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class HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServicesClientAPI extends %SOAP.WebClient

Method Inventory


parameter LOCATION;
This is the URL used to access the web service.
parameter NAMESPACE =;
This is the namespace used by the Service
parameter SERVICENAME = HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices;
This is the name of the Service


method AddClinicianGroupMember(pClinicianGroupId As %String, pClinicianId As %String) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method AddEditClinicianGroup(pClinicianGroup As HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.ClinicianGroup) as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.ClinicianGroup [ WebMethod ]
method AddEditCode(pProfile As HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.Code) as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.Code [ WebMethod ]
method AddEditCodeSystem(pCodeSystem As HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.CodeSystem) as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.CodeSystem [ WebMethod ]
final method AddEditConfiguration(pConfig As HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.Configuration) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method AddEditPatientFilters(pUsername As %String, pFilters As HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method AddEditPatientReport(pReport As HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.PatientReport, pCopyFrom As %String) as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.PatientReport [ WebMethod ]
final method AddEditService(pService As HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.Service) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method AddEditXMLSummaryType(pXMLSummaryType As HS.Types.XMLSummaryType) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method AddFacility(pRequest As HS.Message.AddFacilityRequest, Output pResponse As HS.Message.AddFacilityResponse) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method AddOneMember(pProgramId As %String, pMPIID As %String, pMRN As %String = "", pAA As %String = "") as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method AddRemoveMembers(pRequest As HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.AddRemoveMembers) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method AddRemoveMembersByAnalyticsId(pRequest As HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.AddRemoveMembersByAnalyticsId) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method AddUpdateHub(pRequest As HS.Message.AddUpdateHubRequest, ByRef pResponse As HS.Message.AddUpdateHubResponse) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method AnalyticsNotify(pMessage As HS.Message.Analytics.Notification) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method AnalyticsQLRequest(pRequest As HS.Message.AnalyticsQLRequest, Output pResponse As HS.Message.AnalyticsQLResponse) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method AnalyticsQRequest(pRequest As HS.Message.AnalyticsQRequest, Output pResponse As HS.Message.AnalyticsQResponse) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method AnalyticsQueryRequest(pMessage As HS.Message.Analytics.QueryRequest) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method AnalyticsQueryResult(pMessage As HS.Message.Analytics.QueryResponse) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method AnalyticsRQRequest(pRequest As HS.Message.AnalyticsRQRequest, Output pResponse As HS.Message.AnalyticsRQResponse) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method AnalyticsResend(pResendType As %String, pResendId As %String, pPriority As %Integer = 2) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method AnalyticsStreamletResend(pRequest As HS.Message.Analytics.StreamletResend) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method AttachmentListRequest(pRequest As HS.Message.Push.AttachmentListRequest) as HS.Message.Push.AttachmentListResponse [ WebMethod ]
method CheckAADBQ() as %Integer [ WebMethod ]
final method ClearSecondaryMPICache(pRequest As HS.Message.ClearSecondaryMPICacheRequest, ByRef pResponse As HS.Util.EmptyEnsResponse) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method DefineSynchronization(pParameter As %String = "", pSystemRoles As HS.Message.Roles) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method DeleteId(pClass As %String = "", pId As %String = "") as HS.Util.WebServices.ServiceStatus [ WebMethod ]
Delete an object instance
final method DeletePushDocuments(pRequest As HS.Message.Push.DeleteRequest, pResponse As Ens.Response) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method DocumentAttachmentRequest(pRequest As HS.Message.Push.DocumentAttachmentRequest) as HS.Message.Push.DocumentAttachmentResponse [ WebMethod ]
method FetchPatientList(pRequest As HS.Message.PatientListRequest) as HS.Message.PatientListResponse [ WebMethod ]
method FindPatientReport(pReportCode As %String = "") as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.PatientReport [ WebMethod ]
method GetClinicianGroupID(pName As %String) as %String [ WebMethod ]
method GetFacilityMRNs(pRequest As HS.Message.GetFacilityMRNsRequest) as HS.Message.GetFacilityMRNsResponse [ WebMethod ]
final method GetMetrics(pRequest As HS.Message.ReportRequest) as HS.Reports.XMLMessageContainer [ WebMethod ]
method GetNextMRN() as %String [ WebMethod ]
method GetPatientFilters(pUsername As %String) as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method GetProgramName(pProgramId As %String) as %String [ WebMethod ]
final method GetSysSyncState(pNS, pSystemGUID) as %String [ WebMethod ]
method IDUpdateNotification(pRequest As HS.Message.IDUpdateNotificationRequest, pResponse As %RegisteredObject) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method IncorporateClinicalMessage(pRequest As HS.Message.Push.IncorporateClinicalMessageRequest, ByRef pResponse As HS.Util.EmptyEnsResponse) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method ListAAQueries(pFilter As %String = "") as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method ListClinicianGroupMembers(pClinicianGroupId As %String) as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method ListClinicianGroups(pName As %String = "", pDelivery As %Boolean = 0, pActiveOnly As %Boolean = 1) as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method ListCodeSystemProfiles() as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method ListCodeSystems() as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method ListCodes(pCodeSystem As %String = "", pCode As %String = "") as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method ListInfoSubTypes(pInfoType As %String) as %String [ WebMethod ]
method ListMRNsForPatient(pMPIID As %String) as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method ListManagementReports() as HS.Reports.Management.ConfigContainer [ WebMethod ]
method ListObjects(pTable As %String = "", pName As %String = "Name", pWhere As %String = "", pID As %String = "ID", pOrder As %Boolean = 1) as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method ListPatientFilters(pUsername As %String) as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method ListPrograms(pMode As %String = "API", pUser As %String = "") as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method ListReportSections(pReportId As %String = "") as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method ListTranslationMaps(pFromSystem As %String = "", pToSystem As %String = "", pCode As %String = "") as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method ListTranslationProfiles() as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method ListXMLSummaryTypes() as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method LoadAAQuery(pQueryId="") as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.AnalyticsQuery [ WebMethod ]
method LoadAssigningAuthority(pId As %String = "") as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.AssigningAuthority [ WebMethod ]
method LoadClinicianGroup(pClinicianGroupId As %String = "") as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.ClinicianGroup [ WebMethod ]
method LoadCode(pCodeId="") as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.Code [ WebMethod ]
method LoadCodeSystem(pCodeSystemId="") as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.CodeSystem [ WebMethod ]
method LoadCodeSystemProfile(pProfileId="") as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.CodeSystemProfile [ WebMethod ]
method LoadIdentifierType(pIDTypeId As %String = "") as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.IdentifierType [ WebMethod ]
method LoadPatient(pMPIID As %String = "", pMRN As %String = "", pAA As %String = "", pFacility As %String = "") as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.Patient [ WebMethod ]
method LoadPatientReport(pReportId As %String = "") as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.PatientReport [ WebMethod ]
method LoadProgram(pProgramId="") as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.Program [ WebMethod ]
method LoadReportSection(pSectionId As %String = "") as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.ReportSection [ WebMethod ]
method LoadTranslationMap(pMapId="") as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.TranslationMap [ WebMethod ]
method LoadTranslationProfile(pProfileId="") as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.TranslationProfile [ WebMethod ]
method LoadUserPrefs(pUsername As %String = "") as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.UserPreferences [ WebMethod ]
method LoadXMLSummaryType(pXMLSummaryTypeCode) as HS.Types.XMLSummaryType [ WebMethod ]
final method MergePatients(pRequest As HS.Message.MergePatientRequest, ByRef pResponse As HS.Message.MergePatientResponse) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method PatientListCopyRequest(pRequest As HS.Message.PatientListCopyRequest) as HS.Message.PatientListCopyResponse [ WebMethod ]
final method PatientListRequest(pRequest As HS.Message.PatientListRequest) as HS.Message.PatientListResponse [ WebMethod ]
final method PrefetchRequest(pRequest As HS.Message.PrefetchRequest, ByRef pResponse As Ens.Response) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method ProgramEnableAnalytics() as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method PushGetPatient(pRequest As HS.Message.Push.PatientGetRequest, ByRef pResponse As HS.Message.Push.PatientGetResponse) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method RecentPatientUpdateRequest(pRequest As HS.Message.RecentPatientUpdateRequest, ByRef pResponse As HS.Message.RecentPatientUpdateRequest) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method RegisterGateway(pRequest As HS.Message.GatewayRegistrationRequest, ByRef pResponse As HS.Message.GatewayRegistrationResponse) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method RegisterPushDocument(pRequest As HS.Message.Push.RegistrationRequest, pResponse As Ens.Response) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method RegistrySDARequest(pRequest As HS.Message.RegistrySDARequest, ByRef pResponse As HS.Message.EPRFetchNotification) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method RemoveClinicianGroup(pClinicianGroupId As %String) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method RemoveClinicianGroupMember(pClinicianGroupId As %String, pClinicianId As %String) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method RemoveOneMember(pProgramId As %String, pMPIID As %String, pMRN As %String = "", pAA As %String = "") as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method RemovePatient(pRequest As HS.Message.RemovePatientRequest, ByRef pResponse As HS.Message.RemovePatientResponse) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method ReportExists(pReportCode As %String) as %Boolean [ WebMethod ]
method ReturnMPIID(pMPIID As %String, pFull As %Boolean = 0, pFromFlash As %Boolean = 0) as HS.Message.PatientSearchResponse [ WebMethod ]
method ReturnMRN(pMRN As %String, pAA As %String, pFull As %Boolean = 0) as HS.Message.PatientSearchResponse [ WebMethod ]
final method SearchFacilities(pRequest As HS.Message.FacilitySearchRequest, Output pResponse As HS.Message.FacilitySearchResponse) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method SearchPatients(pRequest As HS.Message.PatientSearchRequest, ByRef pResponse As HS.Message.PatientSearchResponse) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method StreamletRequest(pRequest As HS.Message.StreamletRequest, ByRef pResponse As HS.Message.ECRFetchResponse) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method TerminologySync(pRequest As HS.Types.TerminologySyncRequest) as HS.Types.TerminologySyncResponse [ WebMethod ]
final method XDSbProvideAndRegister(pRequest As HS.Message.IHE.XDSb.ProvideAndRegisterRequest) as HS.Message.XMLMessage [ WebMethod ]
final method XDSbQuery(pRequest As HS.Message.IHE.XDSb.QueryRequest) as HS.Message.IHE.XDSb.QueryResponse [ WebMethod ]

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods
