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serial class HS.FHIRServer.Storage.JsonAdvSQL.DataType.Quantity extends %Library.SerialObject

Serial object for storing Quantity data types in Search Tables: We represent the value from a Quantity as an implicit range, or from a Range as an explicit range

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Code as HS.FHIRServer.Storage.JsonAdvSQL.DataType.String (COLLATION = "EXACT");
Quantity.code is case sensitive (UCUM units in particular are case sensitive)
Property methods: CodeDisplayToLogical(), CodeGet(), CodeIsValid(), CodeLogicalToDisplay(), CodeLogicalToOdbc(), CodeNormalize(), CodeSet()
property System as HS.FHIRServer.Storage.JsonAdvSQL.DataType.String (COLLATION = "EXACT");
Quantity.system value, is a uri so use exact collation (case sensistive)
Property methods: SystemDisplayToLogical(), SystemGet(), SystemIsValid(), SystemLogicalToDisplay(), SystemLogicalToOdbc(), SystemNormalize(), SystemSet()
property Unit as HS.FHIRServer.Storage.JsonAdvSQL.DataType.String (COLLATION = "COLLATE('strip-accents, mode=U')");
Quantity.unit is a string type and allows non exact matching
Property methods: UnitDisplayToLogical(), UnitGet(), UnitIsValid(), UnitLogicalToDisplay(), UnitLogicalToOdbc(), UnitNormalize(), UnitSet()
property ValueHigh as %Numeric (FORMAT = "AUTO", SCALE = 17);
The calculated high value of the implicit range for the Quantity.value or Range.high.value
Property methods: ValueHighDisplayToLogical(), ValueHighGet(), ValueHighIsValid(), ValueHighLogicalToDisplay(), ValueHighNormalize(), ValueHighSet()
property ValueHighRaw as %Numeric (FORMAT = "AUTO", SCALE = 17);
Raw value from the resource of the Quantity.value or Range.high.value. Not used in JsonAdvSQL search, simply provided for possible customizations
Property methods: ValueHighRawDisplayToLogical(), ValueHighRawGet(), ValueHighRawIsValid(), ValueHighRawLogicalToDisplay(), ValueHighRawNormalize(), ValueHighRawSet()
property ValueLow as %Numeric (FORMAT = "AUTO", SCALE = 17);
The calculated low value of the implicit range for the Quantity.value or Range.low.value
Property methods: ValueLowDisplayToLogical(), ValueLowGet(), ValueLowIsValid(), ValueLowLogicalToDisplay(), ValueLowNormalize(), ValueLowSet()
property ValueLowRaw as %Numeric (FORMAT = "AUTO", SCALE = 17);
Raw value from the resource of the Quantity.value or Range.low.value. Not used in JsonAdvSQL search, simply provided for possible customizations
Property methods: ValueLowRawDisplayToLogical(), ValueLowRawGet(), ValueLowRawIsValid(), ValueLowRawLogicalToDisplay(), ValueLowRawNormalize(), ValueLowRawSet()


classmethod IsBitmap(pProperty As %String) as %Boolean
Which properties should be indexed as bitmaps. Used by the Search Table Builder.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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