class EnsLib.InteropTools.HL7.DataGate.Parser extends EnsLib.InteropTools.HL7.GateSSC.Parser, EnsLib.InteropTools.HL7.Common
Method Inventory
- CodeWalk$event->string()
- CodeWalk$event-clear()
- CodeWalk$event-parse()
- CodeWalk$make-event-map()
- CodeWalk*()
- CodeWalk+()
- CodeWalk-()
- CodeWalk/()
- CodeWalk<()
- CodeWalk<=()
- CodeWalk=()
- CodeWalk>()
- CodeWalk>=()
- CodeWalkMath()
- CodeWalkNode()
- CodeWalkand()
- CodeWalkbegin()
- CodeWalkcapitalize()
- CodeWalkcase()
- CodeWalkcatch()
- CodeWalkceiling()
- CodeWalkchange-pattern()
- CodeWalkchar-substitute()
- CodeWalkchar=?()
- CodeWalkcheck-digit()
- CodeWalkcomment()
- CodeWalkcopy()
- CodeWalkcopy-strip()
- CodeWalkcount()
- CodeWalkcount-children()
- CodeWalkcount-rep()
- CodeWalkcustom-change-pattern()
- CodeWalkcustom-check-file()
- CodeWalkcustom-check-file-eq()
- CodeWalkdata-map()
- CodeWalkdate->hl7date()
- CodeWalkdefine()
- CodeWalkdefined?()
- CodeWalkdiff-two-dates()
- CodeWalkdisplay()
- CodeWalkdo()
- CodeWalkduplicate-strip()
- CodeWalkempty-string?()
- CodeWalkequal()
- CodeWalkequal?()
- CodeWalkeqv?()
- CodeWalkfind-get-after()
- CodeWalkfind-get-before()
- CodeWalkform()
- CodeWalkforms()
- CodeWalkget()
- CodeWalkget-first-name()
- CodeWalkget-last-name()
- CodeWalkget-middle-name()
- CodeWalkif()
- CodeWalkinsert()
- CodeWalkinsert-hard()
- CodeWalkinteger?()
- CodeWalkiq-put()
- CodeWalklambda()
- CodeWalklet()
- CodeWalklist()
- CodeWalklist-lookup()
- CodeWalkliteral()
- CodeWalkload()
- CodeWalkmake-message-structure()
- CodeWalkmake-string()
- CodeWalkmake-vector()
- CodeWalkmessage->string()
- CodeWalkmessage-clear()
- CodeWalkmessage-parse()
- CodeWalknewline()
- CodeWalknot()
- CodeWalknot-empty-string?()
- CodeWalknumber->string()
- CodeWalknumber?()
- CodeWalkor()
- CodeWalkreader_macro()
- CodeWalkregex()
- CodeWalkresult()
- CodeWalkset!()
- CodeWalksimple_sym()
- CodeWalkstandard-date()
- CodeWalkstrftime()
- CodeWalkstring->number()
- CodeWalkstring->ssn()
- CodeWalkstring->symbol()
- CodeWalkstring-append()
- CodeWalkstring-begins-with?()
- CodeWalkstring-contains?()
- CodeWalkstring-downcase()
- CodeWalkstring-empty?()
- CodeWalkstring-ends-with?()
- CodeWalkstring-length()
- CodeWalkstring-ref()
- CodeWalkstring-search-from-left()
- CodeWalkstring-substitute()
- CodeWalkstring-trim()
- CodeWalkstring-upcase()
- CodeWalkstring<=?()
- CodeWalkstring()
- CodeWalkstring=?()
- CodeWalkstring>=?()
- CodeWalkstring>?()
- CodeWalkstrip-punct()
- CodeWalkstrip-string()
- CodeWalkstrip-trailing-whitespace()
- CodeWalksubseq()
- CodeWalksubstring()
- CodeWalksubstring-index()
- CodeWalksubstring=?()
- CodeWalksymbol()
- CodeWalktime()
- CodeWalktime->hl7time()
- CodeWalktimestamp()
- CodeWalkto-upper()
- CodeWalktrim-space()
- CodeWalktrim-space-left()
- CodeWalktrim-space-right()
- CodeWalktrim-string-left()
- CodeWalktrim-string-right()
- CodeWalktry()
- CodeWalkuniqueid()
- CodeWalkvalid-integer?()
- CodeWalkvector-ref()
- CodeWalkvector-set!()
- DisableObject()
- GetCharacterschar-alphabetic?()
- GetCharacterschar-numeric?()
- GetCharacterschar-whitespace?()
- GetCompare()
- GetCondition()
- GetElement()
- GetVariable()
- ParsedNode()
- ProcessContent()
- ProcessXLATE()
- getLetBody()
- getLetVariableAndValue()
parameter COPYSTRIP = 1;
When set to 0 CopyStrip becomes Copy
parameter FUNCTIONSET = ##class({..#FUNCTIONSETCLASS}).;
parameter FUNCTIONSETCLASS = EnsLib.InteropTools.HL7.DataGate.Functions;
Overriding FUNCTIONSETCLASS offers ability to direct to user defined function class
for Code entries such as Display or $event-parse include a comment line
method CodeWalk$event->string(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalk$event-clear(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalk$event-parse(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalk$make-event-map(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalk*(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalk+(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalk-(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalk/(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalk<(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalk<=(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalk=(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalk>(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalk>=(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkMath(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId, pMath) as %Status
method CodeWalkNode(pNode As %XML.Node, pLevel=0, pSet=1, pCommandLine="", pDebug=1, pFileName)
method CodeWalkand(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
(and test1 test2 ...)
The and expression stops processing and returns the result of the first test that returns false. If all expressions return true, not #f, the expression returns the result of the last expression evaluated. If no tests are listed, the #t is the result.
method CodeWalkbegin(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkcapitalize(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkcase(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkcatch(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkceiling(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkchange-pattern(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
(change-pattern source-path destination change-list format)
method CodeWalkchar-substitute(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
(char-substitute source origchar newchar)
method CodeWalkchar=?(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkcheck-digit(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkcomment(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkcopy(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkcopy-strip(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkcount(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkcount-children(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkcount-rep(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkcustom-change-pattern(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
This function is a variation of the Datagate provided change-pattern function. Unlike the Datagate provided function, this function passes the existing data as is when the pattern is not found. The Datagate provided function passes nothing when the pattern is not found. In most cases where the Datagate provided change-pattern exists in translation code, it is likely in error. This custom function was created in response to a modification by the vendor in which the change-pattern function was modified during the DataGate 3.6.2 upgrade to match their documentation. I think it is safe to always apply the logic of custom-change-pattern to all occurrences of change-pattern as well
method CodeWalkcustom-check-file(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
check-file ~input%MSG.EVN.1 "/home/datagate/data/events"
method CodeWalkcustom-check-file-eq(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
check-file ~input%MSG.EVN.1 "/home/datagate/data/events"
method CodeWalkdata-map(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
(data-map source-path destination_path filename format trim-chars)
Use the data-map operator to match a string in the input message with a string stored in an ASCII text file. The mapping data associated with the matching string is inserted into the output message.
method CodeWalkdate->hl7date(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkdefine(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkdefined?(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkdiff-two-dates(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkdisplay(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkdo(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkduplicate-strip(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
(duplicate-strip source-path destination_path format)
method CodeWalkempty-string?(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkequal(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkequal?(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkeqv?(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
this is in an if... so it doesn't work
method CodeWalkfind-get-after(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
(find-get-after source substring)
method CodeWalkfind-get-before(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
(find-get-before source substring)
method CodeWalkform(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkforms(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkget(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkget-first-name(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkget-last-name(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkget-middle-name(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkif(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkinsert(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkinsert-hard(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
Insert will append to anything that has already been written to the outbound where as the insert-hard overwrites anything that has been written to the outbound.
method CodeWalkinteger?(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkiq-put(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalklambda(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalklet(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
(let ( (BLUE test ) (RED foo)) body-of-let )
method CodeWalklist(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalklist-lookup(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
(list-lookup source-path destination_path lookup-list format trim-chars)
method CodeWalkliteral(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkload(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkmake-message-structure(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkmake-string(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkmake-vector(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkmessage->string(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkmessage-clear(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkmessage-parse(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalknewline(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalknot(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalknot-empty-string?(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalknumber->string(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalknumber?(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkor(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkreader_macro(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkregex(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkresult(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkset!(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalksimple_sym(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstandard-date(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstrftime(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstring->number(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstring->ssn(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstring->symbol(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstring-append(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
(string-append string...stringN)
method CodeWalkstring-begins-with?(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstring-contains?(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstring-downcase(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstring-empty?(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstring-ends-with?(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstring-length(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstring-ref(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstring-search-from-left(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
(string-search-from-left function source)
method CodeWalkstring-substitute(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstring-trim(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstring-upcase(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstring<=?(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstring(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstring=?(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstring>=?(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstring>?(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstrip-punct(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
(strip-punct source)
method CodeWalkstrip-string(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkstrip-trailing-whitespace(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalksubseq(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalksubstring(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalksubstring-index(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalksubstring=?(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
/ (if (substring=? "-" ~input%Athena_ADT.PID.PID-4-alternate_patient_ID[0] 2)
method CodeWalksymbol(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalktime(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
The time expression returns the current system time, defined as the number of seconds since midnight, 1 January 1970, Coordinated Universal Time.
method CodeWalktime->hl7time(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalktimestamp(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkto-upper(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalktrim-space(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
Strips leading / trailing space
method CodeWalktrim-space-left(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalktrim-space-right(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalktrim-string-left(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalktrim-string-right(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalktry(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkuniqueid(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkvalid-integer?(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode As CodeIf, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkvector-ref(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method CodeWalkvector-set!(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement="", ByRef pType="", ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
method DisableObject(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, pString, pNodeId)
method GetCharacterschar-alphabetic?()
method GetCharacterschar-numeric?()
method GetCharacterschar-whitespace?()
method GetCompare(pCompare, tCond1, tCond2)
method GetElement(pNode As %XML.Node, pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId, pConvertVariableName=0) as %Status
method GetVariable(pVariable, pType) as %String
method ParsedNode(pNode) as %String
method ProcessContent(pNode As %XML.Node, ByRef pCode, ByRef pElement, ByRef pType, ByRef pNodeId) as %Status
in cases of let
in cases of let
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
- Annotate
- Bail
- Code
- Debug
- Filename
- FixNote
- InputParameters
- LoopVarRefs
- NoteVariable
- Report
- SelectedTranslation
- VariableReplacement
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Extends()
- %GetParameter()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %ValidateObject()
- AddAnnotation()
- BuildClass()
- BuildSegments()
- BuildSubSegments()
- CleanupPotentials()
- CodeOutput()
- CodeWalk()
- CodeWalkChildren()
- CompileJava()
- Count()
- DTLClassname()
- DereferenceStructure()
- DereferenceSubStructure()
- DereferenceVariables()
- Files()
- FixNote()
- GetClassName()
- GetNamesForPositions()
- GetNodeValue()
- IsSegment()
- NodeAsText()
- NoteVariable()
- ParseInputParameters()
- ProcessReplaceCollection()
- ProcessSegment()
- Replace()
- ReplaceVarsCodeCOS()
- ReplaceVarsCodeCase()
- ReplaceVarsCodeCaseDefault()
- ReplaceVarsCodeForEach()
- ReplaceVarsCodeIf()
- ReplaceVarsCodeSet()
- ReplaceVarsCodeSwitch()
- ReportItem()
- ScriptToXML()
- TableImport()
- TableImportFile()
- TreeWalk()
- TreeWalkChildren()
- UpdateCode()
- command()
- encoding()
- imCodeWalk()
- nameAndData()
- structure()