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abstract class EnsPortal.Template.base

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = Ensemble;
parameter USEKEEPALIVE = 0;
Control whether we use a KeepAlive in subclasses of this page.
[DEPRECATED] - the InterSystems IRIS UI now uses a lookup against ^EnsPortal("DisableInactivityTimeout","Portal") for EnsPortal pages in Management Portal


property keepAliveInterval as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = ..GetKeepAliveInterval() * 1000 ];
The interval in milliseconds at which keepalive events should be triggered. The value is determed in the GetKeepAliveInterval()() method.
Property methods: keepAliveIntervalDisplayToLogical(), keepAliveIntervalGet(), keepAliveIntervalIsValid(), keepAliveIntervalLogicalToDisplay(), keepAliveIntervalLogicalToOdbc(), keepAliveIntervalNormalize(), keepAliveIntervalSet()


classmethod %AddCSPShareHyperevents() as %Status
Add a modified version of cspIntHttpServerMethod to the page to force hyperevents to specify CSPSHARE in requests to the server.
classmethod %AddEnsExceptionHandler(pIsModal As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Add centralised error handling for standard pages and dialogue windows.
classmethod SimpleKeepAlive(pString As %String = "") as %String [ ZenMethod ]
Simple method for the client to call.
clientmethod addPopupSuffix(popupName) [ Language = javascript ]
Add a suffix to the popup name to avoid name collisions.
clientmethod clientKeepAlive() [ Language = javascript ]
Simple call back to the server.
clientmethod inResizeLoop() [ Language = javascript ]
Helper method to allow pages to detect when they are in a resize loop under IE8.
clientmethod initPopupSuffix() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod onServerMethodError(err, errObject) [ Language = javascript ]
Override onServerMethodError to funnel HyperEvent errors through the central exception handling code. If session pollution occurs while in Studio mode, alert the user to the problem instead of reloading. The method sets zenPage._staleStudioSession to true to ensure that an alert is displayed only once and subsequent hyperevent failures will not trigger a reload of the page.
clientmethod removePopupSuffix(popupName) [ Language = javascript ]
Strip the suffix from a popup name created by addPopupSuffix()().
clientmethod startKeepAlive() [ Language = javascript ]
Start the client keepalive.
clientmethod stopKeepAlive() [ Language = javascript ]
Stop the client keepalive.


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