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class HS.BulkFHIR.API.FetchAdapter extends HS.BulkFHIR.API.AdapterBase

Base class for all fetch adapters. Subclasses must extend this class, uniquely identify themselves, and implement the abstract methods. Then they may be used for fetch tasks within a BFC.

Method Inventory


parameter supportsGroupExport;
Flag which indicates whether the implementation of this adapter supports group export. If false, and a configuration tries using this adapter with that operation requested, will throw an error
parameter supportsPatientExport;
Flag which indicates whether the implementation of this adapter supports patient export. If false, and a configuration tries using this adapter with that operation requested, will throw an error
parameter supportsSystemExport;
Flag which indicates whether the implementation of this adapter supports system export. If false, and a configuration tries using this adapter with that operation requested, will throw an error


abstract classmethod Cancel(pSessionId As %String)
Cancels a $export operation that's currently in progress. This overrideable is expected to signal the process working on the $export operation and quiesce it as soon as possible, with the expectation that the job will not be resumed in the future. @Input sessionId session id for the export operation to be canceled
abstract classmethod GroupSearchParameters(pConfig As HS.BulkFHIR.API.Data.Config) as %DynamicArray
Provides an array of supported search parameters for the Group resource. This overrideable will be used to construct the CapabilityStatement for the BFC. @Input pConfig BulkFHIR configuration object @Returns a %DynamicArray with a structure compatible with the field
classmethod Initialize(pBFCconfig As HS.BulkFHIR.API.Data.Config)
(Optional overrideable) Called when the BFC is first configured and again if that configuration is changed, this method may be used to do any implementation-specific setup.
classmethod OperationDocumentation() as %String
(Optional overrideable) Returns a string in markdown syntax which will be displayed next to all supported operations in the CapabilityStatement.
abstract classmethod Pause(pSessionId As %String)
Pauses a $export operation that's currently in progress. This overrideable is expected to signal the process working on the $export operation and quiesce it as soon as possible, with the expectation that the job may be resumed in the future. @Input sessionId session id for the export operation to be paused
abstract classmethod Read(pConfig As HS.BulkFHIR.API.Data.Config, request As HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.Request, ByRef response As HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.Response)
Executes a FHIR read request (currently only Group resources). This overrideable is expected to be able to process a FHIR read request against the underlying clinical data store, and return a resource, if one exists @Input pConfig BulkFHIR configuration object @Input request FHIR request object representing a read @Output response FHIR response object containing the results of the read
Executes a FHIR search request (currently only Group resources). This overrideable is expected to be able to process a FHIR search request against the underlying clinical data store, and return a searchset Bundle of all matching resources. @Input pConfig BulkFHIR configuration object @Input request FHIR request object representing a search @Output response FHIR response object containing the results of the search
abstract classmethod Start(pRequest As HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.Request, pSession As HS.BulkFHIR.Session) as %Boolean
Starts or resumes a $export operation. This overrrideable is expected to fetch resources out of a clinical data repository in accordance with the provided $export operation, and add resources to a result set as FHIR using APIs in HS.BulkFHIR.ExportManager. The implementation of this method should be able to handle receiving pause/cancel signals from another process, and quiesce as soon as possible. @Input pRequest FHIR request object representing an export operation to be started @Input pSession HS.BulkFHIR.Session for the export operation @Returns a boolean flag indicating whether the operation was completed. This should only be used to indicate whether the job was paused/cancelled. Any other reason to stop processing should be thrown as a fatal error. @Throws any *fatal* error which prevents processing of the export operation. Non-fatal errors should be included in the result set using the API in HS.BulkFHIR.ExportManager
classmethod Status(sessionId As %String, Output status As %String, Output retryAfter As %Integer, Output json As %DynamicObject)
(Optional overrideable) Returns the status of an in-progress $export operation. This overrideable can be used to modify the message returned to the client when they poll for status, as well as inform them how long they should wait to ask again. @Input sessionId session id for the export operation being examined @Output status a short (<100 char) string to display in the X-Progress header @Output retryAfter how long to wait before polling again. @Output json a json object to be returned in the response body. not required per the spec for a progress request

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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