class EnsPortal.SuspendedMsg extends EnsPortal.Template.listPage
This is the Suspended Messages page of the ZEN application.Property Inventory
Method Inventory
- %OnGetPageName()
- DeleteMessage()
- DiscardMessage()
- GetHyperEventResources()
- OnGetRibbonInfo()
- ResubmitMessage()
- doDelete()
- doDiscard()
- doEdit()
- doResubmit()
- onlayoutHandler()
- showItem()
- showTrace()
parameter PAGENAME = Suspended Messages;
Displayed name of this page.
parameter RESOURCE = %Ens_MessageHeader:USE;
User needs USE permissions on the %Ens_MessageHeader resource to view this page.
property canDiscard as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = $system.Security.Check("%Ens_MessageDiscard","USE") ];
Flag to indicate whether a user may discard or delete messages.
Property methods: canDiscardDisplayToLogical(), canDiscardGet(), canDiscardIsValid(), canDiscardLogicalToDisplay(), canDiscardLogicalToOdbc(), canDiscardLogicalToXSD(), canDiscardNormalize(), canDiscardSet(), canDiscardXSDToLogical()
property canEditResend as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = $system.Security.Check("%Ens_MessageEditResend","USE") ];
Flag to indicate whether a user may edit and resend messages.
Property methods: canEditResendDisplayToLogical(), canEditResendGet(), canEditResendIsValid(), canEditResendLogicalToDisplay(), canEditResendLogicalToOdbc(), canEditResendLogicalToXSD(), canEditResendNormalize(), canEditResendSet(), canEditResendXSDToLogical()
property canResend as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = $system.Security.Check("%Ens_MessageResend","USE") ];
Flag to indicate whether a user may resend messages.
Property methods: canResendDisplayToLogical(), canResendGet(), canResendIsValid(), canResendLogicalToDisplay(), canResendLogicalToOdbc(), canResendLogicalToXSD(), canResendNormalize(), canResendSet(), canResendXSDToLogical()
property canViewTrace as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = $system.Security.Check("%Ens_MessageTrace","USE") ];
Flag to indicate whether a user may access the Visual Trace pages.
Property methods: canViewTraceDisplayToLogical(), canViewTraceGet(), canViewTraceIsValid(), canViewTraceLogicalToDisplay(), canViewTraceLogicalToOdbc(), canViewTraceLogicalToXSD(), canViewTraceNormalize(), canViewTraceSet(), canViewTraceXSDToLogical()
method %OnGetPageName() as %String
Get the (localized) name of the page.
Adapted from the old CSP page
Adapted from the old CSP page
Callback to return a list of resources required for a specific HyperEvent.
The user must have sufficient privileges on one of the resource/permission pairs
to be permitted to execute the hyperevent. An empty string implies the user already
has sufficient privileges for the ZenMethod specified in pMethod.
method OnGetRibbonInfo(Output pDisplay As %Boolean, Output pViewIcons As %List, Output pSortOptions As %List, Output pSearchBox As %Boolean, Output pRibbonTitle As %String, Output pCommands As %List) as %Status
Get information to display in the ribbon bar.
Adapted from the old CSP page
clientmethod doDelete() [ Language = javascript ]
User selected a new row in the table
clientmethod doDiscard() [ Language = javascript ]
User selected a new row in the table
clientmethod doEdit() [ Language = javascript ]
User selected a new row in the table
clientmethod doResubmit() [ Language = javascript ]
User selected a new row in the table
clientmethod onlayoutHandler(load) [ Language = javascript ]
The layout for this page is different from that for other list pages because of the iframe
clientmethod showItem(msgId) [ Language = javascript ]
show detailTable for a selected task
clientmethod showTrace(session) [ Language = javascript ]
User clicked a link for Trace. Display the Visual Trace page in a popup,
so user can click the arrows to go from session to session without losing his/her place in the Event Log.
Selects ID, TimeCreated, SessionId, Error, Source, Target
Class query with filter added.
Override this in order to add rowspec specific to the list being displayed
query InitQuery()
SQL Query:
SELECT TOP 2000 ID, TimeCreated, SessionId, CASE IsError WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END As Error, SourceConfigName As Source, TargetConfigName As Target FROM Ens.MessageHeader WHERE Status = 'Suspended'
SELECT TOP 2000 ID, TimeCreated, SessionId, CASE IsError WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END As Error, SourceConfigName As Source, TargetConfigName As Target FROM Ens.MessageHeader WHERE Status = 'Suspended'
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
- %condition
- %import
- %includeFiles
- %page
- %resource
- HelpAddress
- LocatorHeader
- ParentURL
- StdTitle
- aboutPage
- align
- aux
- backgroundTimerInterval
- canEdit
- canViewFileSystem
- cellAlign
- cellSize
- cellStyle
- cellVAlign
- children
- composite
- contactPage
- containerStyle
- cssLevel
- currSortMode
- currStep
- currViewMode
- disabled
- dragAndDrop
- dragEnabled
- dropEnabled
- enableAutoRefresh
- enclosingClass
- enclosingStyle
- error
- groupClass
- groupStyle
- height
- hidden
- hint
- hintClass
- hintStyle
- home
- homePage
- id
- index
- keepAliveInterval
- label
- labelClass
- labelDisabledClass
- labelPosition
- labelStyle
- layout
- lblTitle
- limitPopups
- msgNotPermitted
- msgSelectItemToExport
- name
- onafterdrag
- onbeforedrag
- onclick
- ondrag
- ondrop
- onhide
- onrefresh
- onshow
- onupdate
- pageModified
- parent
- searchKey
- showLabel
- showRefresh
- slice
- title
- tuple
- useSVG
- useSoftModals
- valign
- visible
- width
- window
- zenPersistentPopup
Inherited Methods
- %AddCSPShareHyperevents()
- %AddChild()
- %AddChildAfter()
- %AddChildBefore()
- %AddComponent()
- %AddEnsExceptionHandler()
- %AddImportedComponents()
- %AddLocatorLinks()
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ApplyURLParms()
- %Attr()
- %BindExport()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %DrawAutoLogout()
- %DrawClassDefinitions()
- %DrawComponentHTML()
- %DrawHTML()
- %DrawHTMLPage()
- %DrawJSStrings()
- %DrawObjectDefinitions()
- %EnclosingDivId()
- %EndBackgroundMethod()
- %EndScript()
- %Eval()
- %EvalC()
- %Extends()
- %ForceClientRender()
- %GetChildIndex()
- %GetComponent()
- %GetComponentById()
- %GetComponentByName()
- %GetEventHandlers()
- %GetHomePage()
- %GetHomeParam()
- %GetLinks()
- %GetLocatorLinks()
- %GetPageName()
- %GetParameter()
- %GetProductName()
- %GetRootLink()
- %GetValueById()
- %GetValueByName()
- %GetXMLName()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %Link()
- %LinkCSS()
- %LinkScript()
- %MakeId()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OnAddToPageAfter()
- %OnAddToPageBefore()
- %OnAfterCreatePage()
- %OnBeforeCreatePage()
- %OnCreateApplication()
- %OnCreatePage()
- %OnDetermineCSSLevel()
- %OnDrawEnclosingDiv()
- %OnDrawHTMLBody()
- %OnDrawHTMLHead()
- %OnDrawHTMLMeta()
- %OnDrawObjectProperties()
- %OnFinishBackgroundTask()
- %OnGetProductName()
- %OnGetSmallMenu()
- %OnGetTitle()
- %OnMonitorBackgroundTask()
- %OnMutateChildren()
- %OnObjectSynch()
- %OnPreHTTP()
- %OnSubmit()
- %OnUseSoftModals()
- %OnZENDeserialize()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %QuoteValue()
- %QuoteValueL10N()
- %Register()
- %RemoveChild()
- %RemoveChildren()
- %RemoveComponent()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %RunBackgroundMethod()
- %Self()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetBackgroundMethodStatus()
- %SetErrorById()
- %SetErrorByName()
- %SetModified()
- %SetValueById()
- %SetValueByName()
- %SetValuesByName()
- %StartScript()
- %ValidateObject()
- %ZENVersion()
- BuildMenu()
- CheckAllBlanks()
- CheckContextLinks()
- CheckEnterpriseManager()
- ConvertParameter()
- Decrypt()
- DoLogout()
- DrawLocator()
- DrawRibbon()
- DrawTitle()
- Encrypt()
- EnumerateClose()
- EnumerateExecute()
- EnumerateFetch()
- EscapeHTML()
- EscapeURL()
- EvalResult()
- Export()
- FileExists()
- GetContextLinks()
- GetDefaultDir()
- GetDefaultFile()
- GetDocURL()
- GetHomePage()
- GetNewURL()
- GetQuickLinks()
- HyperEventCall()
- HyperEventHead()
- Import()
- Include()
- InsertHiddenField()
- InsertHiddenFields()
- IsPrivate()
- JavaInstalled()
- Link()
- OnDrawRibbon()
- OnHTTPHeader()
- OnPage()
- OnPageError()
- OnPostHTTP()
- OnPostHyperEvent()
- OnPreHTTP()
- OnPreHyperEvent()
- Page()
- QuoteJS()
- ReallyClearEscalation()
- RegisterRecent()
- RewriteURL()
- SetDefaultDir()
- ShowError()
- SimpleKeepAlive()
- StartTimer()
- StopTimer()
- ThrowError()
- UnescapeHTML()
- UnescapeURL()
- XMLExport()
- XMLExportToStream()
- XMLExportToString()
- XMLNew()
- XMLSchema()
- XMLSchemaNamespace()
- XMLSchemaType()
- addChild()
- addChildAfter()
- addChildBefore()
- addPopupSuffix()
- arrowClick()
- cancelPopup()
- changePassword()
- changeRefresh()
- changeURLNamespace()
- checkEdit()
- childrenMutated()
- clearEscalation()
- clientKeepAlive()
- correctIELayering()
- createComponent()
- createComponentNS()
- createTimeWarning()
- deleteComponent()
- disableCommandButton()
- displayCountDown()
- doExport()
- doImport()
- doRefresh()
- dragFinishHandler()
- dragHandler()
- dragNotifyHandler()
- dragStartHandler()
- dropHandler()
- dropStartHandler()
- enableCommandButton()
- endModal()
- escalateLogin()
- exposeComponent()
- findElement()
- fireOnResizeEvent()
- fireOnUnloadEvent()
- fireOnUpdateEvent()
- firePopupAction()
- getChildIndex()
- getComponent()
- getComponentById()
- getEnclosingDiv()
- getHidden()
- getHintElement()
- getLabelElement()
- getOpener()
- getPageTitle()
- getProperty()
- getSettings()
- getTitleAreaHeight()
- getType()
- goHome()
- goMenu()
- gotoNamespace()
- gotoPage()
- hideCommandButton()
- hideTimeoutWarning()
- hideWarnContinue()
- inResizeLoop()
- initPopupSuffix()
- invokeSuper()
- isOfType()
- launchPopupWindow()
- logout()
- makeId()
- manualKeepAlive()
- navigate()
- onCreate()
- onDelete()
- onDisplayHandler()
- onEndModalHandler()
- onPopupAction()
- onRefreshContents()
- onSerialize()
- onServerMethodCall()
- onServerMethodError()
- onServerMethodReturn()
- onStartModalHandler()
- ondisabledHandler()
- onhandleAutoLogoutWarn()
- onkeydownHandler()
- onkeyupHandler()
- onloadHandler()
- onlogoutHandler()
- onoverlayHandler()
- onresizeHandler()
- onunloadHandler()
- onupdateHandler()
- popupActionHandler()
- refreshContents()
- refreshTimeout()
- removeChild()
- removePopupSuffix()
- render()
- renderContents()
- renderSVG()
- searchBlur()
- searchBoxHandler()
- searchFocus()
- searchKeyDown()
- searchKeyPress()
- setComponentId()
- setConnectivityStatusMsg()
- setHidden()
- setModified()
- setOverlayMode()
- setPageTitle()
- setProperty()
- setPropertyAll()
- setSortMode()
- setSortModeHandler()
- setTraceOption()
- setViewMode()
- setViewModeHandler()
- setWarnInnerHTML()
- showAbout()
- showCommandButton()
- showContact()
- showDocumentation()
- showHelp()
- showTimeoutWarning()
- startKeepAlive()
- startModal()
- startProgressBar()
- stopKeepAlive()
- stopProgressBar()
- switchNamespace()
- warnclickListener()