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abstract class Ens.Config.SearchTablePropAttrs

SearchTable Property attributes, shared between Item and Prop definitions

Property Inventory


property IndexType as %String (VALUELIST = ",None,Standard,Bitmap", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ InitialExpression = "None" ];
Build an index of this type for values stored with this property type
Property methods: IndexTypeDisplayToLogical(), IndexTypeGet(), IndexTypeIsValid(), IndexTypeLogicalToDisplay(), IndexTypeLogicalToOdbc(), IndexTypeNormalize(), IndexTypeSet()
property PropType as %String (VALUELIST = ",String:CaseSensitive,String:CaseInsensitive,Integer,Numeric,Boolean,DateTime:ODBC,DateTime:HL7", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
Normalize case for this property type when storing and querying
Property methods: PropTypeDisplayToLogical(), PropTypeGet(), PropTypeIsValid(), PropTypeLogicalToDisplay(), PropTypeLogicalToOdbc(), PropTypeNormalize(), PropTypeSet()
property StoreNulls as %Boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Store empty values in the SearchTable for this property type
Property methods: StoreNullsDisplayToLogical(), StoreNullsGet(), StoreNullsIsValid(), StoreNullsLogicalToDisplay(), StoreNullsNormalize(), StoreNullsSet()
property Unselective as %Boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: UnselectiveDisplayToLogical(), UnselectiveGet(), UnselectiveIsValid(), UnselectiveLogicalToDisplay(), UnselectiveNormalize(), UnselectiveSet()


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