class %DeepSee.UI.Dialog.PivotLevelOptions extends %DeepSee.UI.Dialog.standardDialog
This dialog lets the user change the properties of a level within a DeepSee pivot table.Property Inventory
- aggEnabled
- aggFunction
- aggFunctionParm
- compIndex
- drilldownSpec
- filterEnabled
- filterExpression
- headCount
- headEnabled
- hideMeasures
- isCalculated
- levelCaption
- levelFormat
- levelHeaderStyle
- levelStyle
- levelSummary
- levelType
- levelValue
- measureLocation
- memberSpec
- memberText
- memberType
- mode
- orderDirection
- orderEnabled
- orderExpression
- pivotName
- subjectArea
- suppress8020
Method Inventory
- %OnAfterCreatePage()
- %OnGetSubtitle()
- %OnGetTitle()
- applyChange()
- buildExpression()
- changeType()
- disableDrilldown()
- editFormatString()
- getDialogValue()
- getPivotObject()
- onPopupAction()
- ondialogFinish()
- ondialogStart()
- reset()
- updateState()
- updateStyleControls()
parameter APPLYBUTTON = 0;
Inherited description: If true, then this dialog displays an Apply button.
property aggEnabled as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean (ZENURL = "AGG");
If true, apply an aggregate function to this level.
Property methods: aggEnabledDisplayToLogical(), aggEnabledGet(), aggEnabledIsValid(), aggEnabledLogicalToDisplay(), aggEnabledLogicalToOdbc(), aggEnabledLogicalToXSD(), aggEnabledNormalize(), aggEnabledSet(), aggEnabledXSDToLogical()
property aggFunction as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "AGGFUNC");
If enabled, aggregate function for this level.
Property methods: aggFunctionDisplayToLogical(), aggFunctionGet(), aggFunctionIsValid(), aggFunctionLogicalToDisplay(), aggFunctionLogicalToOdbc(), aggFunctionNormalize(), aggFunctionSet()
property aggFunctionParm as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "AGGFUNCPARM");
If enabled, aggregate function parameter for this level.
Property methods: aggFunctionParmDisplayToLogical(), aggFunctionParmGet(), aggFunctionParmIsValid(), aggFunctionParmLogicalToDisplay(), aggFunctionParmLogicalToOdbc(), aggFunctionParmNormalize(), aggFunctionParmSet()
property compIndex as %ZEN.Datatype.integer (ZENURL = "INDEX");
Index of component that launched this dialog.
Property methods: compIndexDisplayToLogical(), compIndexGet(), compIndexIsValid(), compIndexLogicalToDisplay(), compIndexLogicalToOdbc(), compIndexNormalize(), compIndexSet()
property drilldownSpec as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "DRILLDOWNSPEC");
Value of the drilldown spec option.
Property methods: drilldownSpecDisplayToLogical(), drilldownSpecGet(), drilldownSpecIsValid(), drilldownSpecLogicalToDisplay(), drilldownSpecLogicalToOdbc(), drilldownSpecNormalize(), drilldownSpecSet()
property filterEnabled as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean (ZENURL = "FILTER");
If true, apply the FILTER function to this level.
Property methods: filterEnabledDisplayToLogical(), filterEnabledGet(), filterEnabledIsValid(), filterEnabledLogicalToDisplay(), filterEnabledLogicalToOdbc(), filterEnabledLogicalToXSD(), filterEnabledNormalize(), filterEnabledSet(), filterEnabledXSDToLogical()
property filterExpression as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "FILTEREXPR");
Filter expression for FILTER function.
Property methods: filterExpressionDisplayToLogical(), filterExpressionGet(), filterExpressionIsValid(), filterExpressionLogicalToDisplay(), filterExpressionLogicalToOdbc(), filterExpressionNormalize(), filterExpressionSet()
property headCount as %ZEN.Datatype.integer (ZENURL = "HEADCOUNT");
Count argument for HEAD function.
Property methods: headCountDisplayToLogical(), headCountGet(), headCountIsValid(), headCountLogicalToDisplay(), headCountLogicalToOdbc(), headCountNormalize(), headCountSet()
property headEnabled as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean (ZENURL = "HEAD");
If true, apply the HEAD function to this level.
Property methods: headEnabledDisplayToLogical(), headEnabledGet(), headEnabledIsValid(), headEnabledLogicalToDisplay(), headEnabledLogicalToOdbc(), headEnabledLogicalToXSD(), headEnabledNormalize(), headEnabledSet(), headEnabledXSDToLogical()
property hideMeasures as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "HIDEMEASURES");
Value for hideMeasures.
Property methods: hideMeasuresDisplayToLogical(), hideMeasuresGet(), hideMeasuresIsValid(), hideMeasuresLogicalToDisplay(), hideMeasuresLogicalToOdbc(), hideMeasuresNormalize(), hideMeasuresSet()
property isCalculated as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Create an isCalculated property with 0 as default:
Property methods: isCalculatedDisplayToLogical(), isCalculatedGet(), isCalculatedIsValid(), isCalculatedLogicalToDisplay(), isCalculatedNormalize(), isCalculatedSet(), isCalculatedXSDToLogical()
property levelCaption as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "LEVELCAPTION");
Optional caption to apply to this element.
Property methods: levelCaptionDisplayToLogical(), levelCaptionGet(), levelCaptionIsValid(), levelCaptionLogicalToDisplay(), levelCaptionLogicalToOdbc(), levelCaptionNormalize(), levelCaptionSet()
property levelFormat as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "LEVELFORMAT");
Optional format to apply to this element.
Property methods: levelFormatDisplayToLogical(), levelFormatGet(), levelFormatIsValid(), levelFormatLogicalToDisplay(), levelFormatLogicalToOdbc(), levelFormatNormalize(), levelFormatSet()
property levelHeaderStyle as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "LEVELHEADERSTYLE");
Optional style to apply to this element.
Property methods: levelHeaderStyleDisplayToLogical(), levelHeaderStyleGet(), levelHeaderStyleIsValid(), levelHeaderStyleLogicalToDisplay(), levelHeaderStyleLogicalToOdbc(), levelHeaderStyleNormalize(), levelHeaderStyleSet()
property levelStyle as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "LEVELSTYLE");
Optional style to apply to this element.
Property methods: levelStyleDisplayToLogical(), levelStyleGet(), levelStyleIsValid(), levelStyleLogicalToDisplay(), levelStyleLogicalToOdbc(), levelStyleNormalize(), levelStyleSet()
property levelSummary as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "LEVELSUMMARY");
Optional summary aggregate for this element.
Property methods: levelSummaryDisplayToLogical(), levelSummaryGet(), levelSummaryIsValid(), levelSummaryLogicalToDisplay(), levelSummaryLogicalToOdbc(), levelSummaryNormalize(), levelSummarySet()
property levelType as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "LEVELTYPE");
For row/column options, indicates the type of member defined.
Property methods: levelTypeDisplayToLogical(), levelTypeGet(), levelTypeIsValid(), levelTypeLogicalToDisplay(), levelTypeLogicalToOdbc(), levelTypeNormalize(), levelTypeSet()
property levelValue as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "VALUE");
Value of this option (for mdx and value types).
Property methods: levelValueDisplayToLogical(), levelValueGet(), levelValueIsValid(), levelValueLogicalToDisplay(), levelValueLogicalToOdbc(), levelValueNormalize(), levelValueSet()
property measureLocation as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "MEASURELOCATION");
Value for measureLocation.
Property methods: measureLocationDisplayToLogical(), measureLocationGet(), measureLocationIsValid(), measureLocationLogicalToDisplay(), measureLocationLogicalToOdbc(), measureLocationNormalize(), measureLocationSet()
property memberSpec as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "SPEC");
Spec of current member.
Property methods: memberSpecDisplayToLogical(), memberSpecGet(), memberSpecIsValid(), memberSpecLogicalToDisplay(), memberSpecLogicalToOdbc(), memberSpecNormalize(), memberSpecSet()
property memberText as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "TEXT");
Text of current member.
Property methods: memberTextDisplayToLogical(), memberTextGet(), memberTextIsValid(), memberTextLogicalToDisplay(), memberTextLogicalToOdbc(), memberTextNormalize(), memberTextSet()
property memberType as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "mbr" ];
Type of member specified (determined from spec).
Property methods: memberTypeDisplayToLogical(), memberTypeGet(), memberTypeIsValid(), memberTypeLogicalToDisplay(), memberTypeLogicalToOdbc(), memberTypeNormalize(), memberTypeSet()
property mode as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "MODE") [ InitialExpression = "level" ];
Mode ("axis" -- options for entire axis, "level", or "measures").
Property methods: modeDisplayToLogical(), modeGet(), modeIsValid(), modeLogicalToDisplay(), modeLogicalToOdbc(), modeNormalize(), modeSet()
property orderDirection as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "ORDERDIR");
Direction argument for ORDER function.
Property methods: orderDirectionDisplayToLogical(), orderDirectionGet(), orderDirectionIsValid(), orderDirectionLogicalToDisplay(), orderDirectionLogicalToOdbc(), orderDirectionNormalize(), orderDirectionSet()
property orderEnabled as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean (ZENURL = "ORDER");
If true, apply the ORDER function to this level.
Property methods: orderEnabledDisplayToLogical(), orderEnabledGet(), orderEnabledIsValid(), orderEnabledLogicalToDisplay(), orderEnabledLogicalToOdbc(), orderEnabledLogicalToXSD(), orderEnabledNormalize(), orderEnabledSet(), orderEnabledXSDToLogical()
property orderExpression as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "ORDEREXPR");
Sort expression for ORDER function.
Property methods: orderExpressionDisplayToLogical(), orderExpressionGet(), orderExpressionIsValid(), orderExpressionLogicalToDisplay(), orderExpressionLogicalToOdbc(), orderExpressionNormalize(), orderExpressionSet()
property pivotName as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "PIVOTNAME");
Saved pivot (if present).
Used to get local calculated members.
Property methods: pivotNameDisplayToLogical(), pivotNameGet(), pivotNameIsValid(), pivotNameLogicalToDisplay(), pivotNameLogicalToOdbc(), pivotNameNormalize(), pivotNameSet()
property subjectArea as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "CUBE");
Subject Area.
Property methods: subjectAreaDisplayToLogical(), subjectAreaGet(), subjectAreaIsValid(), subjectAreaLogicalToDisplay(), subjectAreaLogicalToOdbc(), subjectAreaNormalize(), subjectAreaSet()
property suppress8020 as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean (ZENURL = "SUPPRESS");
If true, apply the 80/20 suppression to this level.
Property methods: suppress8020DisplayToLogical(), suppress8020Get(), suppress8020IsValid(), suppress8020LogicalToDisplay(), suppress8020LogicalToOdbc(), suppress8020LogicalToXSD(), suppress8020Normalize(), suppress8020Set(), suppress8020XSDToLogical()
method %OnAfterCreatePage() as %Status
Inherited description: Be sure to do ##super() when overriding.
method %OnGetSubtitle() as %String
Get the (localized) subtitle string for the dialog.
This should be implemented in a subclass.
method %OnGetTitle() as %String
Get the (localized) title string for the dialog.
This should be implemented in a subclass.
clientmethod applyChange(deltaId, target) [ Language = javascript ]
Change in style control.
clientmethod buildExpression() [ Language = javascript ]
Launch format dialog.
clientmethod changeType(clear) [ Language = javascript ]
This client event is fired when user selects a type radio button choice.
clientmethod disableDrilldown() [ Language = javascript ]
Disable/enable drilldown.
clientmethod editFormatString() [ Language = javascript ]
Launch format dialog.
clientmethod getDialogValue() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: Get the value that will be applied when the user presses the OK button.
This is implemented by subclasses.
clientmethod getPivotObject() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod onPopupAction(popupName, action, value) [ Language = javascript ]
This client event is fired when the a popup page launched from this page fires an action.
clientmethod ondialogFinish(action) as %Boolean [ Language = javascript ]
This callback, if defined, is called when the user presses the OK or Apply action buttons.
If this returns false, then the action is cancelled.
clientmethod ondialogStart() [ Language = javascript ]
This callback, if defined, is called when the dialog page is loaded.
clientmethod reset(which) [ Language = javascript ]
Reset styles.
clientmethod updateState(which, flag) [ Language = javascript ]
Update state of controls on this page.
clientmethod updateStyleControls() [ Language = javascript ]
Make style controls match current style.
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
- %condition
- %import
- %includeFiles
- %page
- %resource
- FirstFailed
- InvalidParam
- IsEMSReadOnly
- ValidationErrorMsg
- align
- aux
- backgroundTimerInterval
- cellAlign
- cellSize
- cellStyle
- cellVAlign
- children
- composite
- containerStyle
- cssLevel
- dialogTitle
- disabled
- disabledStyle
- dragAndDrop
- dragEnabled
- dropEnabled
- enclosingClass
- enclosingStyle
- error
- groupClass
- groupStyle
- height
- hidden
- hideApplyButton
- hideCancelButton
- hint
- hintClass
- hintStyle
- id
- index
- label
- labelClass
- labelDisabledClass
- labelPosition
- labelStyle
- layout
- name
- onafterdrag
- onbeforedrag
- onclick
- ondrag
- ondrop
- onhide
- onrefresh
- onshow
- onupdate
- parent
- showLabel
- slice
- title
- tuple
- useSVG
- useSoftModals
- valign
- visible
- width
- window
- zenPersistentPopup
Inherited Methods
- %AddChild()
- %AddChildAfter()
- %AddChildBefore()
- %AddComponent()
- %AddImportedComponents()
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ApplyURLParms()
- %Attr()
- %BindExport()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %DrawAutoLogout()
- %DrawClassDefinitions()
- %DrawComponentHTML()
- %DrawHTML()
- %DrawHTMLPage()
- %DrawJSStrings()
- %DrawObjectDefinitions()
- %DrawTitle()
- %EnclosingDivId()
- %EndBackgroundMethod()
- %EndScript()
- %Eval()
- %EvalC()
- %Extends()
- %ForceClientRender()
- %GetChildIndex()
- %GetComponent()
- %GetComponentById()
- %GetComponentByName()
- %GetEventHandlers()
- %GetLinks()
- %GetPageName()
- %GetParameter()
- %GetValueById()
- %GetValueByName()
- %GetXMLName()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %Link()
- %LinkCSS()
- %LinkScript()
- %MakeId()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OnAddToPageAfter()
- %OnAddToPageBefore()
- %OnBeforeCreatePage()
- %OnCreateApplication()
- %OnCreatePage()
- %OnDetermineCSSLevel()
- %OnDrawEnclosingDiv()
- %OnDrawHTMLBody()
- %OnDrawHTMLHead()
- %OnDrawHTMLMeta()
- %OnDrawObjectProperties()
- %OnFinishBackgroundTask()
- %OnMonitorBackgroundTask()
- %OnMutateChildren()
- %OnObjectSynch()
- %OnPreHTTP()
- %OnSubmit()
- %OnUseSoftModals()
- %OnZENDeserialize()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %QuoteValue()
- %QuoteValueL10N()
- %RemoveChild()
- %RemoveChildren()
- %RemoveComponent()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %RunBackgroundMethod()
- %Self()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetBackgroundMethodStatus()
- %SetErrorById()
- %SetErrorByName()
- %SetModified()
- %SetValueById()
- %SetValueByName()
- %SetValuesByName()
- %StartScript()
- %ValidateObject()
- %ZENVersion()
- ConvertParameter()
- Decrypt()
- Encrypt()
- EscapeHTML()
- EscapeURL()
- EvalResult()
- HyperEventCall()
- HyperEventHead()
- Include()
- InsertHiddenField()
- InsertHiddenFields()
- IsPrivate()
- JavaInstalled()
- Link()
- OnHTTPHeader()
- OnPage()
- OnPageError()
- OnPostHTTP()
- OnPostHyperEvent()
- OnPreHTTP()
- OnPreHyperEvent()
- Page()
- QuoteJS()
- RewriteURL()
- ShowError()
- StartTimer()
- StopTimer()
- ThrowError()
- UnescapeHTML()
- UnescapeURL()
- XMLExport()
- XMLExportToStream()
- XMLExportToString()
- XMLNew()
- XMLSchema()
- XMLSchemaNamespace()
- XMLSchemaType()
- addChild()
- addChildAfter()
- addChildBefore()
- adjustSize()
- btnApply()
- btnOK()
- cancelPopup()
- childrenMutated()
- correctIELayering()
- createComponent()
- createComponentNS()
- ctrlKeyDown()
- deleteComponent()
- dialogApply()
- dialogCancel()
- dialogFinish()
- dialogTitleGet()
- disableButtons()
- dragFinishHandler()
- dragHandler()
- dragNotifyHandler()
- dragStartHandler()
- dropHandler()
- dropStartHandler()
- endModal()
- exposeComponent()
- findElement()
- fireOnResizeEvent()
- fireOnUnloadEvent()
- fireOnUpdateEvent()
- firePopupAction()
- getChildIndex()
- getComponent()
- getComponentById()
- getEnclosingDiv()
- getHidden()
- getHintElement()
- getLabelElement()
- getOpener()
- getProperty()
- getSettings()
- getType()
- gotoPage()
- invokeSuper()
- isOfType()
- launchPopupWindow()
- makeId()
- onCreate()
- onDelete()
- onDisplayHandler()
- onEndModalHandler()
- onRefreshContents()
- onSerialize()
- onServerMethodCall()
- onServerMethodError()
- onServerMethodReturn()
- onStartModalHandler()
- ondialogCancel()
- ondisabledHandler()
- onhandleAutoLogoutWarn()
- onkeydownHandler()
- onkeyupHandler()
- onlayoutHandler()
- onloadHandler()
- onlogoutHandler()
- onoverlayHandler()
- onresizeHandler()
- onunloadHandler()
- onupdateHandler()
- popupActionHandler()
- refreshContents()
- removeChild()
- render()
- renderContents()
- renderSVG()
- resetMsg()
- setComponentId()
- setHidden()
- setOverlayMode()
- setProperty()
- setPropertyAll()
- setTraceOption()
- showMsg()
- startModal()
- startProgressBar()
- stopProgressBar()
- stripWhitespaces()
- validateRequired()