class EnsPortal.Dialog.ObjectEntry extends EnsPortal.Dialog.standardDialog
This page is used to enter a context or Document object for Rule Testing UIProperty Inventory
Method Inventory
- %OnAfterCreatePage()
- %OnGetPageName()
- %OnGetSubtitle()
- %OnGetTitle()
- DrawContextForm()
- PopulateListOfContextTypes()
- changeContextType()
- getDialogValue()
- ondialogFinish()
- ondialogStart()
parameter APPLYBUTTON = 0;
Inherited description: If true, then this dialog displays an Apply button.
parameter JSINCLUDES = zenCSLM.js;
JavaScript debug library
Usage: ZLM.dumpObj(object);
parameter PAGENAME = Rule Testing - Context Entry;
Inherited description: Optional. This is the display name used for this page.
If not provided, the class name is used.
parameter PRIVATE = 1;
Inherited description: Controls the access to the page, it can be set to one of the following:
- PRIVATE=0 - Page can be linked to/bookmarked
- PRIVATE=1 - Can only be referenced from another CSP page
parameter RESOURCE = %Ens_TestingService:USE;
User needs USE permissions on the %Ens_TestingService resource to view this page.
property Context as %String (MAXLEN = 128, ZENURL = "CONTEXT");
Property methods: ContextDisplayToLogical(), ContextGet(), ContextIsValid(), ContextLogicalToDisplay(), ContextLogicalToOdbc(), ContextNormalize(), ContextSet()
method %OnAfterCreatePage() as %Status
Inherited description: Avoid writing out the session cookie if we are in a Studio session.
method %OnGetPageName() as %String
Get the (localized) name of the page.
method %OnGetSubtitle() as %String
Get the (localized) subtitle string for the dialog.
method %OnGetTitle() as %String
Get the (localized) title string for the page.
Draw input data form for selected Context type.
method PopulateListOfContextTypes()
Populate control with the list of context types for this Rule.
clientmethod changeContextType() [ Language = javascript ]
User selected a request type.
clientmethod getDialogValue() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: Get the value that will be applied when the user presses the OK button.
This is implemented by subclasses.
clientmethod ondialogFinish(action) as %Boolean [ Language = javascript ]
This callback is called when the user presses the OK button.
If this returns false, then the dialog stays open.
clientmethod ondialogStart() [ Language = javascript ]
This callback, if defined, is called when the dialog page is loaded.
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
- %condition
- %import
- %includeFiles
- %page
- %resource
- FirstFailed
- InvalidParam
- IsEMSReadOnly
- ValidationErrorMsg
- align
- aux
- backgroundTimerInterval
- canEdit
- cellAlign
- cellSize
- cellStyle
- cellVAlign
- children
- closeOnEnter
- closeOnEsc
- composite
- containerStyle
- cssLevel
- dialogTitle
- disabled
- disabledStyle
- dragAndDrop
- dragEnabled
- dropEnabled
- enclosingClass
- enclosingStyle
- error
- groupClass
- groupStyle
- hasButtons
- height
- hidden
- hideApplyButton
- hideCancelButton
- hideOKButton
- hint
- hintClass
- hintStyle
- id
- index
- keepAliveInterval
- label
- labelClass
- labelDisabledClass
- labelPosition
- labelStyle
- layout
- msgNotPermitted
- name
- onafterdrag
- onbeforedrag
- onclick
- ondrag
- ondrop
- onhide
- onrefresh
- onshow
- onupdate
- parent
- showLabel
- slice
- studioMode
- title
- tuple
- useSVG
- useSoftModals
- valign
- visible
- width
- window
- zenPersistentPopup
Inherited Methods
- %AddCSPShareHyperevents()
- %AddChild()
- %AddChildAfter()
- %AddChildBefore()
- %AddComponent()
- %AddEnsExceptionHandler()
- %AddImportedComponents()
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ApplyURLParms()
- %Attr()
- %BindExport()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %DrawAutoLogout()
- %DrawClassDefinitions()
- %DrawComponentHTML()
- %DrawHTML()
- %DrawHTMLPage()
- %DrawJSStrings()
- %DrawObjectDefinitions()
- %DrawTitle()
- %EnclosingDivId()
- %EndBackgroundMethod()
- %EndScript()
- %Eval()
- %EvalC()
- %Extends()
- %ForceClientRender()
- %GetChildIndex()
- %GetComponent()
- %GetComponentById()
- %GetComponentByName()
- %GetEventHandlers()
- %GetLinks()
- %GetPageName()
- %GetParameter()
- %GetValueById()
- %GetValueByName()
- %GetXMLName()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %Link()
- %LinkCSS()
- %LinkScript()
- %MakeId()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OnAddToPageAfter()
- %OnAddToPageBefore()
- %OnBeforeCreatePage()
- %OnCreateApplication()
- %OnCreatePage()
- %OnDetermineCSSLevel()
- %OnDrawEnclosingDiv()
- %OnDrawHTMLBody()
- %OnDrawHTMLHead()
- %OnDrawHTMLMeta()
- %OnDrawObjectProperties()
- %OnFinishBackgroundTask()
- %OnMonitorBackgroundTask()
- %OnMutateChildren()
- %OnObjectSynch()
- %OnPreHTTP()
- %OnSubmit()
- %OnUseSoftModals()
- %OnZENDeserialize()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %QuoteValue()
- %QuoteValueL10N()
- %RemoveChild()
- %RemoveChildren()
- %RemoveComponent()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %RunBackgroundMethod()
- %Self()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetBackgroundMethodStatus()
- %SetErrorById()
- %SetErrorByName()
- %SetModified()
- %SetValueById()
- %SetValueByName()
- %SetValuesByName()
- %StartScript()
- %ValidateObject()
- %ZENVersion()
- ConvertParameter()
- Decrypt()
- Encrypt()
- EscapeHTML()
- EscapeURL()
- EvalResult()
- GetHyperEventResources()
- HyperEventCall()
- HyperEventHead()
- Include()
- InsertHiddenField()
- InsertHiddenFields()
- IsPrivate()
- JavaInstalled()
- Link()
- OnHTTPHeader()
- OnPage()
- OnPageError()
- OnPostHTTP()
- OnPostHyperEvent()
- OnPreHTTP()
- OnPreHyperEvent()
- Page()
- QuoteJS()
- RewriteURL()
- ShowError()
- SimpleKeepAlive()
- StartTimer()
- StopTimer()
- ThrowError()
- UnescapeHTML()
- UnescapeURL()
- XMLExport()
- XMLExportToStream()
- XMLExportToString()
- XMLNew()
- XMLSchema()
- XMLSchemaNamespace()
- XMLSchemaType()
- addChild()
- addChildAfter()
- addChildBefore()
- addPopupSuffix()
- adjustSize()
- btnApply()
- btnOK()
- cancelPopup()
- checkEdit()
- childrenMutated()
- clientKeepAlive()
- correctIELayering()
- createComponent()
- createComponentNS()
- ctrlKeyDown()
- deleteComponent()
- dialogApply()
- dialogCancel()
- dialogFinish()
- dialogTitleGet()
- disableButtons()
- dragFinishHandler()
- dragHandler()
- dragNotifyHandler()
- dragStartHandler()
- dropHandler()
- dropStartHandler()
- endModal()
- exposeComponent()
- findElement()
- fireOnResizeEvent()
- fireOnUnloadEvent()
- fireOnUpdateEvent()
- firePopupAction()
- getChildIndex()
- getComponent()
- getComponentById()
- getEnclosingDiv()
- getHidden()
- getHintElement()
- getLabelElement()
- getOpener()
- getProperty()
- getSettings()
- getType()
- gotoPage()
- inResizeLoop()
- initPopupSuffix()
- invokeSuper()
- isOfType()
- launchPopupWindow()
- makeId()
- onCreate()
- onDelete()
- onDisplayHandler()
- onEndModalHandler()
- onPopupAction()
- onRefreshContents()
- onSerialize()
- onServerMethodCall()
- onServerMethodError()
- onServerMethodReturn()
- onStartModalHandler()
- ondialogCancel()
- ondisabledHandler()
- onhandleAutoLogoutWarn()
- onkeydownHandler()
- onkeyupHandler()
- onlayoutHandler()
- onloadHandler()
- onlogoutHandler()
- onoverlayHandler()
- onresizeHandler()
- onunloadHandler()
- onupdateHandler()
- popupActionHandler()
- refreshContents()
- removeChild()
- removePopupSuffix()
- render()
- renderContents()
- renderSVG()
- resetMsg()
- setComponentId()
- setHidden()
- setOverlayMode()
- setProperty()
- setPropertyAll()
- setTraceOption()
- showMsg()
- startKeepAlive()
- startModal()
- startProgressBar()
- stopKeepAlive()
- stopProgressBar()
- validateRequired()