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serial class HS.SDA3.AdjudicationDetail extends HS.SDA3.DataType

Property Inventory


property Amount as HS.SDA3.Numeric;
Monetary amount.
Property methods: AmountDisplayToLogical(), AmountGet(), AmountIsValid(), AmountLogicalToDisplay(), AmountNormalize(), AmountSet(), AmountXSDToLogical()
A code to indicate the information type of this adjudication record. Information types may include: the value submitted, maximum values or percentages allowed or payable under the plan, amounts that the patient is responsible for in-aggregate or pertaining to this item, amounts paid by other coverages, and the benefit payable for this item. To conform to FHIR implementation guides (such as CARIN Blue Button), refer to the Implementation Guide for the required value set for the category element.
Property methods: CategoryGet(), CategoryGetObject(), CategoryGetObjectId(), CategoryGetSwizzled(), CategoryIsEmpty(), CategoryIsValid(), CategoryNewObject(), CategorySet(), CategorySetObject(), CategorySetObjectId(), CategoryUnSwizzle()
property Currency as HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.Currency;
The currency associated with the monetary amount.
Property methods: CurrencyGet(), CurrencyGetObject(), CurrencyGetObjectId(), CurrencyGetSwizzled(), CurrencyIsEmpty(), CurrencyIsValid(), CurrencyNewObject(), CurrencySet(), CurrencySetObject(), CurrencySetObjectId(), CurrencyUnSwizzle()
Property methods: ExtensionGet(), ExtensionGetObject(), ExtensionGetObjectId(), ExtensionGetSwizzled(), ExtensionIsEmpty(), ExtensionIsValid(), ExtensionNewObject(), ExtensionSet(), ExtensionSetObject(), ExtensionSetObjectId(), ExtensionUnSwizzle()
property Reason as HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.EOBReason;
Explanation of adjudication outcome.
Property methods: ReasonGet(), ReasonGetObject(), ReasonGetObjectId(), ReasonGetSwizzled(), ReasonIsEmpty(), ReasonIsValid(), ReasonNewObject(), ReasonSet(), ReasonSetObject(), ReasonSetObjectId(), ReasonUnSwizzle()
property Value as HS.SDA3.Numeric;
Non-monetary value.
Property methods: ValueDisplayToLogical(), ValueGet(), ValueIsValid(), ValueLogicalToDisplay(), ValueNormalize(), ValueSet(), ValueXSDToLogical()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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