HealthShare Personal Community Messaging Product Area Guide
1. Overview
This section describes decisions that you need to make so that Personal Community can provide a means for members to exchange messages with providers. Such message exchanges may occur entirely within Personal Community, may involve external systems, or both. The means by which members and providers exchange such messages are known as workflows .
Proxy-only members can send and receive messages only on behalf of their principals. They do not have their own Inbox in the Personal Community public application.
Personal Community supports two routes for secure messaging between providers and members:
Messaging with the Workbench — messages are routed between the Personal Community public application and the Workbench.
Messaging with an External System — messages are routed between Personal Community and external systems.
2. Messaging Topics
2.1. Overview of Messaging Activities
Personal Community supports the following messaging activities:
Messages sent by members to providers:
Asking general, medical, and billing questions.
Replying to messages from providers.
Messages sent by providers to members:
Sending provider-initiated messages to members.
Replying to messages from members.
Attaching files to provider-initiated messages.
For messaging with an external system, you have the following additional features to consider:
Sending messages automatically when certain events occur in an external system, such as receipt of new health records in the Unified Care Record.
Attaching files to messages.
Using message templates to:
Supply pre-written content for messages.
Automatically direct messages that use the template to either the patient’s or the proxy’s inbox.
2.2. Message Handling
In Personal Community, messages pass between members and clinical groups. Providers or their representatives receive or send messages on behalf of clinical groups.
2.2.1. Message Handling - Messages initiated by Members
The mechanism that governs how each message passes to and from each clinical group is known as a message flow . When a member performs an action that generates a message, that message enters the appropriate message flow. At that point, Personal Community determines if the message goes to the Workbench or to an external system via a custom delivery interface .
If the message is sent to the Workbench, Personal Community creates a task that appears on the Workbench. The message flow specifies the workflow group in which the task is placed. Only Workbench users who are associated with this workflow group can claim and process the task.
If a Workbench user is part of a workflow group, the user is known as a task agent (also known simply as an agent) or a task manager (also known as a manager) for that workflow group:
An agent can process tasks.
A manager can:
Process tasks.
Oversee which agents are or are not associated with the workflow group.
Assign tasks.
Change ownership of tasks.
Unassign tasks.
To be able to process a task, a Workbench user must:
Be enabled as a Workbench user.
Hold the Task Processing role.
Be active as workflow agent or manager.
Be assigned to the workflow group.
Once your system administrators have completed configuration, they or healthcare administrators can begin ongoing administrative tasks related to messaging. For information about these tasks, see the HealthShare Personal Community Workflows, Agents, and Tasks Function Guide .
2.2.2. Message Handling - Messages Initiated by Providers
For message handling within the Workbench:
Providers may reply to messages from members by processing the associated task.
Providers may also initiate messages to members within the Workbench if personal messaging is enabled. If this is the case, any replies from the member are routed to the Workbench user’s inbox.
2.3. Business Decisions
When implementing messaging for Personal Community, you must make decisions regarding the following issues:
Supported Message Routes
You must determine which mechanism(s) for messaging you will support:
Messaging with the Workbench — Messages are routed solely between the Personal Community public application and the Workbench. Your implementation tasks are primarily involved with items on the Workbench.
Messaging with an external system — Messages are routed between Personal Community and external systems. This requires additional implementation tasks, including coding.
Supported Messaging Activities
You must select which messaging activities to support. There are multiple aspects to this decision:
Messages from members to providers, and:
Whether or not to enable billing questions.
Whether or not to allow members to reply to messages from their providers.
Whether and how to filter the list of providers available for messaging by members.
Messages from providers to members, and:
Whether to use pre-written content, available with the use of message templates.
Whether to allow messages sent on behalf of clinical groups without a provider specified. This is technically possible but keeps the message from being counted for meaningful use purposes.
Additional considerations for messages from providers to members, via an external system:
Whether to support message file attachments.
Whether to scan attachments for viruses, which is strongly recommended for production systems.
Whether to direct messages based on message templates to the member’s inbox automatically.
Which messages, if any, will be sent automatically if certain events occur.