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deprecated class %ZEN.Report.Display.COSChart.scoreCardColumn extends %ZEN.Report.Display.node

Property Inventory


property align as %ZEN.Datatype.string (VALUELIST = ",left,right,center");
Alignment of text (and footer) within this column. If not specified, a default alignment is used.
Property methods: alignDisplayToLogical(), alignGet(), alignIsValid(), alignLogicalToDisplay(), alignLogicalToOdbc(), alignNormalize(), alignSet()
property baseValue as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Optional. Base value for this column. This is used for columns that display values graphically, such as a plotBox. If this is defined, then values are plotted against this base value. Typically this is set to 0 to display negative values as bars in the opposite direction. This can contain an actual value (numeric) or the name of a property within the dataSource.
Property methods: baseValueDisplayToLogical(), baseValueGet(), baseValueIsValid(), baseValueLogicalToDisplay(), baseValueLogicalToOdbc(), baseValueNormalize(), baseValueSet()
property cellCaption as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
Caption to display within the cell for this column.
Property methods: cellCaptionDisplayToLogical(), cellCaptionGet(), cellCaptionIsValid(), cellCaptionLogicalToDisplay(), cellCaptionLogicalToOdbc(), cellCaptionNormalize(), cellCaptionSet()
property dataValue as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Value used for this column.
This can be a literal number, a literal string (enclosed within ""), the name of the property in data source that supplies the value for this column, or an expression (starting with =).
Property methods: dataValueDisplayToLogical(), dataValueGet(), dataValueIsValid(), dataValueLogicalToDisplay(), dataValueLogicalToOdbc(), dataValueNormalize(), dataValueSet()
property display as %ZEN.Datatype.string (VALUELIST = ",itemNo,label,value,arrow,lamp,trendLine,trendBars,plotBox,hidden");
Specify what to display in this column.
Property methods: displayDisplayToLogical(), displayGet(), displayIsValid(), displayLogicalToDisplay(), displayLogicalToOdbc(), displayNormalize(), displaySet()
property format as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Specify how to format a numeric value for this property.
Property methods: formatDisplayToLogical(), formatGet(), formatIsValid(), formatLogicalToDisplay(), formatLogicalToOdbc(), formatNormalize(), formatSet()
property headerAlign as %ZEN.Datatype.string (VALUELIST = ",left,right,center");
Alignment of header text within this column. If not specified, a default alignment is used.
Property methods: headerAlignDisplayToLogical(), headerAlignGet(), headerAlignIsValid(), headerAlignLogicalToDisplay(), headerAlignLogicalToOdbc(), headerAlignNormalize(), headerAlignSet()
property label as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
XML namespace used for Zen Report display definitions. Defines characteristics for a column within a %DeepSee.Component.SVG.scoreCard component. Default header label displayed for column.
Property methods: labelDisplayToLogical(), labelGet(), labelIsValid(), labelLogicalToDisplay(), labelLogicalToOdbc(), labelNormalize(), labelSet()
property rangeLower as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Optional. Lower range value for this column. If this is not supplied, the default value for the data source is used.
This can contain an actual value (numeric) or the name of a property within the dataSource.
Property methods: rangeLowerDisplayToLogical(), rangeLowerGet(), rangeLowerIsValid(), rangeLowerLogicalToDisplay(), rangeLowerLogicalToOdbc(), rangeLowerNormalize(), rangeLowerSet()
property rangeUpper as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Optional. Upper range value for this column. If this is not supplied, the default value for the data source is used.
This can contain an actual value (numeric) or the name of a property within the dataSource.
Property methods: rangeUpperDisplayToLogical(), rangeUpperGet(), rangeUpperIsValid(), rangeUpperLogicalToDisplay(), rangeUpperLogicalToOdbc(), rangeUpperNormalize(), rangeUpperSet()
property showAs as %ZEN.Datatype.string (VALUELIST = ",value,conditional,sum,target,target%,sum%");
Specify how to display values for this column.
If "value" then the value for the column is displayed.
If "conditional" then the value for the column is displayed if the property this columns depends on exists.
If "sum" then the total of all values for the column is displayed.
If "target" then the target value is displayed.
If "target%" then the value as a percentage of the target is displayed.
If "sum%" then the value as a percentage of the sum is displayed.
Property methods: showAsDisplayToLogical(), showAsGet(), showAsIsValid(), showAsLogicalToDisplay(), showAsLogicalToOdbc(), showAsNormalize(), showAsSet()
property style as;
Style to apply to cells in this column.
This is a CSS style string: e.g., "color: red;" Note that column style overrides row style.
Property methods: styleDisplayToLogical(), styleGet(), styleIsValid(), styleLogicalToDisplay(), styleLogicalToOdbc(), styleNormalize(), styleSet()
property summary as %ZEN.Datatype.string (VALUELIST = ",sum,avg,min,max,value");
Type of summary to display for this column.
If "", then no summary is displayed.
"sum" computes and displays the sum of the values within the column.
"avg" computes and displays the average of the values within the column.
"min" finds and displays the minimum of the values within the column.
"max" finds and displays the maximum of values within the column.
"value" evaluates and displays the value of the summaryValue property.
Property methods: summaryDisplayToLogical(), summaryGet(), summaryIsValid(), summaryLogicalToDisplay(), summaryLogicalToOdbc(), summaryNormalize(), summarySet()
property summaryValue as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Value to use for the summary of the column (if summary is "value").
This can be a literal number, a literal string (enclosed within ""), the name of the property in data source that supplies the value for this column, or an expression (starting with =).
Property methods: summaryValueDisplayToLogical(), summaryValueGet(), summaryValueIsValid(), summaryValueLogicalToDisplay(), summaryValueLogicalToOdbc(), summaryValueNormalize(), summaryValueSet()
property targetValue as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Optional. Target value for this column. This is used for columns that display a target value. If this is not supplied, the default target value for the data source is used.
This can contain an actual value (numeric) or the name of a property within the dataSource.
Property methods: targetValueDisplayToLogical(), targetValueGet(), targetValueIsValid(), targetValueLogicalToDisplay(), targetValueLogicalToOdbc(), targetValueNormalize(), targetValueSet()
property thresholdLower as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Optional. Lower threshold value for this column. If this is not supplied, the default value for the data source is used.
This can contain an actual value (numeric) or the name of a property within the dataSource.
Property methods: thresholdLowerDisplayToLogical(), thresholdLowerGet(), thresholdLowerIsValid(), thresholdLowerLogicalToDisplay(), thresholdLowerLogicalToOdbc(), thresholdLowerNormalize(), thresholdLowerSet()
property thresholdUpper as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Optional. Upper threshold value for this column. If this is not supplied, the default value for the data source is used.
This can contain an actual value (numeric) or the name of a property within the dataSource.
Property methods: thresholdUpperDisplayToLogical(), thresholdUpperGet(), thresholdUpperIsValid(), thresholdUpperLogicalToDisplay(), thresholdUpperLogicalToOdbc(), thresholdUpperNormalize(), thresholdUpperSet()
property valueColumn as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean;
If true, then this column supplies the logical value used to identify a row within the score card. This may be used to tie actions to the scorecard.
Property methods: valueColumnDisplayToLogical(), valueColumnGet(), valueColumnIsValid(), valueColumnLogicalToDisplay(), valueColumnLogicalToOdbc(), valueColumnLogicalToXSD(), valueColumnNormalize(), valueColumnSet(), valueColumnXSDToLogical()
property width as %ZEN.Datatype.length;
Width of column.
Property methods: widthDisplayToLogical(), widthGet(), widthIsValid(), widthLogicalToDisplay(), widthLogicalToOdbc(), widthNormalize(), widthSet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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