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abstract class %ZHSLIB.PackageManager.Developer.Lifecycle.Abstract extends %Library.RegisteredObject


Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter PHASES;
$ListBuild list of phases in this lifecycle.
For each phase name, an instance method named "%" must be defined in the class with a return type of %Status.


property PhaseList as %List;
Property methods: PhaseListGet(), PhaseListIsValid(), PhaseListLogicalToOdbc(), PhaseListOdbcToLogical(), PhaseListSet()


method %DispatchMethod(pMethod As %String, ByRef pParams, Args...)
Inherited description: Is used to implement an unknown method call. It is also used to resolve an unknown multidimensional property reference (to get the value of a property) because that syntax is identical to a method call.
classmethod GetCompletePhases(pOnePhase As %List) as %List
This method defines what a complete phase means for a given list of phases
classmethod GetDefaultParameters(ByRef pParams, pPhases As %List)
Merges default parameters into pParams For now, just looks at ^SYS("PackageManager","DefaultParameters")
classmethod GetDefaultResourceProcessor(pResourceName As %String) as %Dictionary.Classname
Returns the default resource processor class to use for a given resource name.
classmethod GetDefaultResourceProcessorProc(pLifecycleClass As %Dictionary.Classname, pResourceName As %String) as %String [ SQLProc = GET_DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PROCESSOR ]
Projected as the stored procedure: GET_DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PROCESSOR
method OnAfterPhase(pPhase As %String, ByRef pParams) as %Status
method OnAfterResourceProcessing(pPhase As %String, ByRef pParams) as %Status
This method can be overrided to include any action that needs to be executed after the process of module's lifecycle, and also after notifying resource processors
method OnBeforePhase(pPhase As %String, ByRef pParams) as %Status
method OnBeforeResourceProcessing(pPhase As %String, ByRef pParams) as %Status
This method can be overrided to include any action that needs to be executed before the process of module's lifecycle, and also before notifying resource processors

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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