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class HS.UI.Custom.listBox extends %ZEN.Component.listBox

Works around the ZEN listbox not generating events Add other events as needed, or deprecate when Prodlog 72543 is addressed

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter NAMESPACE =;
The XML namespace for this component.
If true, then the include files generated for this component, are placed in the common /csp/broker directory and not the local /csp/*namespace* directory.
This is intended for use with packages that are mapped so as to be visible to every namespace.
All Zen classes within the same package must have the same value for this parameter. It is the developer's responsibility to ensure this.


property vtScroll as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
If true, allow this component to display vertical scroll bars
Property methods: vtScrollDisplayToLogical(), vtScrollGet(), vtScrollIsValid(), vtScrollLogicalToDisplay(), vtScrollLogicalToOdbc(), vtScrollLogicalToXSD(), vtScrollNormalize(), vtScrollSet(), vtScrollXSDToLogical()


method %DrawHTML()
Draw HTML for this listBox. Note that the actual value is placed in a hidden control. CUSTOM -- Can suppress the vertical scroll bar
clientmethod clickItem(idx) [ Language = javascript ]
User has clicked an item in the list box. CUSTOM -- invoke callback
clientmethod lbKeyBlur() [ Language = javascript ]
Focus taken from the invisible edit control. CUSTOM -- invoke callback
clientmethod lbKeyDownHandler(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
Process keydown event within the invisible edit control. CUSTOM -- invoke callback
clientmethod lbKeyFocus() [ Language = javascript ]
Focus passed to the invisible edit control. CUSTOM -- invoke callback
clientmethod lbKeyPressHandler(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
Process keypress event within the invisible edit control. CUSTOM -- invoke callback

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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