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deprecated class %ZEN.Component.navigator extends

The navigator component creates a combination navigation and simple settings interface similar to that found on mobile devices.
This is an HTML5 component; it will only work correctly on HTML5 compliant browsers.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter DEFAULTENCLOSINGCLASS = navWrapper;
Inherited description: Subclasses can set this to change default enclosingClass used for this component.
parameter DOMAIN = %ZEN;
Localization domain


property backgroundStyle as;
Style to apply to navigator background.
Property methods: backgroundStyleDisplayToLogical(), backgroundStyleGet(), backgroundStyleIsValid(), backgroundStyleLogicalToDisplay(), backgroundStyleLogicalToOdbc(), backgroundStyleNormalize(), backgroundStyleSet()
property colorSetCaptions as list of %ZEN.Datatype.string (XMLPROJECTION = "none", ZENSETTING = 0);
Captions of color sets.
Property methods: colorSetCaptionsBuildValueArray(), colorSetCaptionsCollectionToDisplay(), colorSetCaptionsCollectionToOdbc(), colorSetCaptionsDisplayToCollection(), colorSetCaptionsDisplayToLogical(), colorSetCaptionsGet(), colorSetCaptionsGetObject(), colorSetCaptionsGetObjectId(), colorSetCaptionsGetSwizzled(), colorSetCaptionsIsValid(), colorSetCaptionsLogicalToDisplay(), colorSetCaptionsLogicalToOdbc(), colorSetCaptionsNormalize(), colorSetCaptionsOdbcToCollection(), colorSetCaptionsSet(), colorSetCaptionsSetObject(), colorSetCaptionsSetObjectId()
property colorSetNames as list of %ZEN.Datatype.string (XMLPROJECTION = "none", ZENSETTING = 0);
Logical names of color sets.
Property methods: colorSetNamesBuildValueArray(), colorSetNamesCollectionToDisplay(), colorSetNamesCollectionToOdbc(), colorSetNamesDisplayToCollection(), colorSetNamesDisplayToLogical(), colorSetNamesGet(), colorSetNamesGetObject(), colorSetNamesGetObjectId(), colorSetNamesGetSwizzled(), colorSetNamesIsValid(), colorSetNamesLogicalToDisplay(), colorSetNamesLogicalToOdbc(), colorSetNamesNormalize(), colorSetNamesOdbcToCollection(), colorSetNamesSet(), colorSetNamesSetObject(), colorSetNamesSetObjectId()
property colorSets as list of %ZEN.Datatype.string (XMLPROJECTION = "none", ZENSETTING = 0);
List of ;-delimited color set values for drop down.
Property methods: colorSetsBuildValueArray(), colorSetsCollectionToDisplay(), colorSetsCollectionToOdbc(), colorSetsDisplayToCollection(), colorSetsDisplayToLogical(), colorSetsGet(), colorSetsGetObject(), colorSetsGetObjectId(), colorSetsGetSwizzled(), colorSetsIsValid(), colorSetsLogicalToDisplay(), colorSetsLogicalToOdbc(), colorSetsNormalize(), colorSetsOdbcToCollection(), colorSetsSet(), colorSetsSetObject(), colorSetsSetObjectId()
property columnWidth as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 320 ];
Width of columns (in pixels). Keep at 320 for best results.
Property methods: columnWidthDisplayToLogical(), columnWidthGet(), columnWidthIsValid(), columnWidthLogicalToDisplay(), columnWidthLogicalToOdbc(), columnWidthNormalize(), columnWidthSet()
property currColorSet as %ZEN.Datatype.string (XMLPROJECTION = "none", ZENSETTING = 0) [ InitialExpression = "deepsee" ];
Current color set.
Property methods: currColorSetDisplayToLogical(), currColorSetGet(), currColorSetIsValid(), currColorSetLogicalToDisplay(), currColorSetLogicalToOdbc(), currColorSetNormalize(), currColorSetSet()
property currLevel as %ZEN.Datatype.integer (XMLPROJECTION = "none", ZENSETTING = 0) [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Indicates how many levels deep the navigator is scrolled.
Property methods: currLevelDisplayToLogical(), currLevelGet(), currLevelIsValid(), currLevelLogicalToDisplay(), currLevelLogicalToOdbc(), currLevelNormalize(), currLevelSet()
property deleteThisItemMsg as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Delete this item","%ZEN") ];
Warning tooltip message for delete options
Property methods: deleteThisItemMsgDisplayToLogical(), deleteThisItemMsgGet(), deleteThisItemMsgIsValid(), deleteThisItemMsgLogicalToDisplay(), deleteThisItemMsgLogicalToOdbc(), deleteThisItemMsgNormalize(), deleteThisItemMsgSet()
property disclosureWidth as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 24 ];
Width of the disclosure bar on the left.
Property methods: disclosureWidthDisplayToLogical(), disclosureWidthGet(), disclosureWidthIsValid(), disclosureWidthLogicalToDisplay(), disclosureWidthLogicalToOdbc(), disclosureWidthNormalize(), disclosureWidthSet()
property expanded as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
If true, then show the navigator; otherwise it is contracted.
Property methods: expandedDisplayToLogical(), expandedGet(), expandedIsValid(), expandedLogicalToDisplay(), expandedLogicalToOdbc(), expandedLogicalToXSD(), expandedNormalize(), expandedSet(), expandedXSDToLogical()
property footerHeight as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Height of footer (in pixels). Set to 0 for no footer. Set to 40 to show footer with best results.
Property methods: footerHeightDisplayToLogical(), footerHeightGet(), footerHeightIsValid(), footerHeightLogicalToDisplay(), footerHeightLogicalToOdbc(), footerHeightNormalize(), footerHeightSet()
property headerHeight as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 40 ];
Height of header (in pixels). Keep at 40 for best results.
Property methods: headerHeightDisplayToLogical(), headerHeightGet(), headerHeightIsValid(), headerHeightLogicalToDisplay(), headerHeightLogicalToOdbc(), headerHeightNormalize(), headerHeightSet()
property language as %ZEN.Datatype.string (XMLPROJECTION = "none");
Pass current language to client.
Property methods: languageDisplayToLogical(), languageGet(), languageIsValid(), languageLogicalToDisplay(), languageLogicalToOdbc(), languageNormalize(), languageSet()
property onarrange as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onarrange event handler: Notification that the order of items in the current sheet has changed. This event is passed 3 arguments: key, swap, and final. final is true when a value is finished changing. swap is an object with the property index and newIndex, containg the index of the item to move and its new location.
Property methods: onarrangeDisplayToLogical(), onarrangeGet(), onarrangeIsValid(), onarrangeLogicalToDisplay(), onarrangeLogicalToOdbc(), onarrangeNormalize(), onarrangeSet()
property onbuttonclick as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onbuttonclick event handler: Notification that the user has clicked on a "header" or "footer" button.
Property methods: onbuttonclickDisplayToLogical(), onbuttonclickGet(), onbuttonclickIsValid(), onbuttonclickLogicalToDisplay(), onbuttonclickLogicalToOdbc(), onbuttonclickNormalize(), onbuttonclickSet()
property onchange as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onchange event handler: Notification that a control within the property sheet has changed value. This event is passed 3 arguments: key, value, and final. final is true when a value is finished changing (such as when the user stops pressing a stepper button).
Property methods: onchangeDisplayToLogical(), onchangeGet(), onchangeIsValid(), onchangeLogicalToDisplay(), onchangeLogicalToOdbc(), onchangeNormalize(), onchangeSet()
property onclosebuttonclick as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onclosebuttonclick event handler: Notification that the user has clicked on an "close" button for an item.
Property methods: onclosebuttonclickDisplayToLogical(), onclosebuttonclickGet(), onclosebuttonclickIsValid(), onclosebuttonclickLogicalToDisplay(), onclosebuttonclickLogicalToOdbc(), onclosebuttonclickNormalize(), onclosebuttonclickSet()
property onexpand as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onexpand event handler: Notification that the user has expanded or contracted this component.
Property methods: onexpandDisplayToLogical(), onexpandGet(), onexpandIsValid(), onexpandLogicalToDisplay(), onexpandLogicalToOdbc(), onexpandNormalize(), onexpandSet()
property ongetcontent as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
ongetcontent event handler: This defines the client-side code that defines the content of a "sheet" within this component.
This is passed level, key, and value as arguments. This code should return an object with any of the following properties:
title-the title to display for the sheet.
url-if defined, the url to display as an iframe within the sheet (in the same domain).
html-custom html to display within the sheet.
childIndex-index number (0-based) of child of this component to display.
items-array of javascript objects used to define the contents.
Property methods: ongetcontentDisplayToLogical(), ongetcontentGet(), ongetcontentIsValid(), ongetcontentLogicalToDisplay(), ongetcontentLogicalToOdbc(), ongetcontentNormalize(), ongetcontentSet()
property onindent as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onindent event handler: Notification that the indentation level of an item in the current sheet has changed. This event is passed 3 arguments: key, list, and final. final is true when a value is finished changing. list is a an array containing the new ordinal positions of the items.
Property methods: onindentDisplayToLogical(), onindentGet(), onindentIsValid(), onindentLogicalToDisplay(), onindentLogicalToOdbc(), onindentNormalize(), onindentSet()
property onpopupaction as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onpopupaction event handler: Notification that the user has invoked and applied a popup for an item.
Property methods: onpopupactionDisplayToLogical(), onpopupactionGet(), onpopupactionIsValid(), onpopupactionLogicalToDisplay(), onpopupactionLogicalToOdbc(), onpopupactionNormalize(), onpopupactionSet()
property onselect as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onselect event handler: Notification that a new choice has been selected within the property sheet. This is also called when a "drill" item is selected. This event is passed 3 arguments: key, value, and which. which is "select" or "drill".
Property methods: onselectDisplayToLogical(), onselectGet(), onselectIsValid(), onselectLogicalToDisplay(), onselectLogicalToOdbc(), onselectNormalize(), onselectSet()
property openThisItemMsg as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Open this item","%ZEN") ];
Warning tooltip message for open options
Property methods: openThisItemMsgDisplayToLogical(), openThisItemMsgGet(), openThisItemMsgIsValid(), openThisItemMsgLogicalToDisplay(), openThisItemMsgLogicalToOdbc(), openThisItemMsgNormalize(), openThisItemMsgSet()
property showDisclosure as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, show the disclosure bar on the left.
Property methods: showDisclosureDisplayToLogical(), showDisclosureGet(), showDisclosureIsValid(), showDisclosureLogicalToDisplay(), showDisclosureLogicalToOdbc(), showDisclosureLogicalToXSD(), showDisclosureNormalize(), showDisclosureSet(), showDisclosureXSDToLogical()
property showSliderValue as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, show slider values next to the control
Property methods: showSliderValueDisplayToLogical(), showSliderValueGet(), showSliderValueIsValid(), showSliderValueLogicalToDisplay(), showSliderValueLogicalToOdbc(), showSliderValueLogicalToXSD(), showSliderValueNormalize(), showSliderValueSet(), showSliderValueXSDToLogical()


method %DrawHTML()
Inherited description: Static HTML display method: draw the BODY of this component as HTML.
Subclasses implement this in order to render the static HTML contents of a component.
classmethod GetUserFontList() as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ ZenMethod ]
The default list of fonts available may be extended by editing the global ^zenNavigator.UserFontListCSV. This is a flat string holding the names of desired fonts, separated by commas (i.e. "Palatino Linotype,Tahoma") Names are case sentitive and subject to substitution if the named font is not found on the run time system. This function passes the value of the global to the client side renderer.
clientmethod applyValue(value, display, pop) [ Language = javascript ]
Apply the value value and display value display to the current item. display is not passed to the callback. You can get it via the currDisplayValue property of this component.
If pop is true, pop the current frame on the navigator.
clientmethod beginWait() [ Language = javascript ]
Start "wait" state.
clientmethod choiceClick(evt, multi, index, choiceNo, newValue) [ Language = javascript ]
Mouse click handler for choice control. multi is true for choice-multi.
clientmethod clearValue() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod clickHandler(evt, index, forceDrill) [ Language = javascript ]
Click handler for item in sheet.
clientmethod closeButtonClickHandler(evt, key) [ Language = javascript ]
Click handler for close button.
clientmethod collectValue(value, final) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod colorSetChange(value) [ Language = javascript ]
Change the displayed color set.
clientmethod convertCSSToText(result) [ Language = javascript ]
Convert an object containing css values as name-values into a css string. This is used for SVG styles.
clientmethod customColorChange(which) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod editClick(evt, index) [ Language = javascript ]
Mouse click on edit control.
clientmethod editControlApply(evt, index) [ Language = javascript ]
Apply button for edit control.
clientmethod editControlCancel(evt, index) [ Language = javascript ]
Cancel button for edit control.
clientmethod editKeyPressHandler(evt, index) [ Language = javascript ]
Key press handler for edit control.
clientmethod editKeyUpHandler(evt, index) [ Language = javascript ]
Key up handler for edit control.
clientmethod endWait() [ Language = javascript ]
End "wait" state .
clientmethod expandHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
Fire the onexpand event handler.
clientmethod findItemByIndex(index, level) [ Language = javascript ]
Return the item with the given index (and optional level).
clientmethod getChooserListHTML(list, key, value, caption, help) [ Language = javascript ]
Utility method. Given a list of objects, of the form: [{caption:caption, value:value, style:style}]
key and value are the key and value for item within the navigator. Return HTML to display a chooser list based on the given values. If caption and help are defined, display them at the top.
clientmethod getColorChooserHTML(key, value, mode) [ Language = javascript ]
Return the HTML for a color chooser panel. key and value are the key and value for item within the navigator. mode is "html" or "svg".
clientmethod getColorSet(mode) [ Language = javascript ]
Return an array of (arrays of) the current color set.
clientmethod getColorTableHTML(mode, value) [ Language = javascript ]
Return a HTML for the table of color choices for the current color set.
clientmethod getCurrSpec() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the spec object for the current frame.
clientmethod getFontChooserHTML(key, value) [ Language = javascript ]
Utility method. Return the HTML for a font chooser panel. key and value are the key and value for item within the navigator.
clientmethod getHTMLForEditor(index, item, active, disabled) [ Language = javascript ]
Return HTML for a value editor. This draws an edit control within an item.
clientmethod getHTMLForItem(index, item, active) [ Language = javascript ]
Return HTML for one item.
clientmethod getIconListHTML(list, key, value) [ Language = javascript ]
Utility method. Display a set of choices as icons. Given a list of objects, of the form: [{image:url, caption:caption, value:value, style:style}]
key and value are the key and value for item within the navigator. Return HTML to display a chooser list based on the given values.
clientmethod getItemContent(index, item, active) [ Language = javascript ]
Return HTML for the contents of an item. This draw the various cells and controls within a sheet.
clientmethod getItemDiv(level, index) [ Language = javascript ]
Find the div element for the given item level and index.
clientmethod getLevelContent(level, itemSpec) [ Language = javascript ]
Return the HTML content for the given level. itemSpec is the spec object for the parent of the current level. It is null for the top-most level.
clientmethod getMasterContent(showExtra) [ Language = javascript ]
Get the HTML contents of the master panel tray.
clientmethod getMultiSelectIconListHTML(list, key, value) [ Language = javascript ]
Utility method. Display a set of choices as icons. Given a list of objects, of the form: [{image:url, caption:caption, value:value, style:style}]
key and value are the key and value for item within the navigator. Return HTML to display a multi-select supporting chooser
clientmethod getNavFooterHTML(level) [ Language = javascript ]
Get HTML for the footer bar.
clientmethod getNavHeaderHTML(level) [ Language = javascript ]
Get HTML for the navigator bar (header for master panel).
clientmethod getParentSpec() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the spec object for the parent of the current frame.
clientmethod getWidth() [ Language = javascript ]
Get the expected width of this component in pixels.
clientmethod giveFocusToControl() [ Language = javascript ]
Give focus to the current input control.
clientmethod headerButtonClickHandler(key, level) [ Language = javascript ]
Click handler for header (or footer) button.
clientmethod hideMessage() [ Language = javascript ]
Hide the message for this form.
clientmethod hideOverlay() [ Language = javascript ]
Hide the overlay.
clientmethod onPopupAction(popupName, action, value) [ Language = javascript ]
This client event, if present, is fired when a popup page has specified this component as its parent and fires an action.
clientmethod onloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
This client event, if present, is fired when the page is loaded.
clientmethod parseStyle(style) [ Language = javascript ]
Utility method. Split a css value into individual style values. Return an object containing these values. In addition to normal css attributes, the special attributes: "bold", "displayed","italic","underline", "smallCaps", and "shadow" are returned.
clientmethod parseStyleSVG(style) [ Language = javascript ]
Utility method. Split an SVG css value into individual style values. Return an object containing these values.
clientmethod popSheet() [ Language = javascript ]
Pop the top sheet (html div) off of the stack and render it. Return the current stack level.
clientmethod popupButtonClickHandler(evt, key, url) [ Language = javascript ]
Click handler for popup button.
clientmethod pushSheet(itemSpec) [ Language = javascript ]
Push a new item onto the stack.
clientmethod raiseChange(key, value, final) [ Language = javascript ]
Raise the onchange event for this navigator. This is used by custom content.
clientmethod refreshTopSheet() [ Language = javascript ]
Refresh the contents of the current top sheet.
clientmethod renderContents() [ Language = javascript ]
Draw contents of the property sheet.
clientmethod selectItem(index, forceDrill) [ Language = javascript ]
Select the item with the given index.
clientmethod setExpanded(flag) [ Language = javascript ]
Expand or contract the display of this component.
clientmethod setHeight(height) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the height (pixels) of this component.
clientmethod setProperty(property, value, value2) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the value of a named property.
clientmethod setStyleIntoCSS(cssText, style, value) [ Language = javascript ]
Utility method. Set a specific css value into the given style string.
clientmethod setWidth(width) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the column width (pixels) of this component.
clientmethod showMessage(msg) [ Language = javascript ]
Display a message for this form.
clientmethod showOverlay(content) [ Language = javascript ]
Show the given content in the overlay.
clientmethod slideInto(item) [ Language = javascript ]
Slide a new item onto the stack and render it (with animation). item is an object describing the new sheet to display.
clientmethod slideOutOf() [ Language = javascript ]
Slide top item off of the stack and re-render (with animation).
clientmethod sliderChanged(index, newValue, final) [ Language = javascript ]
Notification that a slider has moved. newValue is the new value.
clientmethod sliderMouseDown(evt, index) [ Language = javascript ]
Mouse down handler for slider control.
clientmethod sliderMouseMove(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
Mouse move handler for slider control (connected to window).
clientmethod sliderMouseUp(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
Mouse up handler for slider control (connected to window).
clientmethod sliderToggleClick(evt, index) [ Language = javascript ]
Click on slider toggle checkbox.
clientmethod sliderTouchEnd(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
Touch end handler for slider control (connected to window).
clientmethod sliderTouchMove(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
Touch move handler for slider control.
clientmethod sliderTouchStart(evt, index) [ Language = javascript ]
TouchStart down handler for slider control.
clientmethod sliderValueChange(event, index) [ Language = javascript ]
Notification that the user has entered an explicit value in the value text box.
clientmethod startEdit(index) [ Language = javascript ]
Start editing within the item with the given index.
clientmethod stepperAction(which, index, delay) [ Language = javascript ]
Apply stepper action
clientmethod stepperMouseDown(which, index) [ Language = javascript ]
Mouse down on stepper control.
clientmethod stepperMouseUp(which, index) [ Language = javascript ]
Mouse up on stepper control.
clientmethod stopEdit(index, cancel) [ Language = javascript ]
Stop editing within the item with the given index.
clientmethod toggleExpanded() [ Language = javascript ]
Expand or contract the display of this component.
clientmethod toggleSwitch(index) [ Language = javascript ]
Toggle value of switch control.
clientmethod transformColor(color) [ Language = javascript ]
Some charts may have use SVG colors. This is a crude translator.
clientmethod tryValue(value, tryLevel) [ Language = javascript ]
Do a trial application of the value value to the current item. This is used by mouse-over on certain controls.
clientmethod update(reset) [ Language = javascript ]
Refresh the contents of the property sheet. If reset is true, unhighlight and unscroll the contents.
clientmethod updateMasterPanel(showExtra) [ Language = javascript ]
Refresh the contents of the master panel.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

FeedbackOpens in a new tab