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serial class HS.SDA3.Specimen extends HS.SDA3.SuperClass

Specimen appears in the SDA as a list property of the LabOrder, RadOrder,
and OtherOrder HS.SDA3 classes. Specimens (the list of HS.SDA3.Specimen)
should not be confused with the Specimen property of every Order class,
which is a string.

HS.SDA3.Specimen is not loaded into the Viewer Cache, however the
DisplaySpecimens method of web.SDA3.Order can be invoked to write out in an
HTML textarea the details of all the HS.SDA3.Specimens linked to an order.
As this method is intended to be invoked from the Clinical Viewer, it takes
as parameters the IDs of the Trak PAPerson and OEOrdItem objects (Patient
and Order). In the default Clinical Viewer layout, it is invoked from the
OEOrder.Lab component (Order Details screen) as a custom expression:
  do ##class(web.SDA3.Order).DisplaySpecimens($G(%request.Data("PatientID",1)),$G(%request.Data("OEORIROWID",1)))
Implementors of HealthShare are free to copy this method to a class of
their own, make any changes needed, and customize their layout to call
their custom method.

Property Inventory




property ActionCode as %String;
Unlike other SDA types, the ActionCode for Specimen is not functional.
There are no restrictions on the values it can contain, and setting it does
not do anything to the Specimen.

Note that in an ORU message, there can be multiple SPM segments per OBR. In
this case, the Specimen parsed from each SPM gets its ActionCode from
the preceding OBR-11.

HL7: OBR-11 : SpecimenActionCode
VIEWERLIB: Not stored
Property methods: ActionCodeDisplayToLogical(), ActionCodeGet(), ActionCodeIsValid(), ActionCodeLogicalToDisplay(), ActionCodeLogicalToOdbc(), ActionCodeNormalize(), ActionCodeSet()
property Age as %String (MAXLEN = 999);
Specimen Age

If there is an OBX segment immediately following the SPM, it will be parsed
to the Age and AgeUnits of the Specimen. Though the OBX following the SPM
is repeating, only one OBX per SPM will be parsed this way.

HL7: OBX-5 : ObservationValue
VIEWERLIB: Not stored
Property methods: AgeDisplayToLogical(), AgeGet(), AgeIsValid(), AgeLogicalToDisplay(), AgeLogicalToOdbc(), AgeNormalize(), AgeSet()
property AgeUnits as HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.UoM;
Specimen Age Units

If there is an OBX segment immediately following the SPM, it will be parsed
to the Age and AgeUnits of the Specimen. Though the OBX following the SPM
is repeating, only one OBX per SPM will be parsed this way.

HL7: OBX-6 : Units
VIEWERLIB: Not stored

HL7: OBX-6.1 : Units.Identifier
HL7: OBX-6.2 : Units.Text
HL7: OBX-6.3 : Units.NameofCodingSysten
HL7: OBX-6.7 : Units.CodingSystemVersionID
Property methods: AgeUnitsGet(), AgeUnitsGetObject(), AgeUnitsGetObjectId(), AgeUnitsGetSwizzled(), AgeUnitsIsEmpty(), AgeUnitsIsValid(), AgeUnitsNewObject(), AgeUnitsSet(), AgeUnitsSetObject(), AgeUnitsSetObjectId(), AgeUnitsUnSwizzle()
Specimen Appropriateness

HL7: SPM-23 : SpecimenAppropriateness
VIEWERLIB: Not stored

HL7: SPM-23.1 : SpecimenAppropriateness.Identifier
HL7: SPM-23.2 : SpecimenAppropriateness.Text
HL7: SPM-23.3 : SpecimenAppropriateness.NameofCodingSysten
HL7: SPM-23.7 : SpecimenAppropriateness.CodingSystemVersionID
If subfield 4 or 5 is not null, then subfields 4, 5, 6, and 8 will be
parsed into the Code, Description, CodeSystem, and CodeSystemVersionId,
respectively, of a PriorCode in the list of PriorCodes.
HL7: SPM-23.4 : SpecimenAppropriateness.AlternateIdentifier
HL7: SPM-23.5 : SpecimenAppropriateness.AlternateText
HL7: SPM-23.6 : SpecimenAppropriateness.NameofAlternateCodingSystem
HL7: SPM-23.8 : SpecimenAppropriateness.AlternateCodingSystemVersionID
HL7: SPM-23.9 : SpecimenAppropriateness.OriginalText
Property methods: AppropriatenessGet(), AppropriatenessGetObject(), AppropriatenessGetObjectId(), AppropriatenessGetSwizzled(), AppropriatenessIsEmpty(), AppropriatenessIsValid(), AppropriatenessNewObject(), AppropriatenessSet(), AppropriatenessSetObject(), AppropriatenessSetObjectId(), AppropriatenessUnSwizzle()
property CollectionAmount as %String (MAXLEN = 999);
Specimen Collection Amount

HL7: SPM-12.1 : SpecimenCollectionAmount.Quantity
VIEWERLIB: Not stored
Property methods: CollectionAmountDisplayToLogical(), CollectionAmountGet(), CollectionAmountIsValid(), CollectionAmountLogicalToDisplay(), CollectionAmountLogicalToOdbc(), CollectionAmountNormalize(), CollectionAmountSet()
property CollectionAmountUnits as HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.UoM;
Specimen Collection Amount

HL7: SPM-12.2 : SpecimenCollectionAmount.Units
VIEWERLIB: Not stored

HL7: SPM-12.2.1 : SpecimenCollectionAmount.Units.Identifier
HL7: SPM-12.2.2 : SpecimenCollectionAmount.Units.Text
HL7: SPM-12.2.3 : SpecimenCollectionAmount.Units.NameofCodingSysten
HL7: SPM-12.2.7 : SpecimenCollectionAmount.Units.CodingSystemVersionID
Property methods: CollectionAmountUnitsGet(), CollectionAmountUnitsGetObject(), CollectionAmountUnitsGetObjectId(), CollectionAmountUnitsGetSwizzled(), CollectionAmountUnitsIsEmpty(), CollectionAmountUnitsIsValid(), CollectionAmountUnitsNewObject(), CollectionAmountUnitsSet(), CollectionAmountUnitsSetObject(), CollectionAmountUnitsSetObjectId(), CollectionAmountUnitsUnSwizzle()
property CollectionMethod as HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.CollectionMethod;
Collection Method

HL7: SPM-7 : SpecimenCollectionMethod
VIEWERLIB: Not stored

HL7: SPM-7.1 : SpecimenCollectionMethod.Identifier
HL7: SPM-7.2 : SpecimenCollectionMethod.Text
HL7: SPM-7.3 : SpecimenCollectionMethod.NameofCodingSysten
HL7: SPM-7.7 : SpecimenCollectionMethod.CodingSystemVersionID
If subfield 4 or 5 is not null, then subfields 4, 5, 6, and 8 will be
parsed into the Code, Description, CodeSystem, and CodeSystemVersionId,
respectively, of a PriorCode in the list of PriorCodes.
HL7: SPM-7.4 : SpecimenCollectionMethod.AlternateIdentifier
HL7: SPM-7.5 : SpecimenCollectionMethod.AlternateText
HL7: SPM-7.6 : SpecimenCollectionMethod.NameofAlternateCodingSystem
HL7: SPM-7.8 : SpecimenCollectionMethod.AlternateCodingSystemVersionID
Property methods: CollectionMethodGet(), CollectionMethodGetObject(), CollectionMethodGetObjectId(), CollectionMethodGetSwizzled(), CollectionMethodIsEmpty(), CollectionMethodIsValid(), CollectionMethodNewObject(), CollectionMethodSet(), CollectionMethodSetObject(), CollectionMethodSetObjectId(), CollectionMethodUnSwizzle()
property Condition as list of HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.SpecimenCondition;
Specimen Condition

SPM-24 is a repeating field. Each instance will be parsed as a
SpecimenCondition in the list.

HL7: SPM-24 : SpecimenCondition
VIEWERLIB: Not stored

HL7: SPM-24.1 : SpecimenCondition.Identifier
HL7: SPM-24.2 : SpecimenCondition.Text
HL7: SPM-24.3 : SpecimenCondition.NameofCodingSysten
HL7: SPM-24.7 : SpecimenCondition.CodingSystemVersionID
If subfield 4 or 5 is not null, then subfields 4, 5, 6, and 8 will be
parsed into the Code, Description, CodeSystem, and CodeSystemVersionId,
respectively, of a PriorCode in the list of PriorCodes.
HL7: SPM-24.4 : SpecimenCondition.AlternateIdentifier
HL7: SPM-24.5 : SpecimenCondition.AlternateText
HL7: SPM-24.6 : SpecimenCondition.NameofAlternateCodingSystem
HL7: SPM-24.8 : SpecimenCondition.AlternateCodingSystemVersionID
HL7: SPM-24.9 : SpecimenCondition.OriginalText
Property methods: ConditionBuildValueArray(), ConditionCollectionToDisplay(), ConditionCollectionToOdbc(), ConditionDisplayToCollection(), ConditionGet(), ConditionGetObject(), ConditionGetObjectId(), ConditionGetSwizzled(), ConditionIsValid(), ConditionOdbcToCollection(), ConditionSet(), ConditionSetObject(), ConditionSetObjectId()
property EnteredOn as HS.SDA3.TimeStamp;
Time the specimen was received at the diagnostic service. The actual time
that is recorded is based on how specimen receipt is managed, and may
correspond to the time the sample is logged in.

HL7: SPM-18 : SpecimenReceivedDateTime
VIEWERLIB: Not stored
Property methods: EnteredOnDisplayToLogical(), EnteredOnGet(), EnteredOnIsValid(), EnteredOnLogicalToDisplay(), EnteredOnLogicalToTimeStamp(), EnteredOnLogicalToXSD(), EnteredOnNormalize(), EnteredOnOdbcToLogical(), EnteredOnSet(), EnteredOnXSDToLogical()
property Extension as HS.Local.SDA3.SpecimenExtension;
Property methods: ExtensionGet(), ExtensionGetObject(), ExtensionGetObjectId(), ExtensionGetSwizzled(), ExtensionIsEmpty(), ExtensionIsValid(), ExtensionNewObject(), ExtensionSet(), ExtensionSetObject(), ExtensionSetObjectId(), ExtensionUnSwizzle()
property ExternalId as %String (MAXLEN = 220);
HL7: SPM-2 : SpecimenID
VIEWERLIB: Not stored
Property methods: ExternalIdDisplayToLogical(), ExternalIdGet(), ExternalIdIsValid(), ExternalIdLogicalToDisplay(), ExternalIdLogicalToOdbc(), ExternalIdNormalize(), ExternalIdSet()
property FromTime as HS.SDA3.TimeStamp;
Start of the time range over which the sample was collected, as opposed to
the time the sample collection device was recovered. A minimum of year,
month, and day should be provided when the actual date/time is known.

OBR-7.1 and SPM-17.1 represent the same value and therefore should contain
the same value if both are present, however HealthShare does not enforce
this. OBR-7.1 is parsed to Order.SpecimenCollectedTime. For OBXs reporting
observations based on this specimen, OBX-14 should contain the same value
as SPM-17.1, but again, this is not enforced. (Field 14 is not parsed from
OBXs following the SPM.)

HL7: SPM-17.1 : SpecimenCollectionDateTime.RangeStartDateTime
VIEWERLIB: Not stored
Property methods: FromTimeDisplayToLogical(), FromTimeGet(), FromTimeIsValid(), FromTimeLogicalToDisplay(), FromTimeLogicalToTimeStamp(), FromTimeLogicalToXSD(), FromTimeNormalize(), FromTimeOdbcToLogical(), FromTimeSet(), FromTimeXSDToLogical()
Specimen Quality

HL7: SPM-22 : SpecimenQuality
VIEWERLIB: Not stored

HL7: SPM-22.1 : SpecimenQuality.Identifier
HL7: SPM-22.2 : SpecimenQuality.Text
HL7: SPM-22.3 : SpecimenQuality.NameofCodingSysten
HL7: SPM-22.7 : SpecimenQuality.CodingSystemVersionID
If subfield 4 or 5 is not null, then subfields 4, 5, 6, and 8 will be
parsed into the Code, Description, CodeSystem, and CodeSystemVersionId,
respectively, of a PriorCode in the list of PriorCodes.
HL7: SPM-22.4 : SpecimenQuality.AlternateIdentifier
HL7: SPM-22.5 : SpecimenQuality.AlternateText
HL7: SPM-22.6 : SpecimenQuality.NameofAlternateCodingSystem
HL7: SPM-22.8 : SpecimenQuality.AlternateCodingSystemVersionID
HL7: SPM-22.9 : SpecimenQuality.OriginalText
Property methods: QualityGet(), QualityGetObject(), QualityGetObjectId(), QualityGetSwizzled(), QualityIsEmpty(), QualityIsValid(), QualityNewObject(), QualitySet(), QualitySetObject(), QualitySetObjectId(), QualityUnSwizzle()
property RejectReasons as list of HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.SpecimenRejectReason;
Specimen Reject Reason

SPM-21 is a repeating field. Each instance will be parsed as a
SpecimenRejectReason in the list.

HL7: SPM-21 : SpecimenRejectReason
VIEWERLIB: Not stored

HL7: SPM-21.1 : SpecimenRejectReason.Identifier
HL7: SPM-21.2 : SpecimenRejectReason.Text
HL7: SPM-21.3 : SpecimenRejectReason.NameofCodingSysten
HL7: SPM-21.7 : SpecimenRejectReason.CodingSystemVersionID
If subfield 4 or 5 is not null, then subfields 4, 5, 6, and 8 will be
parsed into the Code, Description, CodeSystem, and CodeSystemVersionId,
respectively, of a PriorCode in the list of PriorCodes.
HL7: SPM-21.4 : SpecimenRejectReason.AlternateIdentifier
HL7: SPM-21.5 : SpecimenRejectReason.AlternateText
HL7: SPM-21.6 : SpecimenRejectReason.NameofAlternateCodingSystem
HL7: SPM-21.8 : SpecimenRejectReason.AlternateCodingSystemVersionID
HL7: SPM-21.9 : SpecimenRejectReason.OriginalText
Property methods: RejectReasonsBuildValueArray(), RejectReasonsCollectionToDisplay(), RejectReasonsCollectionToOdbc(), RejectReasonsDisplayToCollection(), RejectReasonsGet(), RejectReasonsGetObject(), RejectReasonsGetObjectId(), RejectReasonsGetSwizzled(), RejectReasonsIsValid(), RejectReasonsOdbcToCollection(), RejectReasonsSet(), RejectReasonsSetObject(), RejectReasonsSetObjectId()
property SpecimenAdditives as list of HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.SpecimenAdditive;
Specimen Additives

SPM-6 is a repeating field. Each instance will be parsed as a
SpecimenAdditive in the list.

HL7: SPM-6 : SpecimenAdditives
VIEWERLIB: Not stored

HL7: SPM-6.1 : SpecimenAdditives.Identifier
HL7: SPM-6.2 : SpecimenAdditives.Text
HL7: SPM-6.3 : SpecimenAdditives.NameofCodingSysten
HL7: SPM-6.7 : SpecimenAdditives.CodingSystemVersionID
If subfield 4 or 5 is not null, then subfields 4, 5, 6, and 8 will be
parsed into the Code, Description, CodeSystem, and CodeSystemVersionId,
respectively, of a PriorCode in the list of PriorCodes.
HL7: SPM-6.4 : SpecimenAdditives.AlternateIdentifier
HL7: SPM-6.5 : SpecimenAdditives.AlternateText
HL7: SPM-6.6 : SpecimenAdditives.NameofAlternateCodingSystem
HL7: SPM-6.8 : SpecimenAdditives.AlternateCodingSystemVersionID
Property methods: SpecimenAdditivesBuildValueArray(), SpecimenAdditivesCollectionToDisplay(), SpecimenAdditivesCollectionToOdbc(), SpecimenAdditivesDisplayToCollection(), SpecimenAdditivesGet(), SpecimenAdditivesGetObject(), SpecimenAdditivesGetObjectId(), SpecimenAdditivesGetSwizzled(), SpecimenAdditivesIsValid(), SpecimenAdditivesOdbcToCollection(), SpecimenAdditivesSet(), SpecimenAdditivesSetObject(), SpecimenAdditivesSetObjectId()
property SpecimenRoles as list of HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.SpecimenRole;
Specimen Role
SPM-11 is a repeating field. Each instance will be parsed as a
SpecimenRole in the list.

HL7: SPM-11 : SpecimenRole
VIEWERLIB: Not stored

HL7: SPM-11.1 : SpecimenRole.Identifier
HL7: SPM-11.2 : SpecimenRole.Text
HL7: SPM-11.3 : SpecimenRole.NameofCodingSysten
HL7: SPM-11.7 : SpecimenRole.CodingSystemVersionID
If subfield 4 or 5 is not null, then subfields 4, 5, 6, and 8 will be
parsed into the Code, Description, CodeSystem, and CodeSystemVersionId,
respectively, of a PriorCode in the list of PriorCodes.
HL7: SPM-11.4 : SpecimenRole.AlternateIdentifier
HL7: SPM-11.5 : SpecimenRole.AlternateText
HL7: SPM-11.6 : SpecimenRole.NameofAlternateCodingSystem
HL7: SPM-11.8 : SpecimenRole.AlternateCodingSystemVersionID
Property methods: SpecimenRolesBuildValueArray(), SpecimenRolesCollectionToDisplay(), SpecimenRolesCollectionToOdbc(), SpecimenRolesDisplayToCollection(), SpecimenRolesGet(), SpecimenRolesGetObject(), SpecimenRolesGetObjectId(), SpecimenRolesGetSwizzled(), SpecimenRolesIsValid(), SpecimenRolesOdbcToCollection(), SpecimenRolesSet(), SpecimenRolesSetObject(), SpecimenRolesSetObjectId()
property SpecimenSourceSite as HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.SpecimenSourceSite;
Specimen Source Site

HL7: SPM-8 : SpecimenSourceSite
VIEWERLIB: Not stored

HL7: SPM-8.1 : SpecimenSourceSite.Identifier
HL7: SPM-8.2 : SpecimenSourceSite.Text
HL7: SPM-8.3 : SpecimenSourceSite.NameofCodingSysten
HL7: SPM-8.7 : SpecimenSourceSite.CodingSystemVersionID
If subfield 4 or 5 is not null, then subfields 4, 5, 6, and 8 will be
parsed into the Code, Description, CodeSystem, and CodeSystemVersionId,
respectively, of a PriorCode in the list of PriorCodes.
HL7: SPM-8.4 : SpecimenCollectionMethod.AlternateIdentifier
HL7: SPM-8.5 : SpecimenCollectionMethod.AlternateText
HL7: SPM-8.6 : SpecimenCollectionMethod.NameofAlternateCodingSystem
HL7: SPM-8.8 : SpecimenCollectionMethod.AlternateCodingSystemVersionID
Property methods: SpecimenSourceSiteGet(), SpecimenSourceSiteGetObject(), SpecimenSourceSiteGetObjectId(), SpecimenSourceSiteGetSwizzled(), SpecimenSourceSiteIsEmpty(), SpecimenSourceSiteIsValid(), SpecimenSourceSiteNewObject(), SpecimenSourceSiteSet(), SpecimenSourceSiteSetObject(), SpecimenSourceSiteSetObjectId(), SpecimenSourceSiteUnSwizzle()
property SpecimenSourceSiteModifiers as list of HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.SpecimenSourceSiteModifier;
Specimen Source Site Modifier

SPM-9 is a repeating field. Each instance will be parsed as a
SpecimenSourceSiteModifier in the list.

HL7: SPM-9 : SpecimenSourceSiteModifier
VIEWERLIB: Not stored

HL7: SPM-9.1 : SpecimenSourceSiteModifier.Identifier
HL7: SPM-9.2 : SpecimenSourceSiteModifier.Text
HL7: SPM-9.3 : SpecimenSourceSiteModifier.NameofCodingSysten
HL7: SPM-9.7 : SpecimenSourceSiteModifier.CodingSystemVersionID
If subfield 4 or 5 is not null, then subfields 4, 5, 6, and 8 will be
parsed into the Code, Description, CodeSystem, and CodeSystemVersionId,
respectively, of a PriorCode in the list of PriorCodes.
HL7: SPM-9.4 : SpecimenSourceSiteModifier.AlternateIdentifier
HL7: SPM-9.5 : SpecimenSourceSiteModifier.AlternateText
HL7: SPM-9.6 : SpecimenSourceSiteModifier.NameofAlternateCodingSystem
HL7: SPM-9.8 : SpecimenSourceSiteModifier.AlternateCodingSystemVersionID
Property methods: SpecimenSourceSiteModifiersBuildValueArray(), SpecimenSourceSiteModifiersCollectionToDisplay(), SpecimenSourceSiteModifiersCollectionToOdbc(), SpecimenSourceSiteModifiersDisplayToCollection(), SpecimenSourceSiteModifiersGet(), SpecimenSourceSiteModifiersGetObject(), SpecimenSourceSiteModifiersGetObjectId(), SpecimenSourceSiteModifiersGetSwizzled(), SpecimenSourceSiteModifiersIsValid(), SpecimenSourceSiteModifiersOdbcToCollection(), SpecimenSourceSiteModifiersSet(), SpecimenSourceSiteModifiersSetObject(), SpecimenSourceSiteModifiersSetObjectId()
property SpecimenType as HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.SpecimenType;
Specimen Type

HL7: SPM-4 : SpecimenType
VIEWERLIB: Not stored

HL7: SPM-4.1 : SpecimenType.Identifier
HL7: SPM-4.2 : SpecimenType.Text
HL7: SPM-4.3 : SpecimenType.NameofCodingSysten
HL7: SPM-4.7 : SpecimenType.CodingSystemVersionID
If subfield 4 or 5 is not null, then subfields 4, 5, 6, and 8 will be
parsed into the Code, Description, CodeSystem, and CodeSystemVersionId,
respectively, of a PriorCode in the list of PriorCodes.
HL7: SPM-4.4 : SpecimenType.AlternateIdentifier
HL7: SPM-4.5 : SpecimenType.AlternateText
HL7: SPM-4.6 : SpecimenType.NameofAlternateCodingSystem
HL7: SPM-4.8 : SpecimenType.AlternateCodingSystemVersionID
Property methods: SpecimenTypeGet(), SpecimenTypeGetObject(), SpecimenTypeGetObjectId(), SpecimenTypeGetSwizzled(), SpecimenTypeIsEmpty(), SpecimenTypeIsValid(), SpecimenTypeNewObject(), SpecimenTypeSet(), SpecimenTypeSetObject(), SpecimenTypeSetObjectId(), SpecimenTypeUnSwizzle()
property SpecimenTypeModifiers as list of HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.SpecimenTypeModifier;
Specimen Type Modifiers

SPM-5 is a repeating field. Each instance will be parsed as a
SpecimenTypeModifier in the list.

HL7: SPM-5 : SpecimenTypeModifier
VIEWERLIB: Not stored

HL7: SPM-5.1 : SpecimenTypeModifier.Identifier
HL7: SPM-5.2 : SpecimenTypeModifier.Text
HL7: SPM-5.3 : SpecimenTypeModifier.NameofCodingSysten
HL7: SPM-5.7 : SpecimenTypeModifier.CodingSystemVersionID
If subfield 4 or 5 is not null, then subfields 4, 5, 6, and 8 will be
parsed into the Code, Description, CodeSystem, and CodeSystemVersionId,
respectively, of a PriorCode in the list of PriorCodes.
HL7: SPM-5.4 : SpecimenTypeModifier.AlternateIdentifier
HL7: SPM-5.5 : SpecimenTypeModifier.AlternateText
HL7: SPM-5.6 : SpecimenTypeModifier.NameofAlternateCodingSystem
HL7: SPM-5.8 : SpecimenTypeModifier.AlternateCodingSystemVersionID
Property methods: SpecimenTypeModifiersBuildValueArray(), SpecimenTypeModifiersCollectionToDisplay(), SpecimenTypeModifiersCollectionToOdbc(), SpecimenTypeModifiersDisplayToCollection(), SpecimenTypeModifiersGet(), SpecimenTypeModifiersGetObject(), SpecimenTypeModifiersGetObjectId(), SpecimenTypeModifiersGetSwizzled(), SpecimenTypeModifiersIsValid(), SpecimenTypeModifiersOdbcToCollection(), SpecimenTypeModifiersSet(), SpecimenTypeModifiersSetObject(), SpecimenTypeModifiersSetObjectId()
property ToTime as HS.SDA3.TimeStamp;
End of the time range over which the sample was collected

OBR-8.1 and SPM-17.2 represent the same value and therefore should contain
the same value if both are present, however HealthShare does not enforce
this. Currently OBR-8 is not parsed to the SDA.

HL7: SPM-17.2 : SpecimenCollectionDateTime.RangeEndDateTime
VIEWERLIB: Not stored
Property methods: ToTimeDisplayToLogical(), ToTimeGet(), ToTimeIsValid(), ToTimeLogicalToDisplay(), ToTimeLogicalToTimeStamp(), ToTimeLogicalToXSD(), ToTimeNormalize(), ToTimeOdbcToLogical(), ToTimeSet(), ToTimeXSDToLogical()

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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