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persistent class HS.Registry.Service.Abstract extends %Library.Persistent, %XML.Adaptor, HS.Util.UpdateFrom, HS.Sync.BaseClass, %Library.GlobalIdentifier

SQL Table Name: HS_Registry_Service.Abstract

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = HS;
parameter SYNCORDER = 90;
Inherited description: The XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG parameter allows the programmer to control handling of unexpected elements in the XML input. The XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG parameter will only take affect if XMLSEQUENCE = 0 (the default). By default (XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG = 0), will treat an unexpected element as an error. If XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG is set = 1 and XMLSEQUENCE = 0, then unexpected elements will be ignored.
parameter XMLIGNORENULL = inputonly;
Inherited description: XMLIGNORENULL allows the programmer to override the default XML handling of empty strings for properties of type %String. By default (XMLIGNORENULL = 0), empty strings in the XML input are stored as $c(0) and $c(0) is written to XML as an empty tag. A missing tag in the XML input is always stored as "" and "" is always output to XML as no tag.

If XMLIGNORENULL is set = 1, then both missing tags in the XML and empty strings are input as "", and both "" and $c(0) are output as empty tags (i.e. <tag></tag>).

If XMLIGNORENULL is set = "inputonly", then both missing tags in the XML and empty strings are input as "". Output of "" and $c(0) are for XMLIGNORENULL = 0: $c(0) is output as an empty tag (i.e. <tag></tag>) and "" is output as no tag.

If XMLIGNORENULL = "runtime" (runtime is not case sensitive), then the behavior of XMLIGNORENULL is determined by the format parameter of XMLExport, XMLImport and %XML.Reader.OpenFile. The default behavior for XMLIGNORENULL="runtime is the same as XMLIGNORENULL=0. Adding "ignorenull" to the format argument changes the behavior to that of XMLIGNORENULL=1. "ignorenull" shoud be separated by a comma from literal/encoded part of the format. Example values for format are "", ",ignorenull", "literal,ignorenull" and "encoded,ignorenull". Note that "inputonly" is equivalent to using ,ignorenull for XMLExport and not for %XML.Reader.


property AdditionalInfo as array of %String (MAXLEN = 32000);
Property methods: AdditionalInfoBuildValueArray(), AdditionalInfoCollectionToDisplay(), AdditionalInfoCollectionToOdbc(), AdditionalInfoDisplayToCollection(), AdditionalInfoDisplayToLogical(), AdditionalInfoGet(), AdditionalInfoGetObject(), AdditionalInfoGetObjectId(), AdditionalInfoGetStored(), AdditionalInfoGetSwizzled(), AdditionalInfoIsValid(), AdditionalInfoLogicalToDisplay(), AdditionalInfoLogicalToOdbc(), AdditionalInfoNormalize(), AdditionalInfoOdbcToCollection(), AdditionalInfoSet(), AdditionalInfoSetObject(), AdditionalInfoSetObjectId()
property Aliases as %String (MAXLEN = 512) [ Calculated ];
Property methods: AliasesCompute(), AliasesDisplayToLogical(), AliasesIsValid(), AliasesLogicalToDisplay(), AliasesLogicalToOdbc(), AliasesNormalize(), AliasesSQLCompute()
property CharSet as %String;
Property methods: CharSetDisplayToLogical(), CharSetGet(), CharSetGetStored(), CharSetIsValid(), CharSetLogicalToDisplay(), CharSetLogicalToOdbc(), CharSetNormalize(), CharSetSet()
property DeviceFunction as %String (SELECTIVITY = ".1%");
When a single deviceID is used for multiple functions XCA Query / Retrieve could be two end points but only one home community ID
Property methods: DeviceFunctionDisplayToLogical(), DeviceFunctionGet(), DeviceFunctionGetStored(), DeviceFunctionIsValid(), DeviceFunctionLogicalToDisplay(), DeviceFunctionLogicalToOdbc(), DeviceFunctionNormalize(), DeviceFunctionSet()
property Info as %String (MAXLEN = 512) [ Transient ];
Property methods: InfoCompute(), InfoDisplayToLogical(), InfoGet(), InfoIsValid(), InfoLogicalToDisplay(), InfoLogicalToOdbc(), InfoNormalize(), InfoSQLCompute(), InfoSet(), InfoSetT()
property Name as HS.HC.DataType.ServiceName [ Required ];
Property methods: NameDisplayToLogical(), NameGet(), NameGetStored(), NameIsValid(), NameLogicalToDisplay(), NameLogicalToOdbc(), NameNormalize(), NameSet()
property OIDMapCode as array of %String;
Codes to be indexed from the OIDMap table where the Array Node is the OIDMapType and the data is the OIDMap Code
Property methods: OIDMapCodeBuildValueArray(), OIDMapCodeCollectionToDisplay(), OIDMapCodeCollectionToOdbc(), OIDMapCodeDisplayToCollection(), OIDMapCodeDisplayToLogical(), OIDMapCodeGet(), OIDMapCodeGetObject(), OIDMapCodeGetObjectId(), OIDMapCodeGetStored(), OIDMapCodeGetSwizzled(), OIDMapCodeIsValid(), OIDMapCodeLogicalToDisplay(), OIDMapCodeLogicalToOdbc(), OIDMapCodeNormalize(), OIDMapCodeOdbcToCollection(), OIDMapCodeSet(), OIDMapCodeSetObject(), OIDMapCodeSetObjectId()
property Push as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Whether available to Push as a delivery destination
Property methods: PushDisplayToLogical(), PushGet(), PushGetStored(), PushIsValid(), PushLogicalToDisplay(), PushLogicalToXSD(), PushNormalize(), PushSet(), PushXSDToLogical()
property RegistrationID as array of HS.HC.DataType.GUID (SQLPROJECTION = "table/column");
Property methods: RegistrationIDBuildValueArray(), RegistrationIDCollectionToDisplay(), RegistrationIDCollectionToOdbc(), RegistrationIDDisplayToCollection(), RegistrationIDDisplayToLogical(), RegistrationIDGet(), RegistrationIDGetObject(), RegistrationIDGetObjectId(), RegistrationIDGetStored(), RegistrationIDGetSwizzled(), RegistrationIDIsValid(), RegistrationIDLogicalToDisplay(), RegistrationIDLogicalToOdbc(), RegistrationIDNormalize(), RegistrationIDOdbcToCollection(), RegistrationIDSet(), RegistrationIDSetObject(), RegistrationIDSetObjectId()
property ServiceAliases as list of %String (MAXLEN = 255, STORAGEDEFAULT = "array");
Property methods: ServiceAliasesBuildValueArray(), ServiceAliasesCollectionToDisplay(), ServiceAliasesCollectionToOdbc(), ServiceAliasesDisplayToCollection(), ServiceAliasesDisplayToLogical(), ServiceAliasesGet(), ServiceAliasesGetObject(), ServiceAliasesGetObjectId(), ServiceAliasesGetStored(), ServiceAliasesGetSwizzled(), ServiceAliasesIsValid(), ServiceAliasesLogicalToDisplay(), ServiceAliasesLogicalToOdbc(), ServiceAliasesNormalize(), ServiceAliasesOdbcToCollection(), ServiceAliasesSet(), ServiceAliasesSetObject(), ServiceAliasesSetObjectId()
property Status as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Whether the Service is active or not
Property methods: StatusDisplayToLogical(), StatusGet(), StatusGetStored(), StatusIsValid(), StatusLogicalToDisplay(), StatusLogicalToXSD(), StatusNormalize(), StatusSet(), StatusXSDToLogical()
property SystemGenerated as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: SystemGeneratedDisplayToLogical(), SystemGeneratedGet(), SystemGeneratedGetStored(), SystemGeneratedIsValid(), SystemGeneratedLogicalToDisplay(), SystemGeneratedLogicalToXSD(), SystemGeneratedNormalize(), SystemGeneratedSet(), SystemGeneratedXSDToLogical()
property Timeout as %Integer;
Property methods: TimeoutDisplayToLogical(), TimeoutGet(), TimeoutGetStored(), TimeoutIsValid(), TimeoutLogicalToDisplay(), TimeoutNormalize(), TimeoutSet(), TimeoutXSDToLogical()
property Type as %String (MAXLEN = 255) [ Required ];
Property methods: TypeDisplayToLogical(), TypeGet(), TypeGetStored(), TypeIsValid(), TypeLogicalToDisplay(), TypeLogicalToOdbc(), TypeNormalize(), TypeSet()


method AddUpdateObject(ByRef pExistingObject="") as %Status
method AliasesGet() as %String
classmethod CMAliasesGet(pID) as %String
classmethod EndPointForDeviceID(pDeviceID As %String = "", pType As %String = "", pStatus As %Boolean = 1, pFunction As %String = "") as HS.Registry.Service.SOAP
Using the deviceID (OID) find the end point (for example a repository ID returned from a registry)
classmethod EndPointForHomeCommunityID(pHomeCommunityID As %String = "", pFunction As %String = "", pType As %String = "", pStatus As %Boolean = 1) as HS.Registry.Service.SOAP
Using the HomeCommunityOID find the end point
classmethod EndPointForHomeCommunityOID(pHomeCommunityOID As %String = "", pFunction As %String = "", pType As %String = "", pStatus As %Boolean = 1) as HS.Registry.Service.Abstract
Using the HomeCommunityOID find the end point
classmethod EndPointForID(pOIDMapCode As %String = "", pCodeType As %String = "", pFunction As %String = "", pType As %String = "", pStatus As %Boolean = 1) as HS.Registry.Service.Abstract
Using the ID find the end point
classmethod EndPointForNameType(pName As %String = "", pType As %String, pStatus As %Boolean = 1) as HS.Registry.Service.SOAP
Provides an exact match for Name and Type During IHE testing it was common for sites to have a single end point for testing by using defining the name with no type it will allow this non-exact matching if there is only 1 entry
classmethod EndPointForOID(pOID As %String = "", pOIDType, pFunction As %String = "", pType As %String = "", pStatus As %Boolean = 1) as HS.Registry.Service.SOAP
Using the find the end point
classmethod EndPointForRegistrationID(pRegistrationID As %String = "", pType As %String = "HTTP") as HS.Registry.Service.Abstract
Provides an exact match for Registration ID and Type
classmethod IDForNameType(pName As %String, pType As %String) as %String
Get the first ID with this Name and Type.
method MoveProperties(pExistingObject As %RegisteredObject) as %Status
classmethod ServicesClose(ByRef qHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod ServicesExecute(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, pServiceType As %String = "", pSearch As %String = "") as %Status
classmethod ServicesFetch(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) as %Status
classmethod TableEmpty() as %Boolean
Used by synchronization to determine whether there are any table entries


query ListFTPServices()
SQL Query:
SELECT ID, Aliases, CharSet, DeviceFunction, FilePath, Filename, Host, Info, Name, Overwrite, Port, Push, SSLConfig, Status, SystemGenerated, Timeout, Type, UsePassive, UserCredentialsConfig FROM HS_Registry_Service.FTP WHERE Type='FTP'
Query to list all FTP Services
query ListFileTypeServices()
SQL Query:
SELECT ID, Aliases, CharSet, DeviceFunction, FilePath, Filename, Info, Name, Overwrite, Push, Status, SystemGenerated, Timeout, Type FROM HS_Registry_Service.FileType WHERE Type='FileType'
Query to list all FileType Services
query ListHTTPServices()
SQL Query:
SELECT ID, Aliases, CharSet, DeviceFunction, EndPoint, HTTPCredentialsConfig, Host, Info, Name, Port, ProxyHTTPS, ProxyHTTPSSLConnect, ProxyHTTPTunnel, ProxyHost, ProxyPort, Push, SSLCheckServerIdentity, SSLConfig, Status, StayConnected, SystemGenerated, Timeout, Type, URL, SignX509TokenProfile FROM HS_Registry_Service.HTTP WHERE Type='HTTP'
Query to list all HTTP Services
query ListSoapServices()
SQL Query:
SELECT ID, Aliases, CharSet, DeviceFunction, EncryptX509TokenProfile, EndPoint, HTTPCredentialsConfig, Host, Info, KerberosTokenProfileConfig, MTOM, Name, Port, ProxyHTTPS, ProxyHTTPSSLConnect, ProxyHTTPTunnel, ProxyHost, ProxyPort, Push, SAMLTokenProfileConfig, SOAPVersion, SSLCheckServerIdentity, SSLConfig, SecurityClass, SendSAMLAssertion, SignX509TokenProfile, Status, StayConnected, SystemGenerated, Timeout, Type, URL, UsernameTokenProfileConfig, XUAConfiguration FROM HS_Registry_Service.SOAP WHERE Type='SOAP'
Query to list all SOAP Services
query ListTCPServices()
SQL Query:
SELECT ID, Aliases, CharSet, DeviceFunction, Host, Info, Name, Port, Push, SSLConfig, Status, StayConnected, SystemGenerated, Timeout, Type FROM HS_Registry_Service.TCP WHERE Type='TCP'
Query to list all TCP Services
query ListUDPServices()
SQL Query:
SELECT ID, Aliases, CharSet, DeviceFunction, Host, Info, Name, Port, Push, Status, SystemGenerated, Timeout, Type, UDPSenderCommand FROM HS_Registry_Service.UDP WHERE Type='UDP'
Query to list all UDP Services
query Services(pServiceType As %String, pSearch As %String = "")
Selects ID As %Integer, Name As %String, Info As %String, Type As %String


index ($Abstract on ) [Extent, Type = bitmap];
index (AliasIndex on ServiceAliases(ELEMENTS));
index (DeviceFunctionIndex on DeviceFunction) [Type = bitmap];
index (IDKEY on ) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()
index (NameTypeIndex on Name,Type);
Index methods: NameTypeIndexExists()
index (OIDMapIndex on OIDMapCode(ELEMENTS),OIDMapCode(KEYS));
index (RegistrationIDTypeIndex on RegistrationID(KEYS),Type);
index (TypeIndex on Type);
Index methods: TypeIndexExists()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: Storage (HS.Registry.Service.Abstract)


Storage Model: Storage (HS.Registry.Service.Abstract)


Storage Model: Storage (HS.Registry.Service.Abstract)


Storage Model: Storage (HS.Registry.Service.Abstract)


Storage Model: Storage (HS.Registry.Service.Abstract)



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