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class HS.Registry.Person.User.WebServicesClient extends %SOAP.WebClient

Method Inventory


parameter LOCATION;
This is the URL used to access the web service.
parameter NAMESPACE =;
This is the namespace used by the Service
Use xsi:type attribute for literal types.
parameter SERVICENAME = HS.Registry.Person.User.WebServices;
This is the name of the Service


method AuthenticateAuthorize(pDomain As %String, pLoginID As %String, pPassword As %String) as HS.Registry.Person.User.WebServices.Containers.AuthResponse [ WebMethod ]
method FindUsers(pActiveOnly As %Boolean = 1, pLastName As %String = "", pFirstName As %String = "", pUserID As %String, pNumber As %String = "", pAssignAuth As %String = "", pCliniciansOnly=0, pFilterFlag As %Boolean = 0, pFacilities As %String = "", pRelationshipId As %String = "", pMPIID As %String = "", pDelivery As %Boolean = 0, pOrganizationsOnly As %Boolean = 0) as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method GetDefaultDomain() as %String [ WebMethod ]
method GetPrimaryFacility(pUserId As %String = "") as %String [ WebMethod ]
method GetProxies(pUserId As %String) as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method GetUserSessionInfo(pUserId As %String) as HS.Registry.Person.User.WebServices.Containers.SessionInfo [ WebMethod ]
method ListAvailableRoles(pRoles As %String = "", pDummy1 As %String = "", pDomainId As %String = "", pGroupFlag As %Boolean = 0, pDummy2 As %Boolean = 0) as HS.Reports.XMLMessageContainer [ WebMethod ]
method ListRecentPasswords(pDomain As %String, pLoginId As %String, pMatchNum As %Integer, pRegistryId As %String = "") as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method ListUserFacilities(pRegistryId As %String = "") as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method ListUserLoginIDs(pRegistryId As %String = "") as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
method LoadUser(pRegistryId As %String = "") as HS.Registry.Person.User.WebServices.Containers.User [ WebMethod ]
method LoadUserComposite(pRegistryId As %String = "", pDomain As %String = "") as HS.Registry.Person.User.WebServices.Containers.Composite [ WebMethod ]
method LoadUserFacility(pUserFacilityID As %String = "") as HS.Registry.Person.User.WebServices.Containers.UserFacility [ WebMethod ]
method LoadUserLoginID(pUserLoginId As %String = "", pRegistryId As %String = "", pDomain As %String = "", pOldPWCheck As %String = "") as HS.Registry.Person.User.WebServices.Containers.UserLoginID [ WebMethod ]
method RequestPWEmail(pDomain As %String, pLoginID As %String, pChallengeQ As %String, pChallengeA As %String) as %String [ WebMethod ]
method SAMLAuthenticateAuthorize(pDomain As %String, pLoginID As %String, pPassword As %String) as HS.Registry.Person.User.WebServices.Containers.AuthResponse [ WebMethod ]
method ValidatePassword(pPassword As %String, pDomain As %String, pLoginId As %String, pQuickAdd As %Boolean = 0, pRegistryId As %String = "") as %String [ WebMethod ]

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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