(Arg1 As %Library.FilemanTimeStampUTC = "") as %Library.String
Converts FileMan UNIVERSAL TIME internal format (CYYMMDD.HHMMSSZZZ) to external UNIVERSAL TIME format (MON DD, YYYY@HH:MM:SS (UTC=-HH:SS)).
classmethod LogicalToOdbc(Arg1 As %Library.FilemanTimeStampUTC) as %Library.String
Converts FileMan UNIVERSAL TIME internal format (CYYMMDD.HHMMSSZZZ) to external UNIVERSAL TIME format (AUG 16, 2016@20:00:16 (UTC-04:00))
classmethod LogicalToXSD(%val As %FilemanTimeStamp) as %String
Converts the %FilemanTimeStamp value to the canonical SOAP encoded value.
classmethod OdbcToLogical(Arg1 As %Library.String) as %Library.FilemanTimeStampUTC
Converts FileMan external datetime to FileMan UNIVERSAL TIME internal format (CYYMMDD.HHMMSSZZZ) Input can be standard internal or external VA FileMan DateTime (e.g., NOW, T@12A). The Time portion of the input is required.
classmethod XSDToLogical(%val As %String) as %FilemanTimeStamp
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