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class %SYS.Task.DiagnosticReport extends %SYS.Task.Definition, %XML.Adaptor

Task provided by the WRC to automate the collection of reports, and to automate them being sent to the WRC for achival and configuration history

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter TaskName = DiagnosticReport;
Inherited description: This defines the user-visible name of this task. It is defined in the subclasses.
parameter XMLNAME = ProfilerData;
Inherited description: This parameter provides the default XMLNAME for the class. If it is empty then the class name will be used to construct a default XML name. The default XMLNAME is used as the top level tag when exporting objects and the export context did not provide an XML container name.


property AdvancedReport as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
flag to indicate if this should be Advanced Report; default is to collect a Basic report
Property methods: AdvancedReportDisplayToLogical(), AdvancedReportGet(), AdvancedReportIsValid(), AdvancedReportLogicalToDisplay(), AdvancedReportLogicalToXSD(), AdvancedReportNormalize(), AdvancedReportSet(), AdvancedReportXSDToLogical()
property ArchiveDirectory as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
if this field is filled, then the files are left in the local Archive
Property methods: ArchiveDirectoryDisplayToLogical(), ArchiveDirectoryGet(), ArchiveDirectoryLogicalToDisplay(), ArchiveDirectoryLogicalToOdbc(), ArchiveDirectoryNormalize(), ArchiveDirectorySet()
property EmailCC as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
used to populate the "From:" field in the email generated to send the Diagnostic Report
Property methods: EmailCCDisplayToLogical(), EmailCCGet(), EmailCCIsValid(), EmailCCLogicalToDisplay(), EmailCCLogicalToOdbc(), EmailCCNormalize(), EmailCCSet()
property EmailFrom as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ InitialExpression = "" ];
used to populate the "From:" field in the email generated to send the Diagnostic Report
Property methods: EmailFromDisplayToLogical(), EmailFromGet(), EmailFromIsValid(), EmailFromLogicalToDisplay(), EmailFromLogicalToOdbc(), EmailFromNormalize(), EmailFromSet()
property EmailReplyTo as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
used to populate the "Reply-To:" field in the email generated to send the Diagnostic Report
Property methods: EmailReplyToDisplayToLogical(), EmailReplyToGet(), EmailReplyToIsValid(), EmailReplyToLogicalToDisplay(), EmailReplyToLogicalToOdbc(), EmailReplyToNormalize(), EmailReplyToSet()
property SMTPPass as %SYS.Task.Password (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
password of SMTP Authenitcated User
Property methods: SMTPPassDisplayToLogical(), SMTPPassGet(), SMTPPassIsValid(), SMTPPassLogicalToDisplay(), SMTPPassLogicalToOdbc(), SMTPPassNormalize(), SMTPPassSet()
property SMTPPort as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ InitialExpression = 25 ];
port for SNMTP server
Property methods: SMTPPortDisplayToLogical(), SMTPPortGet(), SMTPPortIsValid(), SMTPPortLogicalToDisplay(), SMTPPortLogicalToOdbc(), SMTPPortNormalize(), SMTPPortSet()
property SMTPServer as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
name of SMTP server to use for sending Diagnostic Report; if this is blank, the Diagnostic Report will not be sent to InterSystems
Property methods: SMTPServerDisplayToLogical(), SMTPServerGet(), SMTPServerIsValid(), SMTPServerLogicalToDisplay(), SMTPServerLogicalToOdbc(), SMTPServerNormalize(), SMTPServerSet()
property SMTPUser as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
name of SMTP Authenticated User
Property methods: SMTPUserDisplayToLogical(), SMTPUserGet(), SMTPUserIsValid(), SMTPUserLogicalToDisplay(), SMTPUserLogicalToOdbc(), SMTPUserNormalize(), SMTPUserSet()
property WRCHealthCheckEnabled as %Boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
flag to indicate if Diagnostic Report should be emailed to the WRC when collected and not associated with a WRC issue#
Property methods: WRCHealthCheckEnabledDisplayToLogical(), WRCHealthCheckEnabledGet(), WRCHealthCheckEnabledIsValid(), WRCHealthCheckEnabledLogicalToDisplay(), WRCHealthCheckEnabledLogicalToXSD(), WRCHealthCheckEnabledNormalize(), WRCHealthCheckEnabledSet(), WRCHealthCheckEnabledXSDToLogical()
property WRCIssueNumber as %Integer (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
WRC Issue Number to be included in subject; NOTE: This is cleared after a Diagnostic Report is sent with this in the Subject line, and needs to be reinitilized through the System Management Portal
Property methods: WRCIssueNumberDisplayToLogical(), WRCIssueNumberGet(), WRCIssueNumberIsValid(), WRCIssueNumberLogicalToDisplay(), WRCIssueNumberNormalize(), WRCIssueNumberSet(), WRCIssueNumberXSDToLogical()
property zInfoAdhocNotListedInZV as %String (XMLNAME = "AdhocNotListedInZV");
if there are any Adhocs applies as changed files only, which didn't update the $ZV string, they should be listed here
Property methods: zInfoAdhocNotListedInZVDisplayToLogical(), zInfoAdhocNotListedInZVGet(), zInfoAdhocNotListedInZVIsValid(), zInfoAdhocNotListedInZVLogicalToDisplay(), zInfoAdhocNotListedInZVLogicalToOdbc(), zInfoAdhocNotListedInZVNormalize(), zInfoAdhocNotListedInZVSet()
property zInfoBackupType as %String (XMLNAME = "BackupType");
manual field indicating the types of backups used on this InterSystems IRIS instance
Property methods: zInfoBackupTypeDisplayToLogical(), zInfoBackupTypeGet(), zInfoBackupTypeIsValid(), zInfoBackupTypeLogicalToDisplay(), zInfoBackupTypeLogicalToOdbc(), zInfoBackupTypeNormalize(), zInfoBackupTypeSet()
property zInfoCPUDetails as %String (XMLNAME = "CPUDetails");
manual field indicating the type and quantity of CPU(s) used on this system
Property methods: zInfoCPUDetailsDisplayToLogical(), zInfoCPUDetailsGet(), zInfoCPUDetailsIsValid(), zInfoCPUDetailsLogicalToDisplay(), zInfoCPUDetailsLogicalToOdbc(), zInfoCPUDetailsNormalize(), zInfoCPUDetailsSet()
property zInfoHardwareType as %String (MAXLEN = 500, XMLNAME = "HardwareType");
manual field indicating the type of hardware that this system is running on
Property methods: zInfoHardwareTypeDisplayToLogical(), zInfoHardwareTypeGet(), zInfoHardwareTypeIsValid(), zInfoHardwareTypeLogicalToDisplay(), zInfoHardwareTypeLogicalToOdbc(), zInfoHardwareTypeNormalize(), zInfoHardwareTypeSet()
property zInfoPrimaryPurpose as %String (DISPLAYLIST = ",Development,Testing,Quality Assurance,Production,", VALUELIST = ",Dev,Test,QA,Prod,", XMLNAME = "PrimaryPurpose");
manual property indicates what the primary use is for this InterSystems IRIS instance: Development, Testing, QA or Production
Property methods: zInfoPrimaryPurposeDisplayToLogical(), zInfoPrimaryPurposeGet(), zInfoPrimaryPurposeIsValid(), zInfoPrimaryPurposeLogicalToDisplay(), zInfoPrimaryPurposeLogicalToOdbc(), zInfoPrimaryPurposeNormalize(), zInfoPrimaryPurposeSet()
property zInfoTotalPhysicalMemory as %String (XMLNAME = "TotalPhysicalMemory");
total physical memory on the machine
Property methods: zInfoTotalPhysicalMemoryDisplayToLogical(), zInfoTotalPhysicalMemoryGet(), zInfoTotalPhysicalMemoryIsValid(), zInfoTotalPhysicalMemoryLogicalToDisplay(), zInfoTotalPhysicalMemoryLogicalToOdbc(), zInfoTotalPhysicalMemoryNormalize(), zInfoTotalPhysicalMemorySet()
property zzInfoNotesFromCustomer as %String (MAXLEN = 500, XMLNAME = "NotesFromCustomer");
any special notes that the customer wants included with the Diagnostic Report
Property methods: zzInfoNotesFromCustomerDisplayToLogical(), zzInfoNotesFromCustomerGet(), zzInfoNotesFromCustomerIsValid(), zzInfoNotesFromCustomerLogicalToDisplay(), zzInfoNotesFromCustomerLogicalToOdbc(), zzInfoNotesFromCustomerNormalize(), zzInfoNotesFromCustomerSet()


classmethod ArchiveDirectoryIsValid(ArchiveDirectory As %String) as %Status
method OnTask() as %Status
This method is responsible for executing the task At the scheduled time, the Task Manager - creates an instance of this object, - Sets any property values using the stored "Settings" for the task, - and invokes this method to execute the task.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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