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class HS.FHIR.DTL.Utils extends Ens.Util.FunctionSet

Method Inventory


classmethod CPIsDefined(pObject, pPropertyName As %String) as %Boolean
CPIsDefined uses the IsDefined() method and other means to check for the presence of data for the specified SDA CareProvider property. IsDefined() allows an initial check for data without swizzling (instantiating) a property object that hasn't yet been swizzled.
classmethod CTIsDefined(pObject, pPropertyName As %String) as %Boolean
CTIsDefined uses the IsDefined() method and other means to check for the presence of data for the specified SDA CodeTableTranslated property. IsDefined() allows an initial check for data without swizzling (instantiating) a property object that hasn't yet been swizzled.
classmethod CreateUUID() as %String
classmethod FHIRDate(pSDATime As %String) as %String
FHIRDate takes an SDA time stamp value and returns the FHIR date format for that value. If the SDA time stamp is invalid then blank value is returned. The time portion of the SDA time stamp is not used.
classmethod FHIRDateTime(pSDATime As %String) as %String
FHIRDateTime takes an SDA time stamp value and returns the FHIR dateTime format of that value. If the SDA time stamp is invalid then blank value is returned. SDA time stamp will not have a time zone on it and the value is assumed to be in the local time zone. If the value comes in suffixed with "Z" then that character is stripped.
classmethod FHIRInstant(pSDATime As %String) as %String
FHIRInstant takes an SDA time stamp value and returns the FHIR instant format of that value. If the SDA time stamp is invalid then blank value is returned. SDA time stamp will not have a time zone on it and the value is assumed to be in the local time zone. If the value comes in suffixed with "Z" then that character is stripped.
classmethod FromSDAReferenceRange(pNormalRange As %String, pUnit As %String) as HS.FHIR.vDSTU2.Model.Resource.Observation.ReferenceRange
FromSDAReferenceRange interprets the SDA ResultNormalRange string into discrete "low" and "high" values and populates and returns a FHIR ReferenceRange object. This method takes into account negative numbers on both sides of the range, and takes into account the possibility of dash, colon, or slash for delimiter.
classmethod GetCodeForURI(URI As %String) as %String
GetCodeForURI looks up the table HS_Data.OIDMap to get the IdentityCode for the specified URI.
classmethod GetDiagnosticOrderId(pSDAObj) as %String
GetDiagnosticOrderId returns the FHIR DiagnosticOrder resource id that should be used for the specified SDA LabOrder, RadOrder, or OtherOrder. DEPRECATED: This method is deprecated as of HealthShare Core 15.03. FHIR DTLs should use the aux array instead.
classmethod GetEncounterResourceId(pSDAObj) as %String
GetEncounterResourceId returns the FHIR Encounter resource id that was assigned to the specified SDA object. DEPRECATED: This method is deprecated as of HealthShare Core 15.03. FHIR DTLs should use the aux array instead.
classmethod GetFHIRCodeOrDesc(pCodeableConcept As HS.FHIR.vDSTU2.Model.Base.CodeableConcept, pDefault As %String = "") as %String
GetFHIRCodeOrDesc is used to help with transforming a FHIR CodeableConcept type property into an SDA String type property.
For a given FHIR CodeableConcept object, return the first found of:
- First coding code
- First coding display
- text
- The specified default pDefault.
classmethod GetFHIRDescOrCode(pCodeableConcept As HS.FHIR.vDSTU2.Model.Base.CodeableConcept, pDefault As %String = "") as %String
GetFHIRDescOrCode is used to help with transforming a FHIR CodeableConcept type property into an SDA String type property.
For a given FHIR CodeableConcept object, return the first found of:
- First coding display
- text
- First coding code
- The specified default pDefault.
classmethod GetFrequency(pCode, pDesc) as %String
GetFrequency returns a delimited string containing the following possible FHIR frequency-related values: Piece 1 : code code value Piece 2 : code display value Piece 3 : code system (if standard code, then the coding system or value set URL) Piece 4 : frequency value Piece 5 : period value Piece 6 : periodUnits value Piece 7 : when value (a "when code", e.g., "AC" for "before food or meals")
classmethod GetMedicationAdministrationPosition(pSDAObj As HS.SDA3.Administration) as %String
GetMedicationAdministrationPosition returns the relative position of the specified SDA MedicationAdministration object in the list Administrations from a given SDA Medication. DEPRECATED: This method is deprecated as of HealthShare Core 15.03. FHIR DTLs should use the aux array instead.
classmethod GetMedicationOrderResourceId(pSDAObj) as %String
GetMedicationOrderResourceId returns the FHIR MedicationOrder resource id that was assigned to the specified SDA object. DEPRECATED: This method is deprecated as of HealthShare Core 15.03. FHIR DTLs should use the aux array instead.
classmethod GetPatientResourceId(pSDAObj As HS.SDA3.Patient) as %String
GetPatientResourceId returns the FHIR Patient resource id that was assigned to the specified SDA object. DEPRECATED: This method is deprecated as of HealthShare Core 15.03. FHIR DTLs should use the aux array instead.
classmethod GetResourceId(pSDAObj As HS.SDA3.Patient) as %String
GetResourceId returns the FHIR resource id that was assigned to the specified SDA object. DEPRECATED: This method is deprecated as of HealthShare Core 15.03. FHIR DTLs should use the aux array instead.
classmethod GetResultId(pSDAObj As HS.SDA3.Result) as %String
GetResultId returns the FHIR Observation resource id that should be used for the specified SDA Result. DEPRECATED: This method is deprecated as of HealthShare Core 15.03. FHIR DTLs should use the aux array instead.
classmethod GetResultItemId(pSDAObj As HS.SDA3.Result, pIndex As %Integer) as %String
GetResultItemId returns the FHIR Observation resource id that should be used for the specified SDA ResultItem. This method expects the entire HS.SDA3.Result object to be passed in because DTL does not allow something like ..GetResultItemId(source.Result.ResultItems.(k2)). DEPRECATED: This method is deprecated as of HealthShare Core 15.03. FHIR DTLs should use the aux array instead.
classmethod GetSDACodeOrDesc(pCodeTableTranslated As HS.SDA3.CodeTableTranslated, pDefault As %String = "") as %String
GetSDACodeOrDesc is used to help with transforming an SDA CodeTableTranslated property into a FHIR string or code type property.
For a given SDA CodeTableTranslated object, return the first found of:
- SDA Code
- SDA Description
- SDA OriginalText
- The specified default pDefault.
classmethod GetSDADescOrCode(pCodeTableTranslated As HS.SDA3.CodeTableTranslated, pDefault As %String = "") as %String
GetSDADescOrCode is used to help with transforming an SDA CodeTableTranslated property into a FHIR string or code type property.
For a given SDA CodeTableTranslated object, return the first found of:
- SDA Description
- SDA OriginalText
- SDA Code
- The specified default pDefault.
classmethod GetSDAEncounterNumber(pFHIRObj, pResourceId) as %String
GetDiagnosticOrderId returns the FHIR DiagnosticOrder resource id that should be used for the specified SDA LabOrder, RadOrder, or OtherOrder. DEPRECATED: This method is deprecated as of HealthShare Core 15.03. FHIR DTLs should use the aux array instead.
classmethod GetTimingCodeSystem() as %String
classmethod GetTimingCodes(ByRef pCodes As %String)
Return an array of timing codes and the frequency data derived from them.
classmethod GetURIForCode(pIdentityCode As %String) as %String
GetURIForCode looks up the table HS_Data.OIDMap to get the URI (first found of URL or OID) for the specified IdentityCode.
classmethod GetURLForCode(pIdentityCode As %String) as %String
GetURLForCode looks up the table HS_Data.OIDMap to get the URL for the specified IdentityCode.
classmethod GetUnitCodesAndDescs(ByRef pCodes As %String, ByRef pDescs As %String)
Return an array of possible unit codes that might be received in the SDA data, each item pointing at the corresponding standard unit code. Also return a long description of each of the standard unit codes (e.g. s = second).
classmethod GetWhenCodes(ByRef pCodes As %String)
classmethod HCFIsDefined(pObject, pPropertyName As %String) as %Boolean
HCFIsDefined uses the IsDefined() method and other means to check for the presence of data for the specified SDA HealthCareFacility property. IsDefined() allows an initial check for data without swizzling (instantiating) a property object that hasn't yet been swizzled.
classmethod IsNumeric(pText, pStripLtGtEq) as %Boolean
IsNumeric checks pText to determine whether it is numeric or not. "numeric" means it is an integer or decimal number. If the pStripLtGtEq parameter is passed in with a value of 1, then any leading less than, greater than and/or equals sign is stripped from pText that is being evaluated as numeric.
classmethod LookupFHIR(table As %String = "", value As %String = "", default As %String = "", defaultOnEmptyInput As %Integer = 0) as %String
LookupFHIR checks to see if there is a customized version of the specified data lookup table. A customized version is indicated by the presence a table with a name of the specified name prefixed by "Local.". If a customized version is found then it is used to do the lookup. Otherwise the specified table is used to do the lookup.
classmethod NormalizeTimeStamp(pFHIRTime As %String, pPrecision As %String = "TIME") as %String
NormalizeTimeStamp takes a FHIR date, dateTime or instant as input. If the input is valid, it returns the value as an SDA3 time stamp, with the date, time (if any) and time zone (if any) preserved as is. If the input is invalid, then this method Throws an error.

pFHIRTime = FHIR date, dateTime or instant value.
pPrecision = Follows the stated behavior of HS.Types.TimeStamp #PRECISION parameter.
classmethod OrgIsDefined(pObject, pPropertyName As %String) as %Boolean
OrgIsDefined uses the IsDefined() method and other means to check for the presence of data for the specified SDA Organization property. IsDefined() allows an initial check for data without swizzling (instantiating) a property object that hasn't yet been swizzled.
classmethod RDIsDefined(pObject, pPropertyName As %String) as %Boolean
RDIsDefined uses the IsDefined() method and other means to check for the presence of data for the specified SDA ReferralDoctor property. IsDefined() allows an initial check for data without swizzling (instantiating) a property object that hasn't yet been swizzled.
classmethod SplitSDATimestamp(pSDATime As %String, ByRef pDT As %String = "", ByRef pTZ As %String = "") as %Status
Split an SDA timestamp that may include time zone offset into dt and tz components
classmethod StripLtGtEq(pText) as %String
StripLtGtEq strips leading less than, greater than and/or equals sign from pText.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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