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deprecated class %ZEN.Component.tableNavigatorBar extends %ZEN.Component.component

This composite component displays a navigation bar (paging information and links to pages) for a %ZEN.Component.tablePane.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = %ZEN;
Localization domain
parameter SYSMODULE = table;
Inherited description: If set, this indicates that this system component should be placed in the given "module". A module is a grouping of components within the same class package that share common include (js or css) files. Note that certain root classes are implicitly placed within the "core" module.
Classes outside of the Zen library should not set this, they should use the MODULE instead.


property maxButtons as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 5 ];
This is the maximum number of page number "buttons" to display within the navigator. The default is 5.
If set to less than 1, then 1 is used.
Property methods: maxButtonsDisplayToLogical(), maxButtonsGet(), maxButtonsIsValid(), maxButtonsLogicalToDisplay(), maxButtonsLogicalToOdbc(), maxButtonsNormalize(), maxButtonsSet()
property maxPageSize as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 1000 ];
This is the maximum page size that a user can enter within the navigator. The default is 1000.
Property methods: maxPageSizeDisplayToLogical(), maxPageSizeGet(), maxPageSizeIsValid(), maxPageSizeLogicalToDisplay(), maxPageSizeLogicalToOdbc(), maxPageSizeNormalize(), maxPageSizeSet()
property maxRows as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 1000 ];
This is the maximum rows that the associated table can load. Value can be changed from the "Max rows" field. The default is 1000.
Property methods: maxRowsDisplayToLogical(), maxRowsGet(), maxRowsIsValid(), maxRowsLogicalToDisplay(), maxRowsLogicalToOdbc(), maxRowsNormalize(), maxRowsSet()
property msgFilter as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
Localized "Filter" message.
Property methods: msgFilterDisplayToLogical(), msgFilterGet(), msgFilterIsValid(), msgFilterLogicalToDisplay(), msgFilterLogicalToOdbc(), msgFilterNormalize(), msgFilterSet()
property msgFirstPage as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
Localized "first page" message.
Property methods: msgFirstPageDisplayToLogical(), msgFirstPageGet(), msgFirstPageIsValid(), msgFirstPageLogicalToDisplay(), msgFirstPageLogicalToOdbc(), msgFirstPageNormalize(), msgFirstPageSet()
property msgFound as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
Localized "Results" message.
Property methods: msgFoundDisplayToLogical(), msgFoundGet(), msgFoundIsValid(), msgFoundLogicalToDisplay(), msgFoundLogicalToOdbc(), msgFoundNormalize(), msgFoundSet()
property msgLastPage as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
Localized "last page" message.
Property methods: msgLastPageDisplayToLogical(), msgLastPageGet(), msgLastPageIsValid(), msgLastPageLogicalToDisplay(), msgLastPageLogicalToOdbc(), msgLastPageNormalize(), msgLastPageSet()
property msgMaxRows as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
Localized "max rows" message.
Property methods: msgMaxRowsDisplayToLogical(), msgMaxRowsGet(), msgMaxRowsIsValid(), msgMaxRowsLogicalToDisplay(), msgMaxRowsLogicalToOdbc(), msgMaxRowsNormalize(), msgMaxRowsSet()
property msgNextPage as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
Localized "next page" message.
Property methods: msgNextPageDisplayToLogical(), msgNextPageGet(), msgNextPageIsValid(), msgNextPageLogicalToDisplay(), msgNextPageLogicalToOdbc(), msgNextPageNormalize(), msgNextPageSet()
property msgOf as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
Localized "of" found message.
Property methods: msgOfDisplayToLogical(), msgOfGet(), msgOfIsValid(), msgOfLogicalToDisplay(), msgOfLogicalToOdbc(), msgOfNormalize(), msgOfSet()
property msgPage as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
Localized "Page" message.
Property methods: msgPageDisplayToLogical(), msgPageGet(), msgPageIsValid(), msgPageLogicalToDisplay(), msgPageLogicalToOdbc(), msgPageNormalize(), msgPageSet()
property msgPageSize as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
Localized "page size" message.
Property methods: msgPageSizeDisplayToLogical(), msgPageSizeGet(), msgPageSizeIsValid(), msgPageSizeLogicalToDisplay(), msgPageSizeLogicalToOdbc(), msgPageSizeNormalize(), msgPageSizeSet()
property msgPreviousPage as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
Localized "previous page" message.
Property methods: msgPreviousPageDisplayToLogical(), msgPreviousPageGet(), msgPreviousPageIsValid(), msgPreviousPageLogicalToDisplay(), msgPreviousPageLogicalToOdbc(), msgPreviousPageNormalize(), msgPreviousPageSet()
This is the maximum rows that a user can enter within the navigator. The default is 100000. Designer may override this, but end user's entry cannot be greater than this number.
Property methods: navmaxRowsDisplayToLogical(), navmaxRowsGet(), navmaxRowsIsValid(), navmaxRowsLogicalToDisplay(), navmaxRowsLogicalToOdbc(), navmaxRowsNormalize(), navmaxRowsSet()
property onMaxRowsChange as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onMaxRowsChange event handler: This event is fired when user changes the value in the "Max rows" box displayed by this navigator. value is passed to this callback and is the current value of the "Max rows" control.
Property methods: onMaxRowsChangeDisplayToLogical(), onMaxRowsChangeGet(), onMaxRowsChangeIsValid(), onMaxRowsChangeLogicalToDisplay(), onMaxRowsChangeLogicalToOdbc(), onMaxRowsChangeNormalize(), onMaxRowsChangeSet()
property onPageSizeChange as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onPageSizeCghange event handler: This event is fired when user changes the value in the "Page size" box displayed by this navigator. value is passed to this callback and is the current value of the "Page size" control.
Property methods: onPageSizeChangeDisplayToLogical(), onPageSizeChangeGet(), onPageSizeChangeIsValid(), onPageSizeChangeLogicalToDisplay(), onPageSizeChangeLogicalToOdbc(), onPageSizeChangeNormalize(), onPageSizeChangeSet()
property onfilterChange as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onfilterChange event handler: This event is fired when the user changes the value in the filter box displayed by this navigator. value is passed to this callback and is the current value of the filter control.
Property methods: onfilterChangeDisplayToLogical(), onfilterChangeGet(), onfilterChangeIsValid(), onfilterChangeLogicalToDisplay(), onfilterChangeLogicalToOdbc(), onfilterChangeNormalize(), onfilterChangeSet()
property saveSizeMax as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, it will invoke user function to save pageSize and maxRows and designer should provide call backs for onPageSizeChange and onMaxRowsChange.
Property methods: saveSizeMaxDisplayToLogical(), saveSizeMaxGet(), saveSizeMaxIsValid(), saveSizeMaxLogicalToDisplay(), saveSizeMaxLogicalToOdbc(), saveSizeMaxLogicalToXSD(), saveSizeMaxNormalize(), saveSizeMaxSet(), saveSizeMaxXSDToLogical()
property showFilter as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, show a filter input box as part of the navigator. This filter box does not do anything on its own, you need to assign an onfilterChange event to make this happen.
Property methods: showFilterDisplayToLogical(), showFilterGet(), showFilterIsValid(), showFilterLogicalToDisplay(), showFilterLogicalToOdbc(), showFilterLogicalToXSD(), showFilterNormalize(), showFilterSet(), showFilterXSDToLogical()
property showMaxRows as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, let users control the maximum rows of the table pane using the navigator.
Property methods: showMaxRowsDisplayToLogical(), showMaxRowsGet(), showMaxRowsIsValid(), showMaxRowsLogicalToDisplay(), showMaxRowsLogicalToOdbc(), showMaxRowsLogicalToXSD(), showMaxRowsNormalize(), showMaxRowsSet(), showMaxRowsXSDToLogical()
property showPageSize as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, let users control the page size of the table pane using the navigator.
Property methods: showPageSizeDisplayToLogical(), showPageSizeGet(), showPageSizeIsValid(), showPageSizeLogicalToDisplay(), showPageSizeLogicalToOdbc(), showPageSizeLogicalToXSD(), showPageSizeNormalize(), showPageSizeSet(), showPageSizeXSDToLogical()
property tablePaneId as (COMPONENTTYPE = "tablePane");
id of %ZEN.Component.tablePane component this navigator is associated with.
Note: if this component is placed within a composite element, then the tablePane must be within the same composite element.
Property methods: tablePaneIdDisplayToLogical(), tablePaneIdGet(), tablePaneIdIsValid(), tablePaneIdLogicalToDisplay(), tablePaneIdLogicalToOdbc(), tablePaneIdNormalize(), tablePaneIdSet()


method %DrawHTML()
Inherited description: Static HTML display method: draw the BODY of this component as HTML.
Subclasses implement this in order to render the static HTML contents of a component.
clientmethod connect() [ Language = javascript ]
Connect to table pane.
clientmethod gotoPage(where) [ Language = javascript ]
Move to the specified page in the associated tablePane. where can be 'first','last','next','prev' or a page number.
clientmethod onfilterHandler(value) [ Language = javascript ]
Event handler for filter box. This method is called when the value of the filter box changes.
clientmethod onloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
This client event, if present, is fired when the page is loaded.
clientmethod onmaxRowsHandler(ctrl) [ Language = javascript ]
Event handler for maxRows box. This method is called when the value of the maxRows box changes.
clientmethod onpageSizeHandler(ctrl) [ Language = javascript ]
Event handler for page size box. This method is called when the value of the page size box changes.
clientmethod renderButtons() [ Language = javascript ]
Render HTML for paging buttons.
clientmethod renderContents() [ Language = javascript ]
Client-side method to render this control.
clientmethod setProperty(property, value, value2) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the value of a named property.
clientmethod updateState() [ Language = javascript ]
This method is called from the associated tablePane when it changes state. The navigator responds by updating the state of its controls.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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