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class %SYS.Task.PurgeInteropUsageMetrics extends %SYS.Task.Definition

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter TaskName = Purge Interoperability Usage Metrics;
Inherited description: This defines the user-visible name of this task. It is defined in the subclasses.


property KeepActiveMonths as %Integer (MINVAL = 1) [ InitialExpression = 12 ];
Number of months of active interoperability usage metrics data to keep.
Property methods: KeepActiveMonthsDisplayToLogical(), KeepActiveMonthsGet(), KeepActiveMonthsIsValid(), KeepActiveMonthsLogicalToDisplay(), KeepActiveMonthsNormalize(), KeepActiveMonthsSet()
property KeepConsolidatedMonths as %Integer (MINVAL = 1) [ InitialExpression = 24 ];
Number of months of consolidated interoperability usage metrics data to keep.
Property methods: KeepConsolidatedMonthsDisplayToLogical(), KeepConsolidatedMonthsGet(), KeepConsolidatedMonthsIsValid(), KeepConsolidatedMonthsLogicalToDisplay(), KeepConsolidatedMonthsNormalize(), KeepConsolidatedMonthsSet()


method OnTask() as %Status
This method is responsible for executing the task.
At the scheduled time, the Task Manager creates an instance of this object, sets any property values using the stored "settings" for the task, and then invokes this method to execute the task.
In order to execute a real task, override this method in a subclass.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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