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class HS.BulkFHIR.API.AuthAdapter extends HS.BulkFHIR.API.AdapterBase, %CSP.REST

Base class for all auth adapters. Subclasses must extend this class, uniquely identify themselves, and implement the abstract methods. Then they may be used for auth tasks within a BFC.

Method Inventory


parameter IsOAuth;
Whether the adapter uses OAuth access tokens. Used in conjunction with the storage adapter to set the requireAccessToken setting in a status request.


abstract classmethod Authenticate(pBFCconfig As HS.BulkFHIR.API.Data.Config, pUrl As %String, ByRef pContinue As %Boolean) as %Status
Authentication method to be called from the BFC Rest Handler OnPreDispatch. Ensures that the request is authenticated. If authentication fails then this method must set pContinue=0 before returning. This method will be invoked on any HTTP request to the BFC Rest Handler, whether it is a kickoff request, search, or request for status. The CSP %request and %response objects are available to this method.
@Input pUrl Portion of the request URL that follows the base URL.
@Output pContinue Flag indicating whether to continue with DispatchClass processing.
@Returns %Status.
classmethod AuthorizeFHIRRequest(pRequest As HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.Request, pBFCconfig As HS.BulkFHIR.API.Data.Config)
Called on any FHIR request (search or operation), this API does any additional checking necessary to verify that the request user is authorized for the current request.
@Input pRequest FHIR request object representing an interaction, eg. export or search
@Input pBFCconfig BFC configuration for the current BFC endpoint.
@Throws if request is not allowed, eg. $$$ThrowFHIR($$$HttpOnlyResponse(401))
classmethod GetAccessTokenInfo(pBFCconfig As HS.BulkFHIR.API.Data.Config, pTokenString As %String) as %DynamicObject
If using OAuth, this method is expected to return selected information about the OAuth access token, if any, that is on the request to the BFC.
@Input pBFCconfig Full BFC configuration object in effect for the current BFC session.
@Input pTokenString Encoded string representation of an access token provided on the current request to the BFC.
@Returns a %DynamicObject representing the access token information.
classmethod Initialize(pBFCConfig As HS.BulkFHIR.API.Data.Config)
Called when the BFC is first configured and again if that configuration is changed, this method may be used to do any implementation-specific setup.
classmethod WellKnownConfiguration(pBFCconfig As HS.BulkFHIR.API.Data.Config) as %DynamicObject
If using OAuth, this method is expected to return the information from the baseURL/.well-known/smart-configuration query on the BFC endpoint.
@Input pBFCconfig Full BFC configuration object in effect for the current BFC endpoint.
@Returns a %DynamicObject representing the .well-known/smart-configuration for an endpoint.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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