class %Library.SysLog
Provide a %Library.SysLog class to allow logging of events while programs are running in a consistent fashion. The advantage of using this is that we can use standard utilities to manage and display this log. Also all log entries automatically get the current namespace, date/time, routine name and process Id logged.To make logging easier there are three macros defined in %occDiagnostics.inc. This file is included automatically when compiling any class and so you only need to include it manually if you are compiling a MAC file. The macros are:
- $$$SysLog(level,category,message,data) - If the logging level is greater or equal to 'level' this calls Log^%SYS.ISCLOG with the same parameters except 'routine' is set to $ZNAME. If 'data' is an array then pass it by reference
- $$$SysLogError(category,message) - If the logging level is greater than zero it will call LogError^%SYS.ISCLOG with the same parameters except 'routine' is set to $ZNAME.
- $$$SysLogUser - If the logging level is greater than 1 it calls LogUserInfo^%SYS.ISCLOG with 'routine' set to $ZNAME and the other parameters coming from $ZU(67)
One of the advantages of these macros is that they check the logging level before calling the Log() method and so if logging is not turned on at this level then the log macro takes almost no time to execute.
Method Inventory
- CategoryGet()
- CategorySet()
- ClearLog()
- ErrorDetailGet()
- ErrorDetailSet()
- JobGet()
- JobSet()
- Log()
- LogError()
- LogLevelGet()
- LogLevelSet()
- LogUserInfo()
- MaxLogEntriesGet()
- MaxLogEntriesSet()
- RemoveOldEntries()
classmethod CategoryGet() as %String
Return the comma separated list of categories that we log.
classmethod CategorySet(category As %String)
Comma separated list of categories that we log or null to log all categories.
classmethod ClearLog()
Reset the entire log, removing all previous entries. It does preserve setup information.
classmethod ErrorDetailGet() as %Integer
Return the level to log any LogError() events with. See
LogError() for a description of the levels.
classmethod ErrorDetailSet(level As %Integer)
Set the level to log any LogError() events with. See
LogError() for a description of the levels.
classmethod JobGet() as %String
Return the comma separated list of jobs that we log.
classmethod JobSet(job As %String)
Comma separated list of job numbers that we log or null to log all jobs.
classmethod Log(level As %Integer = 2, category As %String = "", message As %String, ByRef data As %String, routine As %String) as %Integer
Log an event to the system log if the system logging level is greater or equal to the level passed in.
You must specify a level to log this event at, the choice being:
Besides the information you pass to the Log method it will automatically log the current date and time
along with the process Id the calling routine name and the current namespace.
- 0 - No logging
- 1 - Exceptional events logged, e.g. error messages
- 2 - Detailed event log information, e.g. 'method ABC invoked with parameters X,Y,Z and returned 1234'
- 3 - Raw information logging, e.g. the byte contents of the TCP/IP request sent from the client
So if you wish to log a problem with a Http request because the Type is wrong while reading it into the local variable 'request' you could call:
Do ##class(%Library.SysLog).Log(1,"HTTP","Invalid Http request type. Type="_type,request)
classmethod LogError(category As %String = "ERROR", message As %String, routine As %String) as %Integer
Call this to log an unexpected ObjectScript error. Pass in the category to log this
error under, the message you want reported and the routine that you are logging the
error from (this is optional). The level of detail the error is logged at is determined by the system wide setting, see
ErrorDetailGet() and ErrorDetailSet() to set/get this value. The choices are:
- 0 - Just log the message and the value of $ZE and $ZU(56,5)
- 1 - Log the message, the value of $ZE and $ZU(56,5) and the call stack
- 2 - Log the local symbol table $ZE, $ZU(56,5) and the call stack
classmethod LogLevelGet() as %Integer
Set the logging level to one of the following
- 0 - No logging
- 1 - Exceptional events logged, e.g. error messages
- 2 - Detailed event log information, e.g. 'method ABC invoked with parameters X,Y,Z and returned 1234'
- 3 - Raw information logging, e.g. the bytes comming from the Http request
classmethod LogUserInfo(category As %String, username As %String, machinename As %String, exename As %String, IPaddress As %String, routine As %String) as %Integer
Log the user information at log level 2 (operational) to category 'UserInfo'. If any of username
or machinename or exename or IPaddress are blank or missing then they
default to the values setup in the partition in $ZU(67,n,$J). You normally call without any parameters
at the start of your application to log the person using this job, but you can override the value from $ZU(67)
is you need to. If category is blank it defaults to "UserInfo". routine is the optional
routine you are logging this from, if not specified it defaults to the value found from $Stack($Stack-1,"PLACE").
classmethod MaxLogEntriesGet() as %Library.Integer
Return the current setting for the maximum number of entries before old ones are killed off.
classmethod MaxLogEntriesSet(entries As %Library.Integer)
Set the maximum number of entries that this log will hold. If this is not set it defaults to 5,000 entries before
it starts removing old entries.
classmethod RemoveOldEntries()
If there are more than MaxLogEntriesGet() in the log then remove any old entries that
we no longer need. This is called automatically by Log() and LogUserInfo() every
10 entries and so you do not normally need to call this manually.