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class HS.UI.Custom.textList extends %ZEN.Component.composite

Enter text with an associated list box to show selections from the database that match the entry in the text box Possible values are stored in a hidden data listbox Optionally allows multiple selections in the text box.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = HS;
parameter NAMESPACE =;
The XML namespace for this component.
If true, then the include files generated for this component, are placed in the common /csp/broker directory and not the local /csp/*namespace* directory.
This is intended for use with packages that are mapped so as to be visible to every namespace.
All Zen classes within the same package must have the same value for this parameter. It is the developer's responsibility to ensure this.


property allowMultiple as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Whether multiple entries are allowed
Property methods: allowMultipleDisplayToLogical(), allowMultipleGet(), allowMultipleIsValid(), allowMultipleLogicalToDisplay(), allowMultipleLogicalToOdbc(), allowMultipleLogicalToXSD(), allowMultipleNormalize(), allowMultipleSet(), allowMultipleXSDToLogical()
property display as %ZEN.Datatype.list;
List of display values selected
Property methods: displayDisplayToLogical(), displayGet(), displayIsValid(), displayLogicalToDisplay(), displayLogicalToOdbc(), displayNormalize(), displaySet()
property endString as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Optional sting to mark the end of the portion of the selection to display
Property methods: endStringDisplayToLogical(), endStringGet(), endStringIsValid(), endStringLogicalToDisplay(), endStringLogicalToOdbc(), endStringNormalize(), endStringSet()
property entity as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = "entry" ];
The type of entity we're looking up
Property methods: entityDisplayToLogical(), entityGet(), entityIsValid(), entityLogicalToDisplay(), entityLogicalToOdbc(), entityNormalize(), entitySet()
property inListBox as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Internal indicator to let the onblur method knows not to hide the listbox when focus is in it
Property methods: inListBoxDisplayToLogical(), inListBoxGet(), inListBoxIsValid(), inListBoxLogicalToDisplay(), inListBoxLogicalToOdbc(), inListBoxLogicalToXSD(), inListBoxNormalize(), inListBoxSet(), inListBoxXSDToLogical()
property listHeight as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 400 ];
Height of the listbox that shows the possible choices
Property methods: listHeightDisplayToLogical(), listHeightGet(), listHeightIsValid(), listHeightLogicalToDisplay(), listHeightLogicalToOdbc(), listHeightNormalize(), listHeightSet()
property listWidth as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 310 ];
Width of the listbox that shows the possible choices
Property methods: listWidthDisplayToLogical(), listWidthGet(), listWidthIsValid(), listWidthLogicalToDisplay(), listWidthLogicalToOdbc(), listWidthNormalize(), listWidthSet()
property msgInvalidEntry as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("is invalid. Please delete and re-select.") ];
Property methods: msgInvalidEntryDisplayToLogical(), msgInvalidEntryGet(), msgInvalidEntryIsValid(), msgInvalidEntryLogicalToDisplay(), msgInvalidEntryLogicalToOdbc(), msgInvalidEntryNormalize(), msgInvalidEntrySet()
property msgMultipleNotAllowed as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Multiple entries are not allowed here.") ];
Property methods: msgMultipleNotAllowedDisplayToLogical(), msgMultipleNotAllowedGet(), msgMultipleNotAllowedIsValid(), msgMultipleNotAllowedLogicalToDisplay(), msgMultipleNotAllowedLogicalToOdbc(), msgMultipleNotAllowedNormalize(), msgMultipleNotAllowedSet()
property onSelect as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
Method to call in the parent window when an entry is selected
Property methods: onSelectDisplayToLogical(), onSelectGet(), onSelectIsValid(), onSelectLogicalToDisplay(), onSelectLogicalToOdbc(), onSelectNormalize(), onSelectSet()
property queryClass as %ZEN.Datatype.className;
Name of the class containing the class query that will be used to create a %ResultSet object.
Property methods: queryClassDisplayToLogical(), queryClassGet(), queryClassIsValid(), queryClassLogicalToDisplay(), queryClassLogicalToOdbc(), queryClassNormalize(), queryClassSet()
property queryName as %ZEN.Datatype.classMember (MEMBERTYPE = "QUERY");
Name of the class query that will be used to create a %ResultSet object.
Property methods: queryNameDisplayToLogical(), queryNameGet(), queryNameIsValid(), queryNameLogicalToDisplay(), queryNameLogicalToOdbc(), queryNameNormalize(), queryNameSet()
property sql as %ZEN.Datatype.sql;
SQL statement that, if present, will be used to create a %ResultSet object.
If defined, this takes precedence over queryClass and queryName.
Property methods: sqlDisplayToLogical(), sqlGet(), sqlIsValid(), sqlLogicalToDisplay(), sqlLogicalToOdbc(), sqlNormalize(), sqlSet()
property value as %ZEN.Datatype.list;
The list of logical values selected
Property methods: valueDisplayToLogical(), valueGet(), valueIsValid(), valueLogicalToDisplay(), valueLogicalToOdbc(), valueNormalize(), valueSet()
property vtScroll as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, allow this component to display vertical scroll bars
Property methods: vtScrollDisplayToLogical(), vtScrollGet(), vtScrollIsValid(), vtScrollLogicalToDisplay(), vtScrollLogicalToOdbc(), vtScrollLogicalToXSD(), vtScrollNormalize(), vtScrollSet(), vtScrollXSDToLogical()


method %DrawHTML()
Inherited description: Static HTML display method: draw the BODY of this component as HTML.
Subclasses implement this in order to render the static HTML contents of a component.
method %GetDisplayValue(pValue As %String) as %String
Get the display value from the internal value stored in the hidden data listbox
method %SetValue(pLogical As %String, pDisplay As %String = "")
Set the value of the control (used when multiples are not allowed)
clientmethod addValue(logical, display, delay) [ Language = javascript ]
Add to or replace the current selection
clientmethod displayText(display) [ Language = javascript ]
Show revised text
clientmethod focus() [ Language = javascript ]
Set focus to the text control
clientmethod focusList() [ Language = javascript ]
Put focus in the list if it's visible
clientmethod format(text) [ Language = javascript ]
Format the display by stripping leading/trailing spaces and converting to uppercase
clientmethod getDisplayValue(value) [ Language = javascript ]
Returns the display value given the internal value (without going to the server)
clientmethod getInListBox(flag) [ Language = javascript ]
Return the flag indicating whether focus is in the list box
clientmethod getValue() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the list of internal values selected
clientmethod hideList(defer) [ Language = javascript ]
Force hide of the list of possibilities
clientmethod listGotFocus() [ Language = javascript ]
Select the first entry if not already in the list (i.e. used tab, not down-arrow to get in)
clientmethod listKeyHandler(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
Process keys entered in the list box
clientmethod match(text, prior, show) [ Language = javascript ]
Match entered text against the list of possiblities
clientmethod refreshList(sync) [ Language = javascript ]
Refresh the list of all entries
clientmethod refreshSelection() [ Language = javascript ]
Refresh prior entries in case they changed
clientmethod select() [ Language = javascript ]
Select an entry from the list
clientmethod setInListBox(flag) [ Language = javascript ]
Set a flag indicating whether focus is in the list box
clientmethod textKeyHandler(textCtrl) [ Language = javascript ]
Process a key entered in the text box
clientmethod tlSelect(current, value) [ Language = javascript ]
Invoke other actions in the parent window
clientmethod trim(text) [ Language = javascript ]
Format the display by stripping leading/trailing spaces
clientmethod truncate(text) [ Language = javascript ]
Optionally truncate the value selected from the dropdown for display in the textbox
clientmethod validate() [ Language = javascript ]
Validate that selected entries have not been manually editted.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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