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serial class HS.SDA3.MessageHeader extends HS.SDA3.SuperClass

Property Inventory


property DateTime as HS.SDA3.TimeStamp;
The date and time of the message. HL7ToSDA3:
MSH-7.1 will be parsed as the effective datetime.

HL7: MSH-7.1 : Date/Time Of Message
Property methods: DateTimeDisplayToLogical(), DateTimeGet(), DateTimeIsValid(), DateTimeLogicalToDisplay(), DateTimeLogicalToTimeStamp(), DateTimeLogicalToXSD(), DateTimeNormalize(), DateTimeOdbcToLogical(), DateTimeSet(), DateTimeXSDToLogical()
property DestinationSystems as list of HS.SDA3.System;
Information regarding the systems receiving the message HL7ToSDA3:
MSH-5.1 will be parsed as the system name, MSH-5.2 will be parsed as the system code,
MSH-5.3 will be parsed as the SDACodingStandard.

HL7: MSH-5 : Receiving Application
Property methods: DestinationSystemsBuildValueArray(), DestinationSystemsCollectionToDisplay(), DestinationSystemsCollectionToOdbc(), DestinationSystemsDisplayToCollection(), DestinationSystemsGet(), DestinationSystemsGetObject(), DestinationSystemsGetObjectId(), DestinationSystemsGetSwizzled(), DestinationSystemsIsValid(), DestinationSystemsOdbcToCollection(), DestinationSystemsSet(), DestinationSystemsSetObject(), DestinationSystemsSetObjectId()
The event this message represents HL7ToSDA3:
MSH-9.2 will be parsed as the EventType Code. HL7ToSDA3 does not set the
Description. SDACodingStandard will be set to ""

HL7: MSH-9.2 : TriggerEvent
Property methods: EventTypeGet(), EventTypeGetObject(), EventTypeGetObjectId(), EventTypeGetSwizzled(), EventTypeIsEmpty(), EventTypeIsValid(), EventTypeNewObject(), EventTypeSet(), EventTypeSetObject(), EventTypeSetObjectId(), EventTypeUnSwizzle()
property Extension as HS.Local.SDA3.MessageHeaderExtension;
Property methods: ExtensionGet(), ExtensionGetObject(), ExtensionGetObjectId(), ExtensionGetSwizzled(), ExtensionIsEmpty(), ExtensionIsValid(), ExtensionNewObject(), ExtensionSet(), ExtensionSetObject(), ExtensionSetObjectId(), ExtensionUnSwizzle()
The cause of the event HL7ToSDA3:
EVN-4.1 will be parsed as the code, EVN-4.2 will be parsed as the description,
EVN-4.3 will be parsed as the SDACodingStandard.

HL7: EVN-4 : Event Reason Code
Property methods: ReasonGet(), ReasonGetObject(), ReasonGetObjectId(), ReasonGetSwizzled(), ReasonIsEmpty(), ReasonIsValid(), ReasonNewObject(), ReasonSet(), ReasonSetObject(), ReasonSetObjectId(), ReasonUnSwizzle()
property SendingSystem as HS.SDA3.System;
Information regarding the system sending the message HL7ToSDA3:
MSH-3.1 will be parsed as the system name, MSH-3.2 will be parsed as the system code,
MSH-3.3 will be parsed as the SDACodingStandard.

HL7: MSH-3 : Sending Application
Property methods: SendingSystemGet(), SendingSystemGetObject(), SendingSystemGetObjectId(), SendingSystemGetSwizzled(), SendingSystemIsEmpty(), SendingSystemIsValid(), SendingSystemNewObject(), SendingSystemSet(), SendingSystemSetObject(), SendingSystemSetObjectId(), SendingSystemUnSwizzle()

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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