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class HS.FHIRModel.FHIRClassSuper extends %Library.RegisteredObject, %Library.AbstractSet, %XML.Adaptor

This class implements a subset of the %AbstractSet API for use in classes that model FHIR Resources and supporting data structures. The abstractSet paradigm provides an API for both labelled (objects, key-value pairs, etc) and unlabelled (lists, arrays, etc) sets. The FHIR Class model, however is primarily interested in the labeled use-case and, as such, only implements those portions of the large API.

Method Inventory


parameter ITERATORCLASS = %Collection.SequenceIterator;


method apply(expression As %Library.Any, passing As %Library.AbstractSet) as %Library.AbstractSet
Return an array of members matching the provided ASQ (abstract set query) expression
method clear()
Remove all elements of the current set, throws an exception if this operation is not supported or the set cannot be cleared.
method contains(key As %DataType) as %Boolean
Return true if the key is currently an element of the set, false otherwise.
method containsAll(array As %Library.DynamicArray) as %Boolean
Return true if the set contains() all key[n] where 0≤n≤ size(array)
method get(key As %DataType) as %Any
Get the element identified by key
method iterator() as %Iterator
Return an iterator over the elements of this set
method put(key As %DataType, value As %Library.Any) as %AbstractSet
Assign a value to a named property
method putAll(keys As %Library.AbstractSet, values As %Library.AbstractSet) as %AbstractSet
Given an array of keys and a corresponding array of values, for each key[n] sent the named property to values[n] and return the resulting set
abstract method remove(key As %DataType) as %Library.Any
Set the property identified by the argument key to null (empty string)
method size() as %Integer
Return the number of (non-null) members in the current set
method toString() as %String
The toString() method returns the contents of a set as a string.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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