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class %Net.LDAP.Client.EditEntry extends %Library.RegisteredObject

WARNING: This Class and its methods has been deprecated, please use the %SYS.LDAP class.

Edit/Modify an existing LDAP Entry

The following shows an example of editting an entry:

      Set err=""
      Set session=##class(%Net.LDAP.Client.Session).%New()
      Set DC="DC=testldap,DC=com"
      Set c=session.Connect("lx2",0,"CN=admin,"_DC,"password", 0)
      If ($$$ISERR(c)) {
          Do DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(c,.err)
          Write "Failed to connect : err : ", err(err),!
      Write "Connected to (",DC,")",!
      ;; Create a test entry
      ;; Build attributes to be added to the entry
      Set p=session.GetPropList()
      Set c=p.Insert("objectclass","organizationalRole") w:(c'=$$$OK) "objclass attrib insert failed!!",!
      Set cn="test4"
      Set c=p.Insert("cn",cn) w:(c'=$$$OK) "cn attrib insert failed!!",!
      Set DN="cn="_cn_","_DC
      Set c=session.AddNewEntry(DN,p)
      If ($$$ISERR(c)) {
          Do DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(c,.err)
          Write "Failed to add/create a new entry(",DN,") : err : ", err(err),!
      } else {
          Write "Entry added (",DN,")",!
      ;; Edit/Modify DN
      s ed=session.EditEntry(DN)
      ;; Modifiy "description" attrib with multiple value
      s mv=session.GetValueList()
      s c=mv.Insert("Modified for testing!!") w:(c'=$$$OK) "1- multi value insert failed!!",!
      s:('$$$ISERR(c)) c=mv.Insert("Last updated - "_$zdt($ztimestamp)) w:(c'=$$$OK) "2- multi value insert failed!!",!
      ;; Queue an add of a multi-value "description" attrib,
      ;; and replace "postaladdress" attrib value
      s:('$$$ISERR(c)) c=ed.Add("description",mv)
      s:('$$$ISERR(c)) c=ed.Replace("postalAddress","123 - New addr")
      if ($$$ISERR(c)) {
          d DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(c,.err)
          W "--- Failed to edit DN(",DN,") : err : ", err(err),!
      } else {
          w "Edits Q-ed ok!!",!
      ;; Commit the edits
      s c=ed.Commit()
      if ($$$ISERR(c)) {
          d DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(c,.err)
          W "--- Failed to commit DN(",DN,") changes : err : ", err(err),!
      } else {
          w "Committed ok!!",!
      ;; Display the changes
      ;; Get all "ObjectClass", "postalAddress", "description", and "cn" in DC
      ;; build a list of desired attributes 
      Set sl=session.GetStringList()
      Do sl.InsertStr("ObjectClass","cn","postalAddress","description")
      Set session.MaxItems=100  ;; specify max number of results
      Set ents=session.Search(DC,scope, "(ObjectClass=*)",sl,1000)
      If ('$IsObject(ents)) {
          Do DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(ents,.err)
          Write "Search failed : err : ", err(err),!
      } else {
          Write !,"Search result:",!
          Set count=0
          Set entDN=""
          For  { ; iterate through returned entries
             Set ent=ents.GetNext(.entDN)
             Set count=count+1
             Write "  ",count," - Entry(",entDN,")",!
             if ($IsObject(ent)) {
                Set attrNM=""
                For  { ; iterate through each attribute of an entry
                   Set val=ent.GetNext(.attrNM)
                   Write "       Ent(",entDN,"), attr(",attrNM,")",!
                   ;; iterate through values associated with each attribute
                   For i=1:1:val.GetNumItems() { 
                      Write "         ",i," - Value(",val.GetValue(i),")",!
             } else {
                Quit  ;; list end
          Write !,"Search done!! Count == ",count,!
      Set c=session.DeleteEntry(DN)
      If ($$$ISERR(c)) {
          Do DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(c,.err)
          Write "Failed to delete entry(",DN,") : err : ", err(err),!
      } else {
          Write "Delete entry (",DN,")",!

Method Inventory


method Add(attribute As %String, value As %RawString, binary As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Add a value to an attribute.

attribute Attribute to change

value New value

The value could be string, stream, or a binary blub

If attribute doesn't exist in the entry, the attribute will be added

This change is committed by the Commit method

method Commit() as %Status
Commit the changes.

Applies the pending changes. On success, resets/clears the change list.

method Remove(attribute As %String, value As %RawString = "", binary As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Remove an attribute value.

attribute Attribute to change

value Value to be deleted

The value could be string, stream, or a binary blub

If no value is provided, it will remove the attribute and all values

This change is committed by the Commit method

method Replace(attribute As %String, value As %RawString, binary As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Replace an attribute value.

attribute Attribute to change

value New value of the attribute

The value could be string, stream, or a binary blub

If attribute doesn't exist in the entry, the attribute will be added

This change is committed by the Commit method

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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